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    Tyr got a reaction from Kawasumi in Anime Expo 2017 VN License Announcements   
    For the last 5 years, every time somebody mentions the bestiality scene, there was always someone who told you how important that scene is, totally deep and full with philosophy and stuff.
    Now it's just ten lines and not important at all.
    I love these shifts in the narrative as soon as a game is being localized. I hope you get paid for this, you are really good.
  2. Like
    Tyr got a reaction from Deep Blue in Anime Expo 2017 VN License Announcements   
    For the last 5 years, every time somebody mentions the bestiality scene, there was always someone who told you how important that scene is, totally deep and full with philosophy and stuff.
    Now it's just ten lines and not important at all.
    I love these shifts in the narrative as soon as a game is being localized. I hope you get paid for this, you are really good.
  3. Like
    Tyr got a reaction from FizzyJuice in How to extract an H-code   
    If you want an H-Code for a PPSSPP, you have to find one yourself for every game you want to hook.
    Here is everything you need to know: http://agth.wikia.com/wiki/Cheat_Engine_AGTH_Tutorial
    Alternatively, you can use HAT. When using HAT, you don't need an H-Code.
  4. Like
    Tyr reacted to Vorathiel in Anime Expo 2017 VN License Announcements   
    ... > . < 
    Fuck you, USA.
  5. Like
    Tyr reacted to WinterfuryZX in Surprise in Chrono Clock   
    I don't know if it is the case but I don't like replaced citations at all. Maybe it's just me.
  6. Like
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    Tyr reacted to Vokoca in What are you reading? Untranslated edition   
    Finished 凍京NECRO. It's probably not much of a surprise, given how this VN is presented, but 凍京NECRO is an example of what happens when you have way more flair than substance. Luckily for Nitro+, though - the flair is really fucking cool.
    This entire visual novel is just a ridiculous budget explosion. From throw-away one-time use sprites to the numerous 3D-animated fight scenes, 凍京NECRO does all it can to impress the reader with its presentation. And for what its worth, it works for the most part - the 3D is pretty iffy, and probably downright shit by western standards, but if you can look past that it is really enjoyable. The models, animations and particle effects might look decent at best, but they do make for some really cool scenes when they all come together.
    The story... is really good too, for the most part. It is fun and complex, full of crazy twist and turns in each of the four routes - but things start to fall apart a bit as soon as the plot tries to go outside the box. The story deals with life and death and what they mean - or so it'd like you to think, because it never really goes much deeper than the surface level. Just like the nonsensical sci-fi, it is there just to be entertaining rather than to send some profound message. It tries to, however, especially with the true route. Now don't get me wrong, the true route is presented in one of the coolest ways I've ever seen, and it's really exciting while it is all happening - but as soon as you stop to think about it it doesn't really make all that much sense. There is also this strange meta angle that doesn't quite stick the landing either - but it's not really given too much weight just like everything else, so it doesn't really detract from the overall enjoyment.
    All in all, I've enjoyed 凍京NECRO a lot - but no matter how hard Nitro+ might try, the next Muramasa it is not.
  8. Like
    Tyr reacted to InvertMouse in Found this "Pocket Sakura" in my garage   
    During a garage clean up the other week, I found this gem from the year 2000:

    Sakura Taisen was a hit back in the late 90s. You know the magazine NewType? It has been around since then, and I recall so many issues with Sakura or other members of the cast on the cover. Sega, of course, made the most of its popularity with countless merch and spin-offs.

    This Gameboy spinoff is different from the console versions. It is about raising stats, there are mini-games, and combat takes more of a backseat. Though Sega has released so many spinoffs (card games, puzzle games and the like), it is nice to see they made an effort and didn’t simply pump out lazy ports.
    But here is the relic that made me smile:

    This is the companion “Pocket Sakura”. Tamagotchi was a big thing at the time (as my primary school teacher said, “You can’t bring those digital watches into school!”), and you can see the result right here. The Pocket Sakura connects with the Gameboy via infrared, and you use it to exchange data with the cartridge.
    Unfortunately, I have never owned a Gameboy Color! Thank goodness we are in the YouTube era, and Erica Griffin has put together this awesome review:
    Honestly, I cannot even recall the last time I have put a battery into anything. The 90s and early 2000s will always bring back great memories for me.
    Do we have companion gadgets like these in visual novels today? I played through Mass Effect Andromeda recently, and that game comes with an app that you can download to send troops on missions via your phone. It might be fun to see that explored in visual novels. I am not aware of any titles that make use of this, but if there are, I would love to know about them. Do you think that is a cool idea, or is it just a gimmick?

    Thank you!
  9. Like
    Tyr got a reaction from Dergonu in What are you reading? Untranslated edition   
    Feels to me like a Cyclet/late Black Cyc title with higher budget, though I'm only like 20% in so far. Starts to get a little bit repetitive, but I hope it's intended and will be twisted soon. It's pretty meta at times and I feel the game expects the reader to think in eroge tropes just to revert them later on.
    I like the writer, I always had the feeling he could do more if he was allowed, but there was always something holding him back. Like for example, that the games he wrote for had to be low budget short fetish nukige lol.
    The writing of ChronoBox is good, it's also fast-paced which is what I like but that also means there is not much time to develop the huge cast naturally. Every scene in itself is well-written, but the work as a whole seems awfully close to a nukige in how it handles characters and story progression.
    ChronoBox kinda reminds me of Sukui no Serenade and while I like both games so far (as dark nukige), I think Sukui was better at hiding that it's essentially really just a nice-looking fapge.
  10. Like
    Tyr reacted to Dizzy in corona blossom question (probably chronoclock too)   
    1. As Dergonu says
    2. Only played it a bit, will read after finish hatsukoi
    3. arigathanks gozaimuch
    For saying sorry you can use sorrymasen
  11. Like
    Tyr got a reaction from vkalvkal in Acen 2017   
    Announcing Marina kinda proves my hypothesis that Mangagamer isn't really interested in bringing NTR eroge to the west. They are only interested in bringing cuckold nukige (meaning consensual adultery aka the most boring subgenre of NTR) since that is a porn genre already established here and normies are familiar with the concept.
    But NTR games with actual drama, meaningful relationship problems, suspense, angst ... you know, all the good stuff? Eh, probably not.
  12. Like
    Tyr got a reaction from Swim Swim in Acen 2017   
    Announcing Marina kinda proves my hypothesis that Mangagamer isn't really interested in bringing NTR eroge to the west. They are only interested in bringing cuckold nukige (meaning consensual adultery aka the most boring subgenre of NTR) since that is a porn genre already established here and normies are familiar with the concept.
    But NTR games with actual drama, meaningful relationship problems, suspense, angst ... you know, all the good stuff? Eh, probably not.
  13. Like
    Tyr got a reaction from Ramaladni in tales of berseria question   
    I'm actually a fan of revenge stories, one reason I like Korean cinema so much, and that is one of my main issues of Berseria; the reason for the vengeance doesn't make any sense. Especially because in the prologue
    So essentially the reason for the vengeance is that the protagonist doesn't want to accept that somebody actually did exactly the one thing she believes in and fights for. Yeah, what? It doesn't make any sense. And how can you root for a character when the reasoning for her actions is so nonsensical?
    This is especially infuriating because the story relies so much on principles and ideologies and instead of discussing them they are simply justified by a strong sense of passion you supposedly should have for them since your feelings can't be wrong, can they? But even if you try and not apply logic to it, the vengeance also falls flat on an emotional level.
    Imagine somebody kills someone close to you and you want to get revenge. Of course, that is vigilante justice, but emotionally I'm on your side despite that. But then you carry out your revenge by killing innocent people ... wait, why are you doing that? It doesn't make any sense and I'm not emotionally attached to your cause anymore. And that is exactly what Berseria's revenge story consists of and why it doesn't work.
    There is a trope in Japanese entertainment which got more popular in recent years: sacrificing humanity in order to save those close to you. It's mainly an edgy reaction to Japanese culture which deems the worth of the group higher than the worth of an individual. The trope isn't inherently bad and it can be used to tell great emotional stories. But recently, like with many initially good tropes, the stories surrounding this concept get dumber and dumber. The trope only works if the reader can emphasize with the characters and at least emotionally understand the reasoning for their actions, but nowadays it's used more in a.reactionary manner; the many are sacrificed not because there is an emotional reason, but mainly because the system isn't liked (for no other reason than being contrarian on principle) and the reader just wants to see the world burn.
    I'm sorry, I already wrote too much. But after spending 150 hours with Berseria and really liking Tales of Zestiria and how it seriously discussed important themes and philosophies (I think Baba's vision was realized in this one the most), I'm really disappointed by how shallow Berseria is, how it's a disgrace for the vengeance-genre and how it looks down on its player by not even trying to make any sense at all, not even on an emotional level. That is, if you are not an edgy teenager who wants to see how badass characters (they are pretty emo) go against a supposedly evil system (it's not evil). I do not mean that as an insult*, we all were at least a little bit emo at some point in our life. But just because we were kinda stupid in this phase of our life doesn't mean that the entertainment that caters to this phase should be as stupid as we were. In fact, it should be intelligent, educate us and show us more than we wanted to see. That is what young adult fiction should be about and that was Baba's vision. And Tales of Berseria betrayed it. Hard.
    *highlighted because I'm sure this rant appears very pretentious, but it's not meant to be that and instead really more a cry of a JRPG nerd who takes his hobby way too serious and wants to discuss it on the Internet
  14. Like
    Tyr got a reaction from Nandemonai in JAST USA finally reveals the release date for their most hotly anticipated upcoming release!   
    Teh entitlement is strong with this thread.
    But yeah, let's shame Peter for releasing the game that will make him the most money, lol.
  15. Like
    Tyr got a reaction from Narcosis in JAST USA finally reveals the release date for their most hotly anticipated upcoming release!   
    Teh entitlement is strong with this thread.
    But yeah, let's shame Peter for releasing the game that will make him the most money, lol.
  16. Like
    Tyr got a reaction from Kuma in JAST USA finally reveals the release date for their most hotly anticipated upcoming release!   
    Teh entitlement is strong with this thread.
    But yeah, let's shame Peter for releasing the game that will make him the most money, lol.
  17. Like
    Tyr reacted to Kuma in Clannad? Overrated or Worthy of it's honours?   
    If Clannad were an RPG or some kind of ""real"" game, it would most likely have the same religious cultists as OoT, FFVII, etc. Calling it the "Best of the Average" might be fitting nowadays since, let's be honest here: Most try to copy it. Clannad might be as well be a cornerstone that created the Age of Moege Madness that is today. Sure, it is even more overrated than those pieces of S* Diss Iraq, SupaHippie & Cringaia combined, but it defined the standard of tastelesness that the modern VN fan values.
  18. Like
    Tyr got a reaction from Darklord Rooke in How do you usually do to spend your free times?   
    You should do nothing for a few years. Then you can spend the rest of your life regretting that you wasted your youth.
    That's how we otakus usually spend our free time.
  19. Like
    Tyr reacted to Swim Swim in Is translated Comyu worth reading?   
    I dont recommend it, not because of translation quality because thats okay if you arent THAT picky  
    but the reason Comyu had one of worst throwaway H-SCENES I ever seen, its almost was like they designed a game for younger ones then hey we need H-scene " lets throw some random sh.t in it". Also I have never seen a more annoying MC, he is a damn manwhore who also happens to be hypocrite, claiming to be in love and giving pretionus shonen speeches, yet he cheats on girl, on other times he refuses to cheat... So badly written, I mean wtf decide what MC supposed be either he is nice or bad, not a damn hypocrite. 
    Admitedly the game had nice idea but turned into a really predictable cliche with strong badly written shonen feel. 
    I absolutely dont recommend this title.
  20. Like
    Tyr reacted to Vorathiel in Can somone translate an image for me?   
    Random trivia:
    In Norse mythology there is a myth about Fenrir, the terrible wolf, who was about to eat the worlds (or somehting like that). Fenrir was bound by Gleipnir, the invincible rope, which was made from:
    - The beard of a woman
    - The roots of a mountain
    - The sinews of a bear
    - The breath of a fish
    - The spittle of a bird
    And finally, to stay on topic: - The sound of cats' paws.
    And what's why, according to vikings, those things do not exists. So taptaptap as the sound of running paws is a little... strange.  
  21. Like
    Tyr reacted to Narcosis in Why I hate the Fruit of Grisaia   
    "Yeah, let's hide our inability to write a good story by turning it into a hilarious joke. I'm sure people won't spot the difference!" 
  22. Like
    Tyr reacted to Kuma in Why I hate the Fruit of Grisaia   
    Rewrite kinda has the same problem, common route is too long and tries too much to be funny (but it kinda works, because of what happens afterwards).
    Grisaia is beyond saving. Walking-deus-ex-machina-plot-device-protag really doesn't work in a comedy setting, imo. (He still doesn't work in the routes, at least for me, but that might be because I hate those kind of protagonists)
  23. Like
    Tyr reacted to Kawasumi in Why I hate the Fruit of Grisaia   
    >reusing the same jokes and stereotypes seven million times

  24. Like
    Tyr reacted to Swim Swim in Mass Effect Andromeda - Ready for judgment (TuT)   
    Draw your own conclusion

  25. Like
    Tyr got a reaction from Ramaladni in tales of berseria question   
    I assumed you would like it. Most people do. But just because you like something doesn't mean it's actually good. And your initial question was whether it's good or not.
    It's ironic that Vesperia and now Berseria are considered the "best" Tales of games when they are conceptually pretty "anti-Tales of". They go against Baba's vision who wanted to tell meaningful stories discussing important topics and philosophies and instead consist of shallow and morally disgusting power fantasies which is probably exactly what edgy teenager or chuunibyous want to indulge in, and that is why these games are so popular.
    But are they actually good? Do gameplay and story advance this long-standing franchise adequately while being true to the series' traditions? For Berseria, the answer must clearly be no. And that is probably also the reason why you or many other people will have a blast playing the game.
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