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    Tyr reacted to XReaper in Nukiges with great story   
    waffle´s yabai! has some rather darn cool plot, that is if you can handle a mc playing judgement day.
    aside from that one most of lune´s catalogue should fit in said category.

    edit: almost forgot me obligatory mentioning amagasa´s nukige, which DO have a cool story and dont neglect fleshing out their cast and making dialogues great, such as in virgin load & midnight hymns2. most of their other titles are no nukige, more semi-archaic fantasy stories, that feature (cool)fights, whores whoring around, assholes & brothels. by the way all of amagasa´s recent releases are fully voiced (starting from prince of red lake), incl. mc + some do have quite nice cutscenes to them.

    btw: if you may happen to be interested in those 2 latter titles, then please support the devs by buying them, so they can continue doing their best. thank you
  2. Like
    Tyr got a reaction from Justin579 in Is there a personality, physical or other trait common among most of your favorite/best girl in VNs?   
    Isn't that the whole point of a relationship?
  3. Like
    Tyr reacted to Kawasumi in AX 2016 - VN Bingo   
    then im pretty sure its gonna be fraternite, so you can hate on that instead @ChaosRaven, arent you happy?
  4. Like
    Tyr got a reaction from Fiddle in AX 2016 - VN Bingo   
    It's not even 5x5.
    If they at least had made it 4x4, it would have been possible to get a line. But like this, it's completely worthless.
    Well, what to expect of the Sekai discord channel? First the English VN scene and now they're also ruining the bingo meme. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  5. Like
    Tyr got a reaction from XReaper in Popular/well-liked visual novels that you don't like/care for?   
    Popular Visual Novels I despise:
    Yuno - Everything that's wrong with old eroge. Grisaia - Everything that's wrong with modern eroge. I/O -  Everything that's wrong with science fiction. Danganronpa - Everything that's wrong with murder mysteries. Rance - Everything that's wrong with rapist protagonists. SubaHibi - Just everything.
  6. Like
    Tyr got a reaction from Kawasumi in Popular/well-liked visual novels that you don't like/care for?   
    Popular Visual Novels I despise:
    Yuno - Everything that's wrong with old eroge. Grisaia - Everything that's wrong with modern eroge. I/O -  Everything that's wrong with science fiction. Danganronpa - Everything that's wrong with murder mysteries. Rance - Everything that's wrong with rapist protagonists. SubaHibi - Just everything.
  7. Like
    Tyr got a reaction from littleshogun in Ar Tonelico Save Data   
    You even asked which game OP is talking about and after telling you, you still linked the wrong one, haha.
    It's this game: http://www.gamefaqs.com/ps2/932632-ar-tonelico-melody-of-elemia/saves
  8. Like
    Tyr reacted to Ariurotl in Popular/well-liked visual novels that you don't like/care for?   
    OH BOY, THIS IS THE THREAD FOR ME! Hmm, where do I start?
    Clannad: Mediocre at best. Terrible humor (with the exception of Nagisa's parents), bloated, uneven pacing, strange narrative choices, focus on emotional impact to a huge detriment of... well, common sense, really. One of the few VNs that made me genuinely fucking angry at various points.
    Grisaia no Kajitsu: Godawful protagonist, shamelessly bloated in the common route, plot inconsistencies everywhere, some narrative choices annoyed the fuck out of me as well. Should have also been set in an alternate universe or alternate future, cause it's impossible not to ruin the immersion with all the completely over-the-top unrealistic stuff that's not so much impressive as it is vexing.
    Shuffle!: Fuck Shuffle!
    Demonbane: Well, that's more of my own personal problem, but I was promised a Lovecraftian story and what I got was Lovecraftian in name only. They could've used names from Shakespeare's works and call it Shakespearean with roughly the same effect.
    Hoshizora no Memoria: A character-focused title without any good characters. The plot wasn't particularly inspired either.
    G-Senjou no Maou: It wasn't a bad read, and I hesitated to include it in this list, but after reading Sharin no Kuni it was a definite letdown in comparison.
  9. Like
    Tyr got a reaction from Chronopolis in What are you playing?   
    Only the best feels from me, buddy.
  10. Like
    Tyr got a reaction from Okarin in Windows 10 Visual Novel Compatiblity   
    Only after Win10 was introduced and you can easily get rid of all the spy updates: https://voat.co/v/technology/comments/853510
    Do you really think they use humans in the first stage of examining and evaluating of what they have collected?
  11. Like
    Tyr reacted to Vokoca in All traces of the 'When They Cry' series gone from PSN?   
    Well hey, my mistake for thinking people here cared about VNs, I guess. If there was ever any chance of these releases ever making it to the west - or even MG just acquiring the rights to the Alchemist/Kaga assets - there sure as hell is none now.
  12. Like
    Tyr got a reaction from XReaper in What are you playing?   
    Only the best feels from me, buddy.
  13. Like
    Tyr reacted to XReaper in What are you playing?   
    thanks to tyrosin (ill-willed) recommendation movie-wise i´m now mentally unable to proceed reading kagerou , so i switched over to fictional hero gin gaia instead. took me alittle for warming up to it, but now i´m having a blast.
  14. Like
    Tyr reacted to Deep Blue in Piss off Fuwanovel in one sentence   
    subarashikihibi is a pretentious piece of shit 
  15. Like
    Tyr got a reaction from Deep Blue in Piss off Fuwanovel in one sentence   
    Consent is overrated.
  16. Like
    Tyr reacted to sanahtlig in Piss off Fuwanovel in one sentence   
    Fuwanovel: A "safe space" where VN casualfags gather to circlejerk about otome games and cheap Western knockoffs, decry rational criticism and alternative viewpoints, and "translate" native Japanese-language works using text hookers, Google Translate, and the honed language skills they picked up from reading Heisig's Remembering the Kanji.
  17. Like
    Tyr got a reaction from Dergonu in What JP game are these characters from?   
    Not surprising. I recommended it.
  18. Like
    Tyr reacted to Deep Blue in Two potentially good vn to come soon   
    DISCLAIMER: I don't mean to offend anyone with the following words, this is my opinion and mine only. (The storm of rage is coming strong probably) 

    So I read (kinda) lamunation and all I have to say is NOPE NOPE NOPE and NOPE, it's about nothing with bad jokes going on and on and on ... oh my god I'm going to have nightmares with those cheesy special effect sounds.
    and the voice of irisu.... I wanted to kill myself every time she was talking, is was like hearing makina (from grisaia..she is xD) but forced to the extreme to make it sound like a 4 years old girl, that high pitched voice... D: D: NOPE NOPE

    I don't know who is the audience for this vn, I can't really say what genre is, maybe a bizarre-comedy-unstoppable-nightmare-that-you-can't-wake-up-from.

    And after all that I was curious to see how far it went.. so I hold the precious control key to skip to the end but... it didn't end... it didn't want to end  after a few minutes I got tired and close the vn to oblivious.

    Last but not least it uses siglusengine  if you don't know why I'm complaining about this it's because you need to "crack" the .exe or else you can't run the game because you are "outside" of Japan (yeah even if it's a trial-free version!)
    EDIT: I won't say it's a bad vn or a good one (is not even finished and I didn't read it till the end), clearly I'm not the target of this and so I can't understand nor appreciate what it is or what is trying to do, I just don't get it, to put it bluntly it was like watching abstract art, is it good or bad? who knows, for me it's nothing at all and that's that.
  19. Like
    Tyr reacted to sanahtlig in Reddit with serious censorship issues   
    Reddit is fine for news on niche topics like visual novels, and for occasionally enlightening dissenting viewpoints that you might not see on mainstream news sites.  But at its core Reddit is a hivemind like 4chan, and furthermore relies on popularity as the metric for what gets displayed to you.  That metric is inherently flawed.  Mainstream news sites also rely on popularity as a metric, but they're somewhat less susceptible to memes and outright pandering at least.  In the end, Reddit is at its best when the active users are experts on the subject matter.  The broader the subject and the wider the audience, the less likely this is to be the case.
    The "fix" for issues like these is greater user accountability.  Ironically, greater accountability tends to coincide with greater censorship (self-censorship or otherwise).  Reddit would be a different place I think if every user had to use their real name and face with a link to where they work.
  20. Like
    Tyr reacted to john 'mr. customer' smith in Favorite Visual Novel Artists   
    I'm gonna be a massive hypocrite for this one
    I disagree with a lot of people here on what 'good art' means. To me, a lot of the art that gets praised around here doesn't feel like art to me, it just feels like pretty pictures, it just feels like high quality moe fanservice. I don't dislike this kind of work, even less so the people that love it, but to me, art should be artistic. It should speak, it should have a personality of its own, it should explore the boundaries of familiarity.
    Just my opinion though.
    Oishi ryuuko best guy
  21. Like
    Tyr reacted to sanahtlig in Sakura series, wtf "Rant"   
    Winged Cloud hasn't responded to comments on Twitter for a year.  Contacting them there seems pretty useless.  Your best bet is to sponsor them on Patreon and connect with them there.  They only listen to money.
  22. Like
    Tyr reacted to littleshogun in Sakura series, wtf "Rant"   
    Speaking about Sakura Dungeon, I played it and I think it's not too bad if we look at the gameplaly, although the gameplay itself could became repetitive though (Well, usually this is common problem for RPG). But I think while the gameplay was fun, lack of attribute increase was made this game quite unrewarding for levelling your party other than your main (I mean usually in dungeon crawler you could see of how much your stat increase, while here you could only see your stat for level 1 or level 10 was same). Beside from the scroll item I could see that all party member could basically became clone of each other, except with different passive skill. The battle itself actually quite interesting, since here we had mana doubled duty as rate of how well you could hit or evade. As for capturing, well the monster was all girl and from the body it was all the same so it could get repetitive too. And for the engine, looks like Renpy wasn't suitable for this game because my Sakura Dungeon was run slowly (Although it could be my laptop though). But from there I could see of how Winged Cloud push Renpy engine limit. And for the story and character, it was very standard I think although the interaction between Ceri and Yomi was nice though. I think that's all for my comment about Sakura Dungeon.
  23. Like
    Tyr reacted to Darklord Rooke in Translation help, please!   
    You're right. Probably a recommendation only for transcribing.
    It goes against the modern advice given for writing such scenes, and I don't believe it should be the recommendation for translating such scenes either (with one exception related to stylistic accuracy which I'll list below.) The common recommendation for writing weird accents (and talking with your mouth full qualifies) is less is more. In other words, include enough written clues to get the concept of 'something in her mouth' across without actually mimicking what it sounds like. Dialogue 'imitates' real life, it doesn't copy it. There are exceptions to the rule, but those are the common guidelines.
    The reason this is recommended, is because if you accurately write down what it sounds like when people talk with something in their mouth, then you're quite right the reader will have trouble reading it. Anything which jerks the reader out of the reading experience is considered dangerous, and that includes writing sentences full of 'shtahf' instead of 'stop'. Writing is different to voice acting, in voice acting they may strive for 'realism' but that doesn't come across well in the writing world.
    For example, with Diana Gabaldon's Outlander the Scottish accents are delightfully understated:
    However, back in the 19th Century it was the vogue to accurately replicate every phonetic difference in accents and everything else. So you got bullshit like this:
    Writers don't often do that any more, writing's changed in the past 150 years. In fact, phonetically replicating accents (stuff down throat qualifies) is often on the list of writing 'do nots': http://www.helpingwritersbecomeauthors.com/most-common-mistakes-dos-and-donts-of/
    I really wouldn't recommend translators or editors stick something down their throat and try and phonetically replicate shit. Unless that's what they did in the Japanese and you want a super accurate representation, at which point I'd roll my eyes at the original H-scene writing.
  24. Like
    Tyr reacted to XReaper in What nukige would you most like to see translated   
    those are my candidates for glory:

    1) waffle´s "yabai!"
    2) lune´s "jutaijima"
    3) lune´s "jutai hen"
    4) amagasa´s "virgin load"
    5) orcsoft´s "kagachi-sama"
  25. Like
    Tyr reacted to Deep Blue in Homeless school girl. Translation project   
    Final patch is released!
    I will keep changing it and making edits but it's overall pretty much finished and "polished"
    Also if you think the default fonts are ugly you can install any of these: 
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