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  1. Like
    Infernoplex got a reaction from Nier in A Sky Full of Stars - +18 Restoration [DROPPED]   
    I wish it was at 90% That's definitely far away from the truth. Only 1/4 heroine H-scenes are translated and when I finish editing, the TL will move on. And I am not planning on giving up, thank you
    Don't worry. I got more help than I expected I would, so all is fine
    IMHHW took a lot of time, and this project will also take a lot of time too. That's why I keep telling people not to bother waiting. But if you want the ultimate experience, yeah, perhaps it'd be worth a wait
  2. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to DrDekker in A Sky Full of Stars - +18 Restoration [DROPPED]   
    Hey, i m really interested in VN's the last time, especially the original 18+ ones.
    I am german and learning japanese at the moment with an internet tool, because i really like the language. I nearly fully understand each english text, but my own english writing is 'not the yellow from the egg' (a german joke poorly translated in english which means, 'it is not really good'). So i leave it to guys like you to translate VN's. I don't have any idea, how i could help, because i have nor experience in translating neither experience in using such tools to translate. I like the idea of a manual translation so i put all my hopes to you guys.

    I, DrDekker, lend you all my possible mental power to you to translate it into a god damn gud manual translated VN with original content *cough* h-scenes and ecchi stuff *cough*.
    Is it right that the progress is still at 90% and now you are having struggle to translate the remaining last lines? Don't give up! Use our sacrified Genkidama-like energy to gain new power and face the problems!
    P.S. I really want to help, but i think this is all i can do, urgh.
    P.P.S. I haven't played the VN yet, because i want your translation to get the full experience. For IMHHW was is the right decision and i think here is it the same!
  3. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to VirginSmasher in Haruka ni Aogi, Uruwashi No Translation Project (Completed)   
    Hello again. It's time for another progress update and I have another major thing to report. Let's get into the updates.
    Prologue - 100% (1791/1791)
    Main School - 100% (2691/2691)
    Tonoko Route -  8% (696/8709)
    Branch School - 10% (572/5846)
    Total - 8% (5750/68206)
    Prologue - 100% (1791/1791)
    Main School - 6% (157/2691)
    Branch School - 3% (187/5846)
    Total - 3% (2135/68206)
    Prologue - 100% (1791/1791)
    Main School - 6% (157/2691)
    Branch School - 4% (257/5846)
    The prologue editing has been fully completed! Only UI work and QC work to do until we can get the prologue patch out to you guys. I'm hoping for the end of August, but I won't know until early August at least.
    We are still looking for a permanent TLC to work on this project. Please PM me if you're interested in working as a TLC for this project.
    That's all for this week. See you guys later.
  4. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to HoplessHiro in MAITETSU 18+ DEMOSAIC STEAM-FAKKU PATCH [COMPLETE]   
    07/27  - Hachiroku's Route COMPLETED!!!!
  5. Haha
    Infernoplex reacted to VirginSmasher in Daitoshokan no Hitsujikai ~Houkago Shippo Days~ Translation Project [Finished]   
    Fandisc TL before the original VN is TLed and released. Omegalul
  6. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to HoplessHiro in MAITETSU 18+ DEMOSAIC STEAM-FAKKU PATCH [COMPLETE]   
    07/26  - Released the patch with the 8th scene included
  7. Haha
    Infernoplex reacted to kokoro in [Key] Summer Pockets   
    It's gonna be trash and you'll love it.
  8. Like
    Infernoplex got a reaction from Nier in Scene removed in Trample on Schatten   
    JAST's response
  9. Like
    Infernoplex got a reaction from ittaku in Summer Pockets English Translation   
    Yup, I couldn't agree more here.
  10. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to ittaku in Summer Pockets English Translation   
    For future reference, unfortunately you're also going about this all wrong. Without a translator your project is doomed. Find a translator that's interested in a VN first before even announcing a project. They're the rarest commodity in these projects and you almost never get people putting their hand up for something you're interested in; it's the other way around - the translator needs to be interested in something and the group should form around them.
  11. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to Zethkieten in A Sky Full of Stars - +18 Restoration [DROPPED]   
    lmao! was just giving you idea of how badly "I've Seen Some Shit"™. But hey! I'm getting back into doing all manner of beta testing stuff again, so i figured i'd offer.
  12. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to HoplessHiro in MAITETSU 18+ DEMOSAIC STEAM-FAKKU PATCH [COMPLETE]   
    The restoration patch fixes the missing content in 18+ fakku version.
    Everything else works how it is meant to be. ... Didn't play chrono clock.

    07/23  - Released the patch with the 5th scene included, and fixes the bug in Hscene 2
  13. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to HoplessHiro in MAITETSU 18+ DEMOSAIC STEAM-FAKKU PATCH [COMPLETE]   
    MAITETSU 18+ 


    Did you mistake the quote "100% DRM free and completely uncut with no scenes removed" as "TOTALLY UNCENSORED!"? Do you hate to see squares in beautiful art? Are you from the golden era (JAST USA, Peach Princess, G-Collections) and expected from an localized eroge to get an fully uncut, uncensored and without mosaics game? ... Then this patch is for you.
    You read it right, the patch does what it says.
    It removes the mosaic in hscenes from the beautiful artwork.

    Original MAITETSU 18+ Fakku edition -> you can buy it at the official page: https://www.fakku.net/games/maitetsu-english -> PLEASE SUPPORT english localization by buying the game ! OR BUY FROM STEAM
    Maitetsu 18+ Release Restoration Patch - FOR STEAM   OR    BANDAID removal PATCH + restoration patch - FOR FAKKU  

    1. [Q]: Is it legit?
    [A]: I can't believe it myself either. But YES! It is real and it does what it says. Try it before reporting or commenting. Thank you.
    2. [Q]: Where are the hscenes? I can't find them in the game?
    [A]: There are no hscenes in the common route, except  provoking pictures which the Maitetsu 18+ Release Restoration Patch restores and the actual hscenes won't trigger by default, but during a heroine route, a message will popup at bottom right side of the screen saying that you gain access to a hscene, then you have to manually open the hscene in the menu. It is a game design, not a bug or glitch, it is how LOSE company makes the games. Rarely you will gain access for hscenes during a route, most hscenes are unlocked AFTER finishing the game with that particular heroine.
    3. [Q]: When does the DLC hscenes show up?
    [A]: After you complete the previous hscenes, the DLC hscenes will eventually show up.
    4. [Q]: STEAM support?
    [A]: At the moment I don't own the STEAM version so I can't test it and I don't know if it works. If someone can help me I will make an steam support patch, but you would still need the FAKKU 18+ DLC patch.
    5. [Q]: Can we see some screenshot/examples of patch?
    [A]: Because of the nature of the game as being an loli game I can't post pictures because of the policy of the forum. But if someone wants to see the results before buying the actual game I can send you 2 example pictures. Just send a PM and I will reply with those 2 example pictures. Examples of non-loli characters are in the gallery section.
    6. [Q] : What was changed in the new Fakku edition? What's the difference between the OLD and NEW download?
    [A]: Jacob from fakku has a good description -> https://www.fakku.net/forums/games/maitetsu-fixes-and-updates .Everything written in the section "what has not changed" WAS already fixed already by heliosaurus by his patch and the same fix is present in the new "BANDAID removal PATCH + restoration patch"
    7. [Q] Why is there a difference in size between Heliosaurus Restoration patch and "BANDAID removal PATCH + restoration patch"
    Both patches work perfectly fine and shouldn't have any problems. You can use Heliosaurus on the OLD and NEW version but the BANDAID patch is only for new FAKKU download ONLY. But... the original restoration patch includes fixes which are already fixed in the new version of  FAKKU's edition and the BANDAID removal patch just removes this fixes from the PATCH to be less in size. The reason why you could still use the original restoration patch on the old and new version of fakku is that technically the patch is in original form a "patch.xp3" which contains mostly PICTURES! Yes, pictures. And it just replaces those pictures from the original data files which are located in "data.xp3" / "emotedx.xp3", and so on. The KiriKiri engine works like that. When FIRST run, it loads first files from, data.xp3, and all the main xp3, and then LOADS patch.xp3, patch2.xp3, patch3.xp3... and so on. That's why we don't need external programs to patch the original data files, and we can put everything in PATCH.XP3, or PATCH2.XP3, and so on. You can  literally replace the whole game with a single PATCH.xp3 file. The restoration patch was made by using resource files from the JAPANESE version and replaces the resource files from the ENGLISH version. So the original restoration patch just OVERWRITES fixes-pictures present in the MAIN game from the NEWEST fakku edition download....
    8.[Q]: That isn't the game we were promised / it is disappointing / don't want to buy the game ....
    [A]: Well, it isn't a question, I just want to express my opinion... I understand that the release a disappointment, and like everyone, even I would wanted a TOTALLY uncut and uncensored version. I hate the CUTS in western releases, but that was going on for decades not just in VN's look in the old days of SNES games with JRPGS. And in east they get the same results with some western games... Thanks to that, we have two types of ppl - one who are complaining and the the other one who are making uncut/undub/uncensored version of games, from snes to psp/psvita and so on. What I mean is that you shouldn't lose energy in complaining on fakku and denpasoft/sekai, yes even sekai. I understand that sekai don't take releases seriously but at least we got the translated version, whish is a huge WORK. And be thankful, we got "OMG!" Maitetsu! I can't expect newcomers and the ones on fakku to stop complaining ( and I am not saying that you have to start editing, and join the community of moders, but you are always welcome to join ), but at least you at fuwanovel you have no more reasons to complain. At the end you got the complete 1:1 japanese uncut release with english text, and even a little more, with the demosaic patch ( which in the japanese edition they don't have ).
    .... please ask questions and I will put most common questions and answers here ...

    Hachiroku's Route

    Hibiki's Route
    Paulette's Route

    Reina's Route

    Fukami's Route

    Nagi's Route

    Kisaki's Route

    Makura's Route


    FOR FAKKU USE: HELIOSAURUS PATCH for FAKKU or down below the BANDAID removal patch
    1. Just extract the file patch2.xp3 from the ZIP file in the main maitetsu folder!
    !! the patch2.xp3, should be in the same folder as the Restoration patch (patch.xp3)  and the Maitetsu.exe file. !!!

    07/23  - Released the patch with the 5th scene included, and fixes the bug in Hscene 2
    07/24 - Released the patch with the included 6th scene
    07/25 - Released the patch with the included 7th scene
    07/26  - Released the patch with the 8th scene included
    07/27  - Hachiroku's Route COMPLETED!!!!
    07/28  - Released the patch with Hibiki's HSCENE 01 without mosaic!
    07/29  - Released the patch with Hibiki's HSCENE 02 without mosaic!
    07/30  - Released the patch with Hibiki's HSCENE 03 without mosaic!
    07/31  - Released the patch with Hibiki's HSCENE 04 without mosaic!
    08/02  - Released the addon patch with Hibiki's HSCENE 05 without mosaic, you still need the OLD "Maitetsu 18+ Demosaic Patch 7-31-2018" patch. In your folder you should have patch.xp3 (bandaid fix), patch2.xp3 (old 7-31 patch) and patch3.xp3 (this new addon patch)
    08/03  - HIBIKI's ROUTE COMPLETED !!!
    08/04 - Paulette's new hscene released!
    08/05 - Paulette's new hscene released! (Hint: This is the new release which includes HSCENE 03. Skipped Hscene 02 because here isn't any mosaic! Hence the name v0.3 - which represent the hscene completed )
    08/06 - Paulette's new hscene released!
    08/07 - Paulette's new hscene released!
    08/08 - Paulette's new hscene released!
    08/09 - Paulette's new hscene released!
    08/11 - Reina's new hscene released!
    08/12 - Reina's new hscene released!
    08/13 - Reina's new hscene released!
    08/14  - REINA's ROUTE COMPLETED !!!
    08/15 - Fukami's new hscene released!
    08/16 - Fukami's new hscene released!
    08/17 - Fukami's new hscene released!
    08/18 - Fukami's new hscene released!
    08/19  - FUKAMI's ROUTE COMPLETED !!!
    08/20 - Nagi's new hscene released!
    08/21 - Nagi's ROUTE COMPLETED !!!
    08/22 - Kisaki's new hscene released!
    08/23 - Kisaki's new hscene released!
    08/24 - Kisaki's ROUTE COMPLETED !!!
    08/25 - Makura's new hscene released!
    08/26 - Makura's new hscene released!
    08/27 - COMPLETE PATCH released! Mosaic removed from all scenes!
    08/30 - COMPLETE STEAM PATCH released! Mosaic removed from all scenes in STEAM FINALLY!!!!

    Complete FAKKU Patch
    Maitetsu 18+ Demosaic Patch - v0.9a.7z
    Installation guide:
    - if you have downloaded the partial update - patch3.xp3 just manually delete it ( you don't need it anymore because its already inside the complete patch! )
    Complete STEAM Patch
    Maitetsu 18+ Demosaic Steam Patch - v0.9a.7z

    ThugShiro - mega big thanks to ThugShiro. He donated the Steam Version!
    BIG THANKS TO marcus-beta - with his tremendous help he found out the problem and fixed it, without him there wouldn't be a steam patch!
    Ulysses - big thanks to Ulysses, without his tools ( https://github.com/UlyssesWu/FreeMote/releases ) this wouldn't be possible.
    Tools used:
    PsbDecompile - for decompiling PSBs,
    PsBuild - for rebuilding back to PSBs
    FreeMoteViewer - to view rebuilded PSBs (after PsBuild)
    number201724 - of course, also big thanks to number201724 for the psbtools https://github.com/number201724/psbfile/releases
    Tools used:
    emote_conv - decode and encode psb file
    Heliosaurus - special thanks to the master of the Restoration patch and his helpful guiding

    SPECIAL extra patch:
    BANDAID removal PATCH + restoration patch integrated into a single patch ( patch.xp3 )
    For the newest FAKKU edition and STEAM!

    08/1  - Released the BANDAID removal PATCH + restoration patch integrated Restorationa Patch ( as PATCH.xp3 )
    09/20  - Released the BANDAID removal PATCH + restoration patch  for STEAM ( as PATCH.xp3 )
    Optional download
    FAKKU edition
    Maitetsu 18+ Restoration & Bandaid Removal Patch.7z
    STEAM edition
    Maitetsu 18+ Restoration & Bandaid Removal Steam Patch.7z

    Want to support the project?

  14. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to VirginSmasher in Haruka ni Aogi, Uruwashi No Translation Project (Completed)   
    Hello again. It's time for another progress update and there are a couple big pieces of news to report. Let's get into them
    Prologue - 100% (1791/1791)
    Main School - 100% (2691/2691)
    Tonoko Route -  1% (123/8709)
    Branch School - 10% (572/5846)
    Total - 8% (5177/68206)
    Prologue - 100% (1791/1791)
    Main School - 6% (157/2691)
    Branch School - 3% (187/5846)
    Total - 3% (2135/68206)
    Prologue - 95% (1704/1791)
    My first piece of news has already been reported by Ittaku. The main school common route's translation has been completed. Also, since Ittaku doesn't know how to take a break, he has started on Tonoko's route. Finally, editing is almost finished for the prologue, which means the prologue patch is close.
    My second piece of news is that I'm looking for an extra editor for the project. Since this VN is quite large, having one editor working on it by themselves is a pretty insane task to ask of somebody. So I'm looking for an editor who feels qualified enough to take on a task like this project. If you want to apply for the position, then contact me here on Fuwanovel in the PMs.
    We are also still looking for a permanent TLC to work on this project. Please PM me if you're interested in working as a TLC for this project.
    I'll see you guys next week.
  15. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to ittaku in Haruka ni Aogi, Uruwashi No Translation Project (Completed)   
    I've finished translating the common parts of the main school. Now onto the heroine routes. Ruu \o/
  16. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to Takafumi in Snow Fan Translation RELAUNCHED   
    Thanks for the support. It's a surprisingly lengthy novel for the time, and it's a oft-forgotten classic, so I'm not sure how much interest we'll drum up. To complete it (putting aside the fandiscs) would be an achievement.
  17. Like
    Infernoplex got a reaction from Legendary No-Con in Snow Fan Translation RELAUNCHED   
    Ah, I see. So it has fandiscs included. I wasn't sure if they are with same content. But yeah, the original Snow already has too many lines on its own (76k is plain crazy). You'll need a lot of dedication for this. I hope you find some help for it. This and https://vndb.org/v1950 are the two titles I am mostly interested in by Mebius (well, https://vndb.org/v2352 too).
    In any case, good luck
  18. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to Narcosis in Valve blocks the Steam release of Shining Song Starnova until the implementation of new filtering tools, gives no timeline   
    You're not limited to Steam as a release platform. VN devs finally need to stop abusing Steam. If they need porn that badly, maybe they should change their market. There's both Fakku and Nutaku available as well.
    Steam doesn't allow porn, simple as that. The non-steam patches are only a half-assed grey zone band aid to circumvent the inconvenience, Steam never really approved.
    At the same time, Steam is ready to actually allow sexual content in vns, providing it has either artistic or intellectual merit. Guess what - vast majority of 18+ vns don't have that - it's either porn or fan service for the heck of it, despite what community thinks. Adult visual novels could easily have more value to them, but so far most devs constantly prove otherwise through their own actions. It's plain hypocrisy and I'm honestly fed up with it. I'm not surprised at all they refused to publish Starnova as it stands now - it's meant to be an edgy, weeb-pandering porn game involving idols, lol.
    Complaining about this in general - especially as a developer - is just silly. Most devs got what was coming at them.
    Steam is not a platform to release porn games and 18+ visual novels. Period.
  19. Like
    Infernoplex got a reaction from alpalin in A Sky Full of Stars - +18 Restoration [DROPPED]   
    A Sky Full of Stars - +18 Restoration

    1. VN Info
    2. Synopsis
    3. VN OP
    4. Project Introduction
    5. Staff
    6. Recruitment
    7. Progress
    8. Asking for Feedback
    Edit (14.06.2021):
    The project is dropped for the foreseeable future.
  20. Haha
    Infernoplex reacted to El Mugaro in AX - Anime Expo 2018 News & Announcements   
    Fujos won all right.
    Back to learning moon it is.
  21. Like
    Infernoplex got a reaction from Nier in AX - Anime Expo 2018 News & Announcements   
    Maybe I overestimated popularity of Rance? Seems like many people aren't happy with it xD Back in 2015/2016, I remember people screaming "Give us more Rance!"... and now that Rance is coming, most of the reactions I saw so far were "meh" (granted, there's quite a few people still excited about it, but still... I was expecting more people to be hyped).
  22. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to tymmur in AX - Anime Expo 2018 News & Announcements   
    The clear winner is the end user. So many announcements, a number of titles for different tastes etc. We did nothing and yet we gain access to this treasure chest.
  23. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to tymmur in AX - Anime Expo 2018 News & Announcements   
    Mystery solved. VNDB added him to Rance X yesterday. I was right that he wasn't listed with an obvious candidate for the next release. Had he been listed, then we might have had a chance of predicting Rance X being announced. Once again it makes so much sense in retrospect, but not before you have seen the ending.
    Rance IV -Legacy of the Sect-
    Rance 4.1 -Save the Medicine Plant!-
    Rance 4.2 -Angel Army-
    Kichikuou Rance
    All those have fan translations though. Only the remakes of 01-02-03 lacks translations or announcements of translations.
    Short is an understatement. Rance 1 came on 4 floppies in 1989 and it's apparently 1.5 MB compressed. Most likely they used DD disks, giving it a total of 2.8 MB available. That is for everything: script, graphics, audio etc. For comparison a few posts back it's mentioned that Rance X use 8 MB for the script alone. Even though the remakes are claimed to have 10 times as much text as the originals, translating those would likely feel nearly instant compared to Rance X.
    If I am to take a guess to why Rance X is announced and not the early titles, the reason would be that they know Rance X will take ages (years) to translate. If they stop Rance releases while translating, the Rance hype might die out before they finish. Right now they announced it, they have 3 announced, yet not released, 3 remakes and 4 old titles without remakes, making it a total of 10 unreleased Rance titles. This allows them to release a Rance title every 10th of the Rance X translation time, which will make it seem like a steady stream of "new" titles and Rance will have a better chance of still being hype when Rance X is released. The fact that a number of those titles aren't marathon readings just makes it easier to do them in parallel with Rance X.
    Somebody mentioned something of a possible remake of Rance 4 (could be a fake rumor for all I know). If that is true and one will be released in Japan at some point in a not too distant future, it's entirely possible that Alicesoft and MG plan together and MG will release 01-02-03-04 within reasonable time of each other. If that's the case, it's possible that MG is translating the remakes now, but can't announce it until the 04 remake is released in Japan or something like that.
    We can speculate all we want. The only thing we can really do is to wait for MG to do their job and we will likely get every single Rance title. It's just a question of when and which order.
    I don't really get the "who won AX". I don't think that much about publishers. I think in terms of individual titles and for the most part, it's one title from each publisher (if any). I consider AX itself to be the winner. I remember being disappointed with Anime Boston since I'm not really interested in anything released there. I have a completely different feeling with AX. I can't say I saw major surprises though. More Rance announcements, but it was to be expected, particularly with a guest from Alicesoft. As I wrote on page one, we kind of knew the announcement from an old partner would be Alicesoft and most likely Rance. The question was which specific title. Majo Koi Nikki is another one to look forward to and while I was a bit surprised that Denpasoft announced it with them as publisher, it is a title we all knew as an upcoming release.
    In other words no big surprises regarding great titles coming out of nowhere, but at the same time it is likely the release event that I'm the most happy with out of all the events I have paid attention to while they were in progress.
  24. Haha
    Infernoplex reacted to Yuuko in AX - Anime Expo 2018 News & Announcements   
    Sorry already sending death threats to MG ceo for licensing all ages shoujo ai instead of porn
  25. Haha
    Infernoplex reacted to Yuuko in AX - Anime Expo 2018 News & Announcements   
    Who the fuck wants to translate Rance X with its 260k lines 8mb text
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