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    Nosebleed got a reaction from Dergonu in Program for breaking down Kanji in real-time for VNs   
    I primarily use ChiiTrans, it places a textbox over the game and you can set the words to display furigana, it also works in fullscreen mode. You can also edit the entries pretty easily for names and whatnot.
  2. Like
    Nosebleed got a reaction from babiker in Want to remove the score system from FuwaReviews?   
    If it all comes down to what do you replace the x/10 with, and "nothing at all" isn't an option, I'm sticking with my salt container idea.
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    Nosebleed got a reaction from Silvz in Impulse! Review Thread   
    Worst review I ever read.
  4. Like
    Nosebleed got a reaction from Fiddle in Want to remove the score system from FuwaReviews?   
    How about we use an empty salt container that fills up the worse the game is. 
    That's possibly a better way to make the numeric system more accurate, but I think that might be a little too convoluted for fuwareviews.
  5. Like
    Nosebleed got a reaction from Rose in Want to remove the score system from FuwaReviews?   
    I might think Imouto Paradise is an 8/10 and Little Busters is a 4/10 in their own respective fields, but just looking at the scores makes it sound like I think there's one sole objective scale and Imouto Paradise is clearly superior to Little Busters when most people will think that's a dumb statement to make. If there were no scores however I could explain why I think Imouto Paradise is amazing in its genre and Little Busters fails in its genre, listing pros and cons and not giving a numerical value to it, thus letting the reader evaluate it. That's the main problem with numeric scales, they're not all encompassing and are too subjective to give any real help as far as judging a game goes, it just says this person thinks a game is a 9/10 but I have no idea what a 9/10 means to them and more to the point a 9/10 to me probably means something else entirely.
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    Nosebleed got a reaction from Tyrael in Want to remove the score system from FuwaReviews?   
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    Nosebleed got a reaction from Rose in Want to remove the score system from FuwaReviews?   
    I think you should get rid of the numerical score but keep the summary of the pros/cons.
    That's probably the best way to sum up stuff without attempting to use an "objective" scale that's always up for interpretation.
    Then again, I don't think keeping it actually hurts FuwaReviews, so really it's just personal preference.
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    Nosebleed got a reaction from Zenophilious in Want to remove the score system from FuwaReviews?   
    I might think Imouto Paradise is an 8/10 and Little Busters is a 4/10 in their own respective fields, but just looking at the scores makes it sound like I think there's one sole objective scale and Imouto Paradise is clearly superior to Little Busters when most people will think that's a dumb statement to make. If there were no scores however I could explain why I think Imouto Paradise is amazing in its genre and Little Busters fails in its genre, listing pros and cons and not giving a numerical value to it, thus letting the reader evaluate it. That's the main problem with numeric scales, they're not all encompassing and are too subjective to give any real help as far as judging a game goes, it just says this person thinks a game is a 9/10 but I have no idea what a 9/10 means to them and more to the point a 9/10 to me probably means something else entirely.
  9. Like
    Nosebleed got a reaction from solidbatman in Want to remove the score system from FuwaReviews?   
    I might think Imouto Paradise is an 8/10 and Little Busters is a 4/10 in their own respective fields, but just looking at the scores makes it sound like I think there's one sole objective scale and Imouto Paradise is clearly superior to Little Busters when most people will think that's a dumb statement to make. If there were no scores however I could explain why I think Imouto Paradise is amazing in its genre and Little Busters fails in its genre, listing pros and cons and not giving a numerical value to it, thus letting the reader evaluate it. That's the main problem with numeric scales, they're not all encompassing and are too subjective to give any real help as far as judging a game goes, it just says this person thinks a game is a 9/10 but I have no idea what a 9/10 means to them and more to the point a 9/10 to me probably means something else entirely.
  10. Like
    Nosebleed got a reaction from TexasDice in Want to remove the score system from FuwaReviews?   
    I might think Imouto Paradise is an 8/10 and Little Busters is a 4/10 in their own respective fields, but just looking at the scores makes it sound like I think there's one sole objective scale and Imouto Paradise is clearly superior to Little Busters when most people will think that's a dumb statement to make. If there were no scores however I could explain why I think Imouto Paradise is amazing in its genre and Little Busters fails in its genre, listing pros and cons and not giving a numerical value to it, thus letting the reader evaluate it. That's the main problem with numeric scales, they're not all encompassing and are too subjective to give any real help as far as judging a game goes, it just says this person thinks a game is a 9/10 but I have no idea what a 9/10 means to them and more to the point a 9/10 to me probably means something else entirely.
  11. Like
    Nosebleed got a reaction from Gibberish in Want to remove the score system from FuwaReviews?   
  12. Like
    Nosebleed got a reaction from Rose in Want to remove the score system from FuwaReviews?   
  13. Like
    Nosebleed got a reaction from Flutterz in Impulse! Review Thread   
    Worst review I ever read.
  14. Like
    Nosebleed got a reaction from Valmore in Impulse! Review Thread   
    Worst review I ever read.
  15. Like
    Nosebleed got a reaction from DarkZedge in Japanese Prime Minister: Doujinshi Are Safe Under The TPP   
    The TPP is still the worst trade deal to ever come into existence and we can only hope it's burned to the ground, but at the very least Japan has given some reassurance to the doujin market with the following statement by prime minister Abe:
    For those who don't know about the situation yet, some of the TPP's vague clauses could mean doujin artists can be sued without the copyright holder's intervention, which would mean serious harm to an entire industry. The doujin market is important as it is often where up and coming artists and authors start their careers, it's not just a place where fan made porn gets made, and I'm happy Abe, despite not being the greatest human being on Earth, acknowledges this.
    Things could still change, of course, and Japan immediately held a meeting after these remarks to discuss copyright laws, mainly targeting anime hosting sites, but it seems that at least parodies can safely continue to exist for the time being.
    Source: ANN
  16. Like
    Nosebleed got a reaction from kingdomcome in Japanese Prime Minister: Doujinshi Are Safe Under The TPP   
    The TPP is still the worst trade deal to ever come into existence and we can only hope it's burned to the ground, but at the very least Japan has given some reassurance to the doujin market with the following statement by prime minister Abe:
    For those who don't know about the situation yet, some of the TPP's vague clauses could mean doujin artists can be sued without the copyright holder's intervention, which would mean serious harm to an entire industry. The doujin market is important as it is often where up and coming artists and authors start their careers, it's not just a place where fan made porn gets made, and I'm happy Abe, despite not being the greatest human being on Earth, acknowledges this.
    Things could still change, of course, and Japan immediately held a meeting after these remarks to discuss copyright laws, mainly targeting anime hosting sites, but it seems that at least parodies can safely continue to exist for the time being.
    Source: ANN
  17. Like
    Nosebleed got a reaction from BookwormOtaku in Japanese Prime Minister: Doujinshi Are Safe Under The TPP   
    The TPP is still the worst trade deal to ever come into existence and we can only hope it's burned to the ground, but at the very least Japan has given some reassurance to the doujin market with the following statement by prime minister Abe:
    For those who don't know about the situation yet, some of the TPP's vague clauses could mean doujin artists can be sued without the copyright holder's intervention, which would mean serious harm to an entire industry. The doujin market is important as it is often where up and coming artists and authors start their careers, it's not just a place where fan made porn gets made, and I'm happy Abe, despite not being the greatest human being on Earth, acknowledges this.
    Things could still change, of course, and Japan immediately held a meeting after these remarks to discuss copyright laws, mainly targeting anime hosting sites, but it seems that at least parodies can safely continue to exist for the time being.
    Source: ANN
  18. Like
  19. Like
    Nosebleed got a reaction from sanahtlig in Japanese Prime Minister: Doujinshi Are Safe Under The TPP   
    The TPP is still the worst trade deal to ever come into existence and we can only hope it's burned to the ground, but at the very least Japan has given some reassurance to the doujin market with the following statement by prime minister Abe:
    For those who don't know about the situation yet, some of the TPP's vague clauses could mean doujin artists can be sued without the copyright holder's intervention, which would mean serious harm to an entire industry. The doujin market is important as it is often where up and coming artists and authors start their careers, it's not just a place where fan made porn gets made, and I'm happy Abe, despite not being the greatest human being on Earth, acknowledges this.
    Things could still change, of course, and Japan immediately held a meeting after these remarks to discuss copyright laws, mainly targeting anime hosting sites, but it seems that at least parodies can safely continue to exist for the time being.
    Source: ANN
  20. Like
    Nosebleed got a reaction from Dergonu in What language should I learn (NOT japanese or chinese!)?   
    As someone who really enjoys learning new languages, my best tip is: don't ask the internet what you should learn.
    If you don't know anything about a language or the culture it comes from, you have a high chance of not really enjoying the learning process.
    Now I'm not saying experimenting is bad, but you should really only learn something you find interest in. You can learn a language because you like how it sounds, or maybe for a job you just got in. But asking random strangers what language you should learn doesn't seem like a very clever idea.
    Most responses you're going to get are either a) the culture/country is awesome or b) you can get a good job with it. But this applies to the person speaking, not you. You're the one that should decide these matters. Every language has merits, but they will ALWAYS be relative to your criteria, not other people's criteria.
    I always thought German is a pretty cool language, but I do not see how learning it would be useful to me and so I am not spending years learning it and am instead investing my time in things I know will be useful either right now or in the future. You can argue learning something is always useful, but languages take a lot of time to master, and you can never learn all of them, so you'll always have to make a choice of what matters most to you.
    So yeah, think about a language you personally find useful to know, otherwise I think you're likely wasting your time. Unless that was exactly your goal, in which case I suggest learning ancient Greek.
  21. Like
    Nosebleed got a reaction from LiquidShu in Japanese Prime Minister: Doujinshi Are Safe Under The TPP   
    The TPP is still the worst trade deal to ever come into existence and we can only hope it's burned to the ground, but at the very least Japan has given some reassurance to the doujin market with the following statement by prime minister Abe:
    For those who don't know about the situation yet, some of the TPP's vague clauses could mean doujin artists can be sued without the copyright holder's intervention, which would mean serious harm to an entire industry. The doujin market is important as it is often where up and coming artists and authors start their careers, it's not just a place where fan made porn gets made, and I'm happy Abe, despite not being the greatest human being on Earth, acknowledges this.
    Things could still change, of course, and Japan immediately held a meeting after these remarks to discuss copyright laws, mainly targeting anime hosting sites, but it seems that at least parodies can safely continue to exist for the time being.
    Source: ANN
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    Nosebleed reacted to Down in Japanese Prime Minister: Doujinshi Are Safe Under The TPP   
    Doujins or not doujins, copyright law has become utterly retarded and needs to be burned to the ground and redone entirely - if only to take into account the immense structural changes the internet brought to cultural habits, in terms of creation or experience. TPP is the furthering of a neo-liberal agenda to a downright terrifying point and none of those who create or experience cultural items have any interest in it. Only transnational companies, producers, editors and shareholders do.
  25. Like
    Nosebleed got a reaction from Kawasumi in Rap music   
    Like the full fledged weeaboo I am, I only listen to superior Japanese rap.
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