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Everything posted by Tyr

  1. >still shilling Sanders after he sold you all out. No refunds!
  2. The Internet did it. The Internet really did it. One year of extensive shitposting and meme-magic made it possible: Trump will not only make Anime real, he also won the presidential election. Proof that Trump will make Visual Novels great again! I thought the Jews (meaning George Soros) would rig the election, but apparently Democracy actually works! I'm so happy for you my dear Murricans. You stood up and defeated the liar, warmonger and criminal Hillary Clinton. From today on, the Internet shall be free from Social Justice and Political Correctness. Please search on Twitter, Facebook, Reddit and everywhere else for SJWs and LGBT people and troll them to your heart's content! My fellow Fuwas. I hereby declare the Western Eroge community once again a PC-free zone! Rejoice, you don't need to fanboy LGBT-writers like Scaji and pretentious works like Subahibi anymore. Don't hide your true desires, just fap to your alpha-male nukiges! Even better if it's an incest eroge where you can date your daughter, because that is exactly what our savior would also do! And now please excuse me, I have to grab some anime pussy ... and I won't even ask for consent! (Tagging other white cis scum males, because they wanted to celebrate with me: @Deep Blue and @XReaper )
  3. That is true, but that is not the fault of the machine translator. Machines don't make mistakes. The problem is that your human-made dictionary does not include these Japanese slang terms and the rules the translation is based on describes "correct" Japanese and not the "incorrect" Japanese these punks speak. ^^ Ironically, due to the nature of how heuristic translations work, Google is actually better with slang and unique speech, but that is another topic, lol.
  4. You are only talking about heuristic guesslations like Google Translate, not the "normal" rule-based parsing most professional machine translators do. Do not confuse these which each other. The results are not comparable. I'm sorry, every time I see someone criticizing machine translators by giving Google Translate as an example, the scientist in me throws a fit. Which happens like every week at least once. Please stop doing this to me. ;_;
  5. Living your life by only doing what is necessary to be the working cogwheel of our society everyone expects you to be is retarded.
  6. Tyr

    H code?

    I used "hookable" so often, I'm sure it's a word by now! VNR wasn't maintained anymore for half a year now while PPSSPP continues to get regularly updated. It's only normal that with every new version of PPSSPP less and less games are supported by the outdated PSP hooks in VNR. Nonetheless, Diabolik Lovers is certainly perfectly playable with the help of HAT, like every PSP game that is encoded in SJIS. It might look overwhelming at first, but it's actually not that hard to get it working. Also, there is no reason to use VNR solely for translating purposes. Pretty much every other translation tool (chiitrans, Translation Aggregator) are better suited for this task.
  7. I remember a Reddit comment which summarizes this eroge perfectly:
  8. quoted for awesomeness. @littleshogun never disappoints.
  9. But I was the first to express a reasoned impression of the game. Aren't the people who deliberately disagree with me and are only arguing with "muh feels" the edgy ones? Remember the time when "egdy" wasn't an insult used by third generation otakus to revile well thought out criticism of their favorite escapism outlets? Ah, good times.
  10. There is no difference between PCSX2 and PPSSPP regarding text hooking. It's essentially the same for PC games. You start the game, you search in your memory for the text strings and you pray to your deity that the game does not use some kind of custom character encoding. VNR provides text hooks for some PSP games inherently. That's probably what you are using right now. The only supported game for PCSX2 is Fate/stay night though. VNR hooks for emulated games are kinda hardcoded for specific games/engines. VNR not supporting a game does not necessarily mean that it's not hookable.
  11. It is as bad as I said it was in my post in the untranslated vn thread... and yes, everyone who liked it should be ashamed of himself. It is really that bad.
  12. But that game is not weird at all. It's actually an accurate depiction of German society and culture.
  13. Nobody has mentioned yet the first Western release of a Japanese visual novel with an English Dub; Casual Romance Club? They even Americanized all names, so normies don't get a culture shock!
  14. I'm not really at my PC this week, so can't write longer walls of text at the moment. I don't mind you copying anything if you think it benefits this discussion. I just wanted to chime in to say that Natsu no Kusari was by far the best eroge I have read in years, easily in my all time Top 3. Also, everything @XReaper said is true. I also don't see Mangagamer licensing this game. Interestingly, Natsu no Kusari has neither a cliched Stockholm plot, nor an protagonist doubting himself. It's far from being your typical rapist escapism story. What makes this game so great is that it's more realistic and down to earth compared with similar games of this genre.
  15. You shouldn't say that out loud. People with no life are known for acting very extreme when they are confronted with what they tried to repress.
  16. The word netorare just describes that your girlfriend will be stolen from you. How the protagonist deals with this, is not set in stone. That's conceptually different from what people understand when they hear "cuckolding" which kinda implies some willingness to let this happen. VNDB thinks that this should be called Reverse-NTR.
  17. NTR is not cuckolding. Cuckolding is just a subset of NTR. That's Netori. Completely different!
  18. Kusari no Kankei begs to differ. NTR games where the protagonist is not a betacuck are the best, harhar.
  19. Serious game? We are still talking about ... clicker games here, right?
  20. You are not using the regex in ITH but in TA. ^^ You probably have a "Plugins" folder in your TA main directory. You can probably also find a "Replacements" folder in there in which a "names.txt" text files exists. This is used for regular expressions. Normally, it's used to substitute kanji names with romaji (hence the name), but you can use it for any substitution purpose really, which also includes simply the removing of garbage characters. Every line in the names.txt is a regular expression with the regex first, then a tab, then the substitution. In my very simple examples here, the substitution would simply be nothing. If you haven't installed TAplugin, you can also use the build-in substitution function of the core TA. It's essentially the same, but this time the file is located in the "dictionaries" folder as "UserDict.txt" and you can even use a GUI menu in TA itself to edit it (Tools --> Substitutions..."). The difference between names.txt and UserDict.txt is when and how it's applied. All UserDict expressions are read into memory at the time you open TA. If you have too much expressions in your file, TA needs longer to start up. But that also means that the UserDict.txt substitutions are way faster than the ones you define in names.txt. UserDict substitutions are applied before TA does anything else with the clipboard string. That means you won't notice it. (Before silly me knew about this feature, I always wondered why TA does some black magic with certain phrases. I later noticed I unknowingly installed a predefined UserDict ^^). TAplugin substitutions can be computed before parsing or before translating. That means that the "Original Text" window will always contain the unaltered string (except you also use UserDict, be aware of that) while the translations will always be computed after applying the regex (obviously). You can choose whether to do the substitution before or after parsing the string with Mecab and JParser. The option is in your Taskbar Tray, search for the TAplugin icon. I usually use names.txt because I like to have the option to (de-)activate specific regular expressions on the fly. You can deactivate everything by commenting out the line with an * and saving the text file with your editor of choice. Since the UserDict file is loaded into memory when TA initializes itself and not every time the clipboard updates, you can only deactivate substitutions as a whole during runtime. By the way, VNR also has this feature. But it's a little bit clunkier here because the expressions are not saved in a text file but on the VNR server. TAHelper also uses a text file for substitutions. I don't think anyone uses this tool anymore though.
  21. Tyr

    Maid VN

    Elysion is probably the epitome of Maid VNs. It's an indepth-discussion about the concept of Maids. What is their purpose? What is their goal? What responsibilities do they bear and what are their rights? Are they a necessity or just luxury? Can you live without a Maid and if, is a life without a Maid even worth living? Every character route has two endings, a waifu end and a maid end which in itself is the inevitable conclusion to the player's answers to the important philosophical questions the game raises in the course of the game's story. A quick note of warning though: This game is best played together with your personal maid. If you don't have any, and you realize that you never will, you may feel the uncontrollable urge to commit sudoku after reading this novel.
  22. I also live in Europe and it doesn't hinder me in buying my games from the US. But if you like to pay an additional 20€ after waiting two more months, you can wait I guess lol. Not my fetish though. The DLC for the first part was probably the worst DLC for any game I ever bought. And it didn't change at all for the second, huh. Who buys this crap? The most insulting thing is that you can't even buy swimsuits which are literally the only reason I still play modern JRPGs. No, you have to unlock them ingame at approximately the moment you get your Platinum Trophy! FU Falcom, Y U no basic game design?? Why do you give me the swimsuits after I already had to look 60h at clothed females and literally 100%'ed the whole game? This does no make any sense! And people are wondering why I call the Cold Steel series kusoges, when they can't even get the only thing right a waifu game needs to have. If you turn a well-written character-centric series like Trails in the Sky into a shitty dating sim, at least give me fucking swimsuits, you retards! Seriously, please Falcom, if you decide to shit on your legacy and to only make soft porn games as of now, at least stop being so arrogant that you think I would actually believe that this could be a decent JRPG just because I can't unlock the swimsuits until after the game, and just have the decency to let me fap to it. Since that's literally the only merit Falcom games have left.
  23. The last time I checked Tenso, they added a "no adult products" to their rules. Not sure they would notice though since they don't open the packages. Someone who is not me should try it and tell us.
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