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Posts posted by Arcadeotic

  1. These polls, every time...


    What's your favourite OELVN?

    VA-11 HALL-A / Sepia Tears

    Will OELVNs ever be as good as Japanese VNs?

    Ehh. They should chase two different things, not the same, thus any kind of rating that puts one behind the other is absolutely worthless

    Why are OELVNs generally considered worse than Japanese VNs?

    Because they most of the time choose to chase after what Japanese VNs try to achieve, and more often than not, the aftermath is a weebish mush of utter garbage. Once devs realize that Western themes work much better and that it actually strikes home unlike some random Japanese themes and bentos. They're getting there, like with One Thousand Lies, VA-11 HALL-A, and Sepia Tears, but there's still a long way to go. Like with JRPGS, those made in Japan tend to be more enjoyable, so Westerners should try to strive for something original.

    What are the attributes that make OELVNs stand out (in a positive way) from their Japanese counterparts?

    Different themes, fresh ideas, and new ways to go with the storytelling than just the standard formula.

    Recommend a random (relatively unknown) OELVN

    I used to loathe Western VNs like many others, but Sepia Tears rejuvenated my faith in the "OELVN" industry. You should play it; it's heartwarming, quite ewll written, and will tug your heartstrings.

    Is Undertale an OELVN? And of so has it already made VNs popular in the west?... And if so has Fuwanovel lost its purpose of existence?!

    Sure, Undertale has some VN-ish elements, but I'm neither absolutely brain-dead nor a memer, so I will never think Undertale as a VN, and if you for some reason do, you're just more ignorant than a three-year-old. 

    The OST's good though.

  2. 1 hour ago, Funyarinpa said:

    I tried to learn German for three years at school, and dude just... wut.

    Adjective conjugation, article conjugation, changing (often seemingly arbitrary) articles for every noun... Shit is fucking crazy, especially grammar-wise. It's by no means easy.

    German is an extremely systematic language and follows certain schemes almost always without huge amounts of exceptions like, say, English

    So yeah, German is on the easy side

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