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Everything posted by Tyr

  1. You probably already have the newest version of the original ITH. I think there never was an official update for ITH3. There are Andys' custom builds however, which you should use instead.
  2. Please kill yourself if you actually wanted to use Google Translator to machine translate your VN. Alternatively, you can also just use a good MT or even learn Japanese. But considering the capital crime you wanted to commit, I recommend the first option in this case. Google is broken for a while now and nobody cares to fix that because it's shit and unless you are a coprophile you shouldn't consume it.
  3. If you talk about "great story" in the context of nukige, it doesn't mean the same thing as if you were talking about normal eroge. "Good" story in the context of porn means that it's a story that greatly enhances the porn. It does not mean that it's a good story in itself, because then the game wouldn't be a nukige anymore. This is a concept most people, especially Western people don't understand. For example, there is nearly no Western pron flick with a good story, because most people think that story is unnecessary in pron (such plebs!) or if they try to write a story into their porn movies, it's extremely boring, pointless, pretentious, quickly forgotten during the sex act and certainly never erotic. Asians are different. Japanese are very good at presenting porn scenes in a very erotic context. Just look at all the different JAV scenarios or thousands of pink eiga. Korean soft porn flicks are also pretty good at this. Keeping that in mind, euphoria certainly is not a nukige for example. Despite the initially high density of hentai scenes, when the story comes in, the ratio of hentai scenes drops. That's because in the case of euphoria, the hentai scenes enhance the story, not the other way around (story enhances the hentai). Well, nukige I think have a good story: Definitely Yabai which was already mentioned by @XReaper. The revenge aspect makes the hentai scenes much more satisfying and extreme. And the story parts really add to the characterization. The detective gameplay and storyline would probably not be enough for a normal eroge, in this case however it's perfect and exactly what this nukige needed. One of the best I have ever played. Everything by Amagasa, especially Virgin Load. OMG I can't even. It's just perfect. Toki o Kakeru Shojo. The storyline is great. Very dark humor, but still very interesting and actually quite cleverly written. The Yami no Koe series. It's like 90% hentai, but the scenes between are so full of characterization and development that it really makes the following hentai scenes so much more engaging.
  4. Of course you have the right. Everyone has the right to criticize everything he wants. You don't have to be good or even better at creating the things you criticize for your opinion to have value. Why would you even think that?
  5. I think I never finished the first animu I bought, so that was 15 years ago. And that's not the only one. I think I have like ten animu or manga series from 15 years ago in my bookshelf where the last volumes are still in their original wrapping. ...someday...
  6. The best vampire VN is MinDeaD BlooD, though.
  7. It's not even 5x5. If they at least had made it 4x4, it would have been possible to get a line. But like this, it's completely worthless. Well, what to expect of the Sekai discord channel? First the English VN scene and now they're also ruining the bingo meme. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  8. I just finished Maro no Kanja ha Gatenkei 3 and ... ... I didn't get it. Can someone explain to me what the meaning behind Tomoko was? I get that ... Honestly, I hate Silky's Plus. Fuck you all. You killed elf.
  9. Popular Visual Novels I despise: Yuno - Everything that's wrong with old eroge. Grisaia - Everything that's wrong with modern eroge. I/O - Everything that's wrong with science fiction. Danganronpa - Everything that's wrong with murder mysteries. Rance - Everything that's wrong with rapist protagonists. SubaHibi - Just everything.
  10. Use JDownloader 2 for downloading from OCHs.
  11. You even asked which game OP is talking about and after telling you, you still linked the wrong one, haha. It's this game: http://www.gamefaqs.com/ps2/932632-ar-tonelico-melody-of-elemia/saves
  12. How many of these reviewers have actually read Ever17? Nothing worse than professional reviewers hyping 15 years old twists.
  13. There are RPG Maker games which do not rely on the default RPG Maker routine for printing out text which is being captured by text hookers. Nothing you can do except decrypting and rewriting the script. Which is something that some people are actually doing. I don't know why VNR stopped working. Maybe there are some hidden settings which were changed when you hooked the other game? Have you looked in Text Settings whether the threads are spawning or not? Regarding your preference of VNR because of full screen support: If you play your games in a virtual machine, full screen is no problem for any text hooker. I use ITH with full screen all the time.
  14. Have you ever written something without the intention to hijack a discussion for your blatant self-advertisement?
  15. Only the best feels from me, buddy.
  16. Only after Win10 was introduced and you can easily get rid of all the spy updates: https://voat.co/v/technology/comments/853510 Do you really think they use humans in the first stage of examining and evaluating of what they have collected?
  17. The next two Kokuchou VNs also satisfy this request. Quite good, too.
  18. Sanah didn't finish the game yet, so I give some more objective impressions. These are endgame "gameplay" spoilers, but no "story" spoilers. Don't read it, if you want to read this game. Only, if you want to know whether it's worth it. I like the game. The writing was great. With "writing" I mean the way the story is told. Not the story itself. Especially all the scenes with the side-characters were really good. Great characterization. I really wish other eroge would do this.
  19. There is no walkthrough necessary. It's a linear game and every time there is a choice, one option will get you a quick side-ending. There is a nice twist in the true ending which makes it worth it, I think. But the vn suffers from being rushed and it feels kinda unfinished or rather unpolished. You will probably feel unsatisfied in the end, but if you like the theme of the game, I don't think you will regret that you have read it.
  20. You should not touch anything from NekoHen, not even the interface patches! This guy has no clue what he's doing, neither in Japanese nor in English. Even something as simple as an interface translation he completely screws up. If you want to play an Eushully game without knowing enough Japanese to read everything without tools, the only good solution is to use ITH with a good H-Code which captures everything and then linking the important threads together. Except for Arterial and Madou Koukaku. These two have great interface patches you can safely use. But don't use NekoHen, never ever. I was kinda the same. I absolutely hated the storyline of making everyone your bitch (by raping, but that's perfectly fine because you are such an overpowered alpha male!), but the card battle system was great. I didn't think the battle system was very grindy or easy to exploit though. I had a lot of fun making different elemental decks, because every element uses a slightly different strategic approach and building a good deck around this was pretty challenging and interesting. There were always some harder enemies to fight against to test your skills. Good balancing. They reused the same system in Tou no Shita no Exercitus but completely broke the game mechanics by introducing game breaking overpowered cards thus ruining the whole game. It's a shame, because it had the potential to be a light hearted version of Verethragna. I really can't stand Astronaut Sirius's approach to dark nukige. OP protagonist, a harem of retarded bitches, boring villains, uninteresting linear story. Dungeon of Regalias is exactly the same ... and I played it nonetheless because I'm a sucker for good gameplay and Astronaut Sirius delivers in this regard. ~.~
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