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  1. Like
    Katatsumuri reacted to Funyarinpa in The Pigeon VN Did It   
    "Cactus-Senpai, your "spike" is pricking my petals!" exclaimed Petunia-chan, whose petals were turning a reddish purple in excitement and embarrassment. As we both started moving uncontrollably because of our instincts, I felt sticky pollens fluttering around my spike. Gradually, we started moving faster and I feared that I would dig right through her (death by snu-snu) and tried to slow down to no avail. As we both neared our climax, there were more and more pollens in the air, I hoped that my severe pollen allergy would not destroy this moment by making me sneeze. 
    Petunia-chan reached the climax first. She suddenly jolted, and shaked her petals wildly out of pleasure. Her base was all exposed, and golden, sweet-smelling pollen was flying everywhere. She started breathing deeply,
    "Thank you, Cactus-Senpai." she muttered. She looked like a little daisy, unaware to the pains of this world. However, she did not stop. She moved wildly, now to help me reach the heavens. I suddenly felt myself reaching the point of no return.  I shouted "Ooooooooohhhhhhhhh!!!" and let go of the cactus-water in my body, letting it wet Petunia's frail body. As she shivered because of this feeling she never felt before, she moved so fast that my spike got torn from off my body and got lodged inside her. As she muttered "Cac-Cactus senpai! Your... your delicate..." I hugged her tightly and muttered into her ear:
    "It's okay, I have a thousand more spikes." 
    Petunia-chan smiled at me with a resigned expression, her flower fully exposed, her pollen everywhere and yet, it did not matter to her.
    That was the best moment of my dry life.
  2. Like
    Katatsumuri reacted to Clephas in VN Companies, their nature and habits   
    Every VN company has specialties, in terms of genre, character types, and art styles. 
    AXL tends to prefer a generally cheery atmosphere, replicating its own art in every VN it makes, and creating an oddly nostalgic atmosphere within its games (though this is probably an accident, rather than on purpose).  It tends to have some sort of action, whether it is actual violence or just sports, as part of the story, and the protagonists tend to be capable, if not perfect.
    Akabeisoft2, which did Sharin no Kuni and formed Akatsuki Works and Shangrila (the makers of the Akatsuki no Goei series), tends to provide a facade of slice of life, with a much darker edge underneath.  Their games are mostly story-focused, with a few exceptions, and the general quality is very high.
    Light is, oddly, a company that is the very reverse.  It's stories tend to be dark, with even the brightest and most cheery atmospheres carrying a blood-soaked edge beneath the surface.  Exceptions, like Kaminoyu (which was made by the group that eventually was shoved into the Sweet Light subsidiary) are exceptions to the rule.
    Nitroplus was originally an action-focused utsuge company, but with the advent of Sumaga, their games both changed in atmosphere completely and dropped in quality overall.  Muramasa was the last truly great game done by the main team, and the Science series (Steins and Chaos) appeals to a completely different audience and was done by a different team.
    Clochette is also known as 'Oppai R Us' by some of us English-speaking VN-readers.  They produce high-quality fantasy charage with decent stories... and lots of big-breasted girls. 
    Yuzusoft tends to produce a wide variety of games, but their specialty lies in the creation of high-quality meldings of story and charage style.  Dracu-riot is a perfect example of this, melding a high-quality story with a strong and amusing cast of characters. 
    Will, which is the largest VN conglomerate in Japan, is responsible for everything from Propeller's action games (Ayakashibito) to the lowest style of nukige.  Probably at least a third of all the highest-rated VNs in Japan were produced by this company over the last decade or so. 
    Key... we all know, primarily produces character dynamics-driven nakige.  Their games include ridiculous levels of moe appeals, which have contributed to their popularity both over here and Japan. 
    Minori... produces a wide variety of games, but the one major quality they share is a sense of surrealism that produces a sharp difference in reactions amongst readers... in other words, you either love a Minori game, or you hate it viciously. 
    Eushully produces gameplay-VNs, including the famous Ikusa Megami series, Kamidori Alchemy Meister, and they also served as a producer for a much lower-quality maker's games on a number of occasions. 
    SofthouseChara produces gameplay-vns with a strong humorous aspect, which mostly seems to deliberately parody games that take themselves more seriously.  Even so, their games seem to possess better stories than the ones they parody, for some reason. 
    Alice Soft, the producers of the 'Dai' series (Daibanchou, etc) and the Rance series, are famous for fusing the ridiculous and the serious in their gameplay-focused VNs.  Like Minori, they are definitely an acquired taste, and as many people despise their work as like them.
    August produces mostly straightforward charage, moege, and nakige, with a slightly more story-focused leaning.  However, they've yet to make what is considered a 'kamige', as they always manage to fall just short of what they are trying to achieve through a given game. 
    Front Wing, which produced Grisaia, is normally a nukige company, which made its production of that series incredibly startling. 
    Cotton Soft produces games that range from horror/mystery to simple mysteries, usually with a science-fantasy or Cthulhu Mythos aspect to them.
    11eyes produces medium quality fantasy, that tends to be visually appealing but varies wildly in terms of writing quality.
    Lump of Sugar produces charage, nakige, moege, and story-focused VNs with high-quality art.  While some of their games are not all that good, they have quietly built up a list of high-quality games over the last decade.
    Applique, which produced Fake Azure Arcology, as well as Tasogare no Sinsemilla, is a subsidiary of Effordom soft, which consistently produces high-quality games. 
    Studio Ryokucha, which is mostly inactive, produces middling to high quality moege and charage. 
    Feng produces middling and low quality moege.
    Until a few years ago, Purple Soft produced mostly middling quality moege.  However, with Mirai Nostalgia and Hapymaher, they experienced a sudden surge in quality that startled many.
    Candy Soft, which is also the owner of Minato Soft (producer of Majikoi) is responsible for a large variety of games, mostly humorous moege.  However, they tend to be less than predictable with the themes of their games, so it is a good idea to take a quick look at anything they put out.
    Pulltop is one of Will's many subsidiary companies, mostly specializing in middling to high-quality nakige and charage.
    Propeller is another of Will's subsidiaries, producing primarily action VNs, that tend to have really good character dynamics, unusual art styles, and great stories. 
    I could go on forever, but these were the ones that came to mind immediately.  Feel free to ask me about a particular company, if you are considering their games.  There is a good chance I've at least 'tasted' their games, so I can give you a decent idea of what to expect.
  3. Like
    Katatsumuri reacted to Nosebleed in Translating: Is it ok to cut H scenes?   
    The original work had h-scenes. Cutting them off doesn't change the fact it originally had h-scenes. If you're saying translators cut them off because they're for perverts then you're admitting the original work was for perverts as well so why are you interested in it?
    A translator that respects a work of literature would try and translate everything.
    H-scenes are part of an eroge.
    It's not a matter of being a pervert or not, it's a matter of stepping out of your comfort zone and translating h-scenes. If you don't like h-scenes why are you trying to translate a vn with h-scenes? There's plenty of great all ages vns out there, you don't need to go and cut off h-scenes of an eroge that has them there for a reason. If you liked an eroge's story and want to translate it, then respect the original work and translate the h-scenes as well since they were intended to be there.
    Calling translators half assed when they don't translate h-scenes because they don't like them is not such a wrong term.
    It's like a kid that doesn't want to eat their vegetables because they don't like it but want the rest of the dish. It's that childish in my opinion.
    I get that you really hate h-scenes. You've said it plenty of times. But then you shouldn't try and read vns with h-scenes, there's many all ages vns for one to enjoy, you don't need to go after works that have h-scenes and feel that it's your duty to bash the fact they have sexual content. Are there people who enjoy it just for the faps? Yes, I'm not denying that by any means. But are there people who like it as part of the story? There certainly are as well. But whichever the reason, the work had those scenes to begin with, regardless of the target audience, so don't try and delete stuff that isn't meant to be deleted.
  4. Like
    Katatsumuri got a reaction from Cyrillej1 in Hello everyone :)   
    Welcome to the forums...
  5. Like
    Katatsumuri got a reaction from Ivan A. in Hello, Everyone!   
    Welcome to the forums...
  6. Like
    Katatsumuri got a reaction from babiker in since every body says "Hello", i'll be a little different   
    Welcome to the forums...
  7. Like
    Katatsumuri reacted to solidbatman in Fuwa's state, a subective opinion.   
    Here is what it comes down to everyone. The Fuwanovel staff is still working on finding a balance between letting people have fun, and being a place for constructive discussion. When Aaeru began Fuwanovel, I don't believe she ever expected it to become as big and as popular as it did, so many of the guidelines for the staff are pretty outdated. 
    Fuwanovel should absolutely be a place where you have some fun. It isn't like there is all that much VN discussion to go around with how little the western market sees. That said, we really want to make sure topics are useful, and especially on topic without being derailed (as I've seen some complaints popping up about that). We don't want to become too strict and stifle what you guys have come to enjoy though. Because the staff has allowed everyone to become accustom to the old way of doing things here, it makes it difficult to change things up without upsetting a significant portion of the user base. 
    The staff is still working on some changes to the rules and the way they moderate to hopefully remedy some of the complaints I'm seeing in this thread. For now though, please bear with the staff as the new system is ironed out and more specifics are drawn up. Just keep in mind though, Fuwanovel will not lose what makes it different from the rest of the VN community. Fuwanovel will remain a friendly, welcoming place to VN enthusiasts of all levels; from new to veteran. 

    I want to think Maef for posting this thread despite the negative outlook of Fuwanovel. It has allowed the staff to get an insight into what the members actually think of the forums right now and will allow the staff to better draw up a new set of rules for moderation. 
    I will now be closing this thread. If you still wish to discuss this thread, you may do so by messaging the staff and talking with them. 
  8. Like
    Katatsumuri reacted to Down in Fuwa's state, a subective opinion.   
    First things first, my personal opinion (not as a staff member) is that I agree with most of what maefdomn said in his two posts.
    Now to address a few things.
    *The abandon of the fuwa projects: this was not due to "internal drama". We all agreed on the direction we wanted to take, but we couldn't. Because of legal issues and issues with people outside the forum. A lot of shit happened really fast, and somehow at the end Fuwanovel still existed and everything went back as it was before - with no advancement made and Tay no longer able to take care of his projects for various reasons. I won't disclose more, it's personal stuff and it's a thing of the past - not interesting to dwell on it.
    Anyway, with the instigator of the projects unavailable and some motivation loss from the staff due to these events, things have stagnated. If there are people willing too, and with Tay being progressively back, there's no reason it will stay this way.
    *Lack of moderation, spam, G&C: we discussed this internally too already. The Fuwa policy have always been minimal moderation. If some of you think it's not enough, we'll think about it, but I don't think there's that much spam out of G&C (we'll pass on mistakes like the Majikoi thread growing out of proportion), and G&C will probably stay the way it is. Again, I personally agree with Maefdomn and there's no reason silly fun and serious discussion can't coexist in the same forum if they are in separated sub-forums. I think the essence of the post is "we have fun, why don't we do more than just that and also make interesting projects and have more constructed discussions".
  9. Like
    Katatsumuri reacted to solidbatman in Fuwa's state, a subective opinion.   
    We host it because it remains popular. I mean hell, the "Appreciation Appreciation Thread" was allowed, among other silly G&C threads. 
    I would appreciate it if you did not needlessly call out threads/people in public and instead kept that private by messaging a mod with your complaints. 
  10. Like
    Katatsumuri reacted to Kaguya in Fuwa's state, a subective opinion.   
    Thanks for the feedback- your points are fine, but I'll have to disagree on almost everything
    First off, about G&C- that is in fact the place where everything goes.  As long as you don't go against our guidelines, you may talk about whatever worthless thing you want there- for more "serious and meaningful" discussions, there is GD. The need for the G&C subforum has already been discussed at length, and I think it's a necessary evil. If you think a particular thread there is legit, just send a report and tell that it should be in another forum.
    Personally, I think the core of fuwa is friendliness. We're actually growing a lot (there are like, 5 times more active users than there used to be when I joined) and our policies are being reviewed as we grow. Joining hands with other sites for more growth would be fine, but remember that fuwanovel tries to be different than the rest of the VN community, which is largely elitist and toxic. As we have conflicting viewpoints, getting a partnership with them is pretty hard.
    You were just talking about how to get more people in, but you must realize people enjoy different things. See my "what makes a thread interesting to you" thread, for example- there were people there who said they liked nonsensical, topicless threads where they can play around. G&C is currently serving for that purpose very well, so I think it'd actually be bad to remove it.
    Dropped Projects-
    Tay has been very busy lately, so he stopped his own projects. The chatbox thing was actually never approved in the first place. I talked to Steve about the Member of the Month thingy, and there were some pretty good reasons for that (though I won't be able to reproduce his argument right now. Perhaps he can do so, if he sees this thread).
    The main site isn't getting heavily updated because we lack a coder, but fear not, changes are coming, eventually. There was some talk about renovating the blog to put more interesting content there, for example.
    Well, great post. I love seeing members dedicate so much of their time to improving our community- Even though we disagree, the feedback is much appreciated.
  11. Like
    Katatsumuri got a reaction from CCM in What makes a thread interesting to you?   
    If I find the topic relevant enough for me to post in, or if I like title and/or topic...
  12. Like
    Katatsumuri got a reaction from Treima in A hearty hello from somewhere in the back   
    Welcome to the forums....
    a-and if it isn't too much to ask... read Katahane
  13. Like
    Katatsumuri reacted to astro in Clover Days Translation Project   
    We're making them speak like kawaii thugs.
  14. Like
    Katatsumuri reacted to Zakamutt in Worst VN sex scenes you've read   
    In counterpoint to saying F/SN's h is bad... I completely agree with you, but was seriously just laughing all the way through them because they were so ridiculous. That alone gives them some value - they were simply so bad they were good. My fap-to-all-h policy still applied, though.
  15. Like
    Katatsumuri reacted to Nosebleed in Aiyoku no Eustia Translation Announcement   
    This is probably the most useful post I've read in a while. Actually made me rethink about some stuff I'm doing.
    And although I'm more of encouraging people I can definitely see your point and I think encouraging in the right direction is more useful than blind encouragement. Props to you for giving useful tips.

    Nonetheless I'll still personally wait for the partial just for the sake of waiting since they seem set on releasing it. Further judgement shall come after that. At least these are my thoughts regarding this project.

    Regarding the topic in general I fully agree with you that you should only set yourself to do stuff you know you can do. Nothing more and nothing less. And before someone attacks me saying I'm contradicting myself, mind you my thoughts on this project are simply that I can't judge anything without empirical evidence. That's just how I am personally, sorry if this bothers you. But in general it shouldn't theoretically happen, however if someone sets themselves to do something they're not sure they can do I don't believe in completely discouraging them, i might be doubtful but at least I'd like to know how it turns out. Encouraging in the right direction is more useful here rather than discouragement.

    Edit: well this project was abandoned now. I guess the team realized it might be for the best after all the discussion.
  16. Like
    Katatsumuri reacted to Nosebleed in Aiyoku no Eustia Translation Announcement   
    Thank you.
    Seriously guys i get that some of you are worried and rightfully so, however you're already imagining worst case scenarios based off of thin air. That is not right in any way. This person was honest about the situation and you just bashed him assuming things on your own. Wether what you say is going to be true or not, i find it really disrespectful to come at someone like that when there's no example of his work. You don't know what it's going to be like so you can't just assume things on your own

    I can't imagine how the OP feels after reading such discouraging words. You're literally bringing him down before he even gets to try and prove himself.
    I honestly want to lock this thread but this is just my personal opinion here so i won't act based on that but this seriously made me mad. Come on guys be a little reasonable.
  17. Like
    Katatsumuri reacted to garejei in Aiyoku no Eustia Translation Announcement   
    lol at least give the team a chance to prove themselves before you start witch hunting their asses. Seriously guys. Let them release that partial patch first.
    I feel like I'm reading a 4chan thread.
  18. Like
    Katatsumuri got a reaction from NaturalWinter in Hello Fuwanovel!   
    Welcome to the forums...
  19. Like
    Katatsumuri reacted to OriginalRen in Reflections on Fuwa   
    Visual novels for the world...
    It's funny, isn't it? Fuwanovel's infamous mission statement...ya know, sometimes I stop and think to myself just how powerful those words really are. To some, they are just words plastered on a page to make it look good, but to others they have a much deeper meaning. When I first discovered this website a few months ago, I too like many of you came here for a purpose, a purpose that may have had little to no meaning whatsoever. Perhaps I came here to download a visual novel, or maybe I just wanted to read about the release date of some translation. It wasn't until I stopped to really read the purpose of this community that I started to realize what Aaeru was trying to create.
    Those 5 words...to me, no, to everyone, those words speak something. They aren't there for show, but rather they are there to remind us that this community is in itself the representation of many cultures from around the world. We form relationships with those around us no matter our differences and interests and unite under one banner to show everyone on the outside that we are brothers and sisters in arms. To us, those words speak a truth, and it is because of them that we continue pushing forward like we do.
    You may ask yourself, why am I writing this post? I am not running this show as a staff member, nor am I really of any importance seeing as I am just another cog in the wheel, so why bother? To answer that, let me ask you a question instead: why do you come here? For some, we may answer something as simple as "I love visual novels," but when you really stop and think about it, it's more than that. We are family, and Fuwanovel is a home to many of us. No matter our interest, no matter our race, no matter our language, we come here because we separate useless boundaries and unite as one collective mind. Sure, we have some pretty strict parents (the staff) and some rascal children in the bunch, but in the end what we share as a group is far greater than anything I have ever seen. We may not all come here for the same reason, but we come here because to all of us, this is and always will be considered home.
    People come and people go as the winds of change are constantly blowing. Still, I want to remind everyone that Fuwanovel is and always will be a home for you. The main reason I posted this was to remember who we are, and what this community is. It may seem mundane and sort of useless to state, but take a second and really read these words; remember why you joined Fuwanovel in the first place. The moment you posted something as simple as the word "hello" in the Introduction Forums, you made yourself a part of the family. No matter where life takes you, no matter what happens, this is a place that will always welcome you back. We may be faces hidden behind a computer screen, but we are faces that care. No matter where you come from, no matter what language you speak, no matter what you love, Fuwanovel's doors will always be open, something I am sure the staff and founding members will always agree upon. From the lolicons, to the tsunderes, to the senpais, we are a family. No matter what you love, you are always welcome.
    Aaeru got it right. She gave us a building block that we as members and staff continue to build upon. There are always trials and tribulations to overcome, but in the end, we as a community and we as a family push through it. For me, that will always bring a smile to my face, as I hope it does the same for you.
    I just felt like reminding that to everyone...
  20. Like
    Katatsumuri got a reaction from ohiowar in Staff Appreciation Thread   
    In light of the miniature fuwapocalypse, and the appreciation thread madness that has gripped this subforum, I have come to the conclusion that the creation of this thread would be the next logical step.
    (In case of pantsu, lolis, borderline ecchi stuff, cuteness, bad puns, or other shenanigans, please see your local fake internet doctor)
    The staff appreciation thread
    (And no, this thread is not for appreciating sticks with a special use, such as walking*. This thread was just made to appreciate the members who keeps fuwa going day in, and day out.
    *not making this clear from the very beginning will just lead to painful punning. And punning needs to be punished.)
    Thank you Fuwastaff, for keeping this site alive.
  21. Like
    Katatsumuri reacted to Zakamutt in H-scene clichés   
    For all my fapping to h, I am a bit tired of just how formulaic they are. I figured I'd make one of them bingo thingies for h scenes. Feel free to suggest replacement standard phrases for defloration / simultaneous orgasm.

  22. Like
    Katatsumuri reacted to Nosebleed in H-scene clichés   
    They also have multiple orgasms in a short span of time which is physically impossible due to the human body's phisiology.
    The creatures in eroge which we often refer to as male protagonists have a portal to a different dimension in their genitals that allows for unlimited storage of fluids. They also deny negative feedback in their brains which allows for multiple orgasms. They are not human.
  23. Like
    Katatsumuri reacted to BookwormOtaku in Really? Really! release date announced   
    Well I've preordered since I like the series and Kaede's route was my favorite in the original game. I'll admit the series isn't even close to my top tier list, but to me it does enough right for me to appreciate it for what it is: a simple moege with fantasy elements.
  24. Like
    Katatsumuri reacted to Nosebleed in Going down the Fuwa road   
    3000 posts. That is a lot, I shouldn't really be proud of posting so much and start worrying about my life but I'll procrastinate for a while longer. I've been meaning to write something like this back in my 1000th and 2000th post but I literally just forgot about it, guess it wasn't as important as back then as it is now. (Though someone else actually made a thread for my 1000th post).
    I feel like I've come to a point where I really wanted to write something like this so even if there weren't 3000 posts I'd still eventually write it. I hope you care enough to stick through this text, though it's not really a requirement but I appreciate your effort. 
    I wanted to write a bit about my life and Fuwanovel, just to give you some form of context, and also because I really like this community and feel like some people might not know me that well so this will probably give you a better prespective on who I am (or at least what I did).
    You all know me here as Nosebleed, I'd still like it to keep it that way despite not really having any complexes with giving my name away but I feel like this username is a separate identity for me and to give away my real name would somewhat shatter that (maybe?), but I'll give you a hint, my real first name has two R's in it, hope that's something. I am 18 years old and live in Portugal in a rather small town in the middle of nowhere, despite it being small and quiet it's still a nice place to live in and I have no real issues with it aside from slow internet speed. I still live with my parents as well as my younger sister as pretty much a shut-in, I rarely go out unless I am forced to and I try to live my life with as less effort as possible.
    Last year I graduated highschool, however due to failing my math exam I was not eligible to enter college and thus I've been staying home since then. When I graduated I still was unsure about what I wanted to pursue as my career, I got into highschool not really having any "dream job". All I knew is that I liked learning languages and I liked biology a lot during middle school (English being my strongest subject and biology being my 2nd strongest). I wanted to pursue a language course in highschool and learn new things but since I wasn't sure of what I'd do after with that course I decided to enter a science course due to it having more career path choices as well as an english subject in it.
    I liked the course and got decent grades, didn't fail any subject in particular (though some had pretty bad grades but not bad enough I'd fail), however even by the end of my senior year I still did not know what to do for a career, all I knew is that it could be something related to biology but I never exactly felt connected to any of the job types I was presented and thus I ended up finishing highschool and still not knowing what to do with my life.
    Then came my math exam (along other exams), I knew I needed this exam to enter any college regardless of my choice since any biology related college course requires the math exam. However I ended up failing the exam, I was 10 points short from the minimum required and thus couldn't apply for college.
    After that I was obviously really dejected and my parents weren't really proud of me but since I still didn't know what to do with my life I just told them I'd try again next year and so that's what I set myself up for, I started taking supplementary math classes to repeat my final exam, however midway through them I didn't feel any passion,  I started having thoughts like "Can I really do it?" and "What's the point if it's not something i seriously want?" and I started slacking off math classes, my life had pretty must lost direction and I was just going along with the flow of things without really having any opinion of my own on stuff. 
    Amidst this messy situation in my life is when I first joined Fuwanovel. Now how did I get here.
    I started getting into anime in 2012, I was browsing my TV and found some anime channels and being a 16 year old hormonal teenager, as soon as I discovered there was a genre called ecchi and tried it out, it was like the best thing in the world. It started with Highschool DxD, but then obviously I started getting into other anime and searching for stuff on my own and now my tastes have changed a lot, despite still liking ecchi I enjoy a whole plethora of other genres.
    In 2013 I started watching Little Busters the anime (while it was only about 14 eps in), I actually really enjoyed the characters in it but was rather disappointed at the lack of romance, that's when I discovered it was an adaptation of a visual novel.
    At the time I wasn't really sure what that was but I read on wikipedia about it and found out  in this visual novel you could actually get romantically involved with one of the main heroines and this of course got me really thrilled since I loved Kud a lot back then (and still do though back at that time I called her my waifu even. Don't hate me Flutterz pl0x) and so I got myself a copy of Little Busters EX with the patch (thinking i'd get some H-scenes though later I found out there wasn't really any H-content which kind of saddened me but I kept going nonetheless) and I absolutely loved it. I played it hours and hours straight until I got to the very end and I even cried.
    I had never thought a visual novel could be such an amazing thing. After that I found out about Katawa Shoujo while browsing the enlightening lands of 4chan and also tried it and loved it as well. I wanted to try more of these amazing romances that made my heart ache but at the same time gave me a thrilling experience.
    Then I found out about Hoshizora no Memoria and I discovered this site. I downloaded Hoshimemo from here and played it and loved it just as much as LB, I started using this site often and then at one point I wanted recommendations and didn't really know where to go to ask for this type of stuff and where to discuss visual novels, that's when I joined the forums back in September last year.
    I felt welcomed here and I felt like I could meet a lot of great people and have a great time discussing a bunch of stuff I love. Waking up and coming online here was something I started doing regularly, it put a smile on my face every time I talked to users here. I felt appreciated and I felt like I existed for some purpose.
    As you can tell I started posting a lot and very often.. very very often. It didn't take long until I became the top poster on fuwa, surpassing boomer, around 3-4 months in. It was also back in December that one of the major things here for me happened. I was messaged and asked to join VNAer as an author.
    This was for me one of the biggest milestones at the time, I never would have thought someone would actually see me as capable of helping on one of the things in the front page. I obviously accepted at the time and I still am an author in the blog, though not as active, but it's something I really do like to help with.
    At the same time I was also made admin in our official Facebook page which I still work on along with batman and ryou and it's something I'm very thankful to be put in charge of. And as if this wasn't enough, in late January this year, Tay messages me saying I've been selected as member of the month. I couldn't even believe my eyes. Although this feature has been gone for a while and only 3 people were in it, I am extremly grateful to have been selected as member of the month and given such a high praise for being who I am here.
    But one of the biggest milestones was when in early March Steve dropped this PM in my inbox asking me to be part of the fuwa staff as a moderator. I literally jumped off my chair at that moment, trying to really check if this was happening, and it sure was. Since then I've been part of the fuwa staff and I'm really grateful that they accepted me as such and I try my best every single day to help around fuwa in every way I can.
    In just about 6 months my role here grew from a complete stranger to being part of the staff. When I put things into prespective like that it really makes me realis these last 6 months weren't just a waste of time, it was and still is worth every bit of time I put into the fuwa community and site and I really do want to continue here being as active as possible and helping as much as possible.
    So this brings me to the fundamental point of this post, how do my real life situation and my fuwanovel life collide. Well that's because, early this year when I was feeling hopeless and didn't know what to do with my career, meru started this thread about Japan and how she managed to go to college to pursue Japanese and then ended up moving to Japan. This thread really sparked something inside me, as I kept reading it I felt like it was something I could really relate with and it could be something I will like if I tried.
    So around March I decided to search around the colleges here and found out there does indeed exist a course here in one of the colleges that teaches Japanese alongside other subjects like Japanese culture, history, asian economy, etc. Due to my love of languages and my love for anime and the japanese culture I really did feel like this is something I could aim for and like, I had never felt this way about a career path before and for the first time in my life i said "This is what I want to do for a living".
    I talked to my parents about it and they were rather accepting though when I told them I wanted to drop math entirely they were somewhat dubious but they still let me do what I wanted to do in this regard. And so I decided to drop math supplementary classes and focus on trying to learn geography since that's the required entrance exam for college. However learning a subject when you never had it in your life is pretty difficult and so things are looking grim this year since the exam is coming up in June so there's a high chance I won't pass. That and since I'm from a science course and not a language course, my average is rather low when compared to language course students so I need to really make up for my poorer grades with the exam.
    And this is where my life is at now. I'm trying to pursue Japanese in college and for that I need to pass this one exam with a rather high mark in order to enter. And all this would not be possible without Fuwanovel. But it's not only because Fuwanovel gave me a path that I want to follow it, I want to follow it also because I want to give back to Fuwanovel everything the community gave to me. And wether or not I manage to enter college this year I won't regret my decisions and I'll keep trying harder next year!
    Life direciton and meaning were things I did not have some months ago, but because of this community and the people here I was able to stand back up and find something I want to do, a place where  I feel like I belong, and a reason to wake up every morning with a smile and not a frown. 
    And it's because of all this that this is mostly a thank you post. Thank you Fuwanovel community for giving me such a wonderful opportunity and making me feel like my existence matters here. Thank you for being as helpful as possible no matter what the situation. Thank you for being who you are and always stay like that, because this is what makes Fuwanovel the best community on the internet and one I want to be part of for as long as possible.
    I know this is just one single post and I might not be the best at writing stuff like this but I tried my best.
    I hope you can continue putting up with me for many months and years to come.
    So yeah, I guess.. T-thank you.

    And now for some specific people I wanted to mention before finishing this.
    First paragraph and one I promised I'd write is obviously for Kaguya, not only did she welcome me in her faction in its first stage but now for being like my other half and the person who gets most of my attention and love, even above Shinobu. She's also someone I look up to and I hope one day we can dominate the world together <3
    I  also want to dedicate one paragraph to KNIGHT, formerly known as Kaguya Faction, for being the first group of people to recruit me. Because of this group, even if the forums wasn't as active I knew that in this group PM even the most random of topics could generate a conversation (and it certainly did..) and obviously I am very proud for being a member and one day we shall eventually take over fuwa, and then the world, it's only a matter of time.
    Another paragraph is for the osu thread, in particular the users in it, because now osu is pretty much the only video game I play and have a ton of fun playing and because of the people in it I have someone to multi with which is always fun when I am completely bored.
    Also related to the previous one is Maefdomn who's pretty much my choice player when it comes to playing multi on osu. He's also fun to pester on Skype. And we have many great moments together as well.
    There's also Down who's someone I always look for when I need new anime, Down's recommendations rarely let me down so thank you for everything!
    I'd like to thank Steve for thinking I'm worthy enough of being part of the staff as well as the rest of the staff for accepting me. I'll do my best to become the Eiffel Tower!
    And although she's not active now I wanted to thank Mayumi for giving me the first ever major role on fuwa which meant and still does mean a lot to me.
    If you're not mentioned in these paragraphs it doesn't mean I don't like you or appreciate you it's just that I don't really have anything in specific I want to mention (or can remember now), but if I really did forget someone important do comment about it because I'm kind of tired from writing all this. 
    And that is all, thank you if you read everything here and if you gave up halfway it's still okay, I appreciate the effort, and stay awesome!

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    Atlantic Ocean, near the Spanish Coast  The command ship of the Irish Fleet November 1914  

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