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Posts posted by Arcadeotic

  1. Nikola Tesla from Ourai no Gahkthun is by far my favorite VN male character lead. He's exactly what I'd want from the stoic/badass character archetype with some witty sarcasm I can appreciate and he's just exhuding charm. Another good male lead would be Akihito from Comyu, who I very much love for how much more down-to-earth he is in comparison to most chuunige protagonists.

    Now, I've never really cared for anime protagonists unless they're adapted from certain Light Novels or Manga, but I must say that my favorite Light Novel protagonists have to be Ainz Ooal Gown/Momonga from Overlord, and Dantalion from Dungeon Defence.

    They both share the similarity of being somewhat of normal persons coming from our normal world to a fantasy-setting, though Dantalion's circumstances are a bit different. They're both different than the norm in a way that they just don't even want to go back since they don't have anything special to go back to.

    The two are also warped in their mindset, though in Ainz's case, it's because of the transformation, but Dantalion was just warped before he came to the new world.

    They're both intelligent and are that what you'd call "rulers". The way they drive their own goals above all else is quite interesting and entertaining to read. They're both also pretty sadistic and ruthless to everyone, who's not on their side, but show a degree of manners before all of that, which I do enjoy to a immense degree.

    They're both exceptionally fleshed out characters, and their mindsets, goals, and means of achieving said goals differentiate quited a lot from the norm, and overall, it's quite refreshing to see and read that.

    They're fantastic

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