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Everything posted by Tyr

  1. Tyr


    This is an introductory post and since I probably don't have to introduce myself anymore (you already know me ), I guess I advertise my future blog texts instead. Tyrviews are not reviews. Instead of writing reviews, I'm more interested in discussing and exploring the themes of an eroge and talking about all the related topics like the writing, the tropes or the history of eroge or the Japanese entertainment industry in general. I might also talk about anime, j-dorama, games, movies, books or JAVs. I'm sure you will find something new or interesting when you read my articles. You may not necessarily agree with what I have to say (and if you find the strong urge to comment, please do so, and you can be sure I will respond), but I'm certain you will find at least some new ideas worth thinking about. When I write about a certain topic I’m interested in, I'm often using specific products (which inspired me to think and write about this subject in the first place) and these will serve as an example to verify the points I make. With that said, unless I explicitly state that a Tyrview contains spoilers, it won’t. However, I might give away some directions a certain game will take. Nothing, you wouldn’t also find on the official website, but if you are like me and you would rather read an eroge without any a priori knowledge, it might be better if you come back later after you have finished the game in question. The first blog text will be about my favorite games of 2016. I also have an article about Black Cyc in the pipeline since I have recently finished most of their games and am now looking forward to their newest release this month. I will probably also write my impressions about some anime I recently watched which are worth talking about. If there is anything you would like me to write about or you want to read my opinion on something, I will be open to suggestions. I will end my introduction by showing you a picture of my bathroom, so you get some value out of this pointless blog post. Please rate it, I think it's pretty kuso which I've chosen as the theme for my toilet room. Do you get it? Thanks for tolerating me and happy new year~~
  2. Ironically, instead of giving her presents which are limited, you can just decide to be NOT nice to her and instead do her hard with a monkey orb for a FR+1 every time which is the same as giving her one present. Being nice to her terminates the chance of the cheap FR-Bonus. Very Rance-like. (At least as far as I played ^^)
  3. Everything the coupon shop has to offer is farmable, except presents. I don't think it's very hard to make the right deduction here
  4. You pretty much only summarized the comments in this thread. Do you have any original thoughts of your own? Why do you waste the most important resource on orbs? You are supposed to buy presents with it, lol.
  5. Please don't criticize a dungeon crawler for being a dungeon crawler. Rance 6 is as casual as a homage to late 80s / early 90s Japanese ero dungeon crawler can be. For someone like me, who likes this genre (and I don't mean Western dungeon crawler, I specifically mean Japanese ero dungeon crawler like Raidy or Dragon Knight), there isn't even enough mindless grinding in Rance 6.
  6. That's true! Enabling "Auto suppress repetition" also removes double characters. I don't think that this is the case when you use Chiitrans' engine for hooking though. ^^ ITH is just as fast if you use profiles and auto-attach it to your VNs.
  7. You don't need a walkthrough for this. The route structure is pretty simple: That's literally everything you have to do for 100%-completion of the game.
  8. It's not the hooker that removes repeats. It's the engine which caches repeats so they don't need to be printed out twice. That's important to know because caching problems can usually be easily fixed by going one or two jumps back and hooking the uncached string there.
  9. Dark fetishes? No, it's just one of their brainless nukige. Clockup is one of the most uneven brands out there. Instead of using imprints, they release their nukige, storyge and edgyge all under the same label. Hrm. It's the reason I can't really say I "like" Clockup. Rather, I really like a few of their games while ignoring the rest, heh. I don't see this. Which other brands do you mean?
  10. This will be glorious. Of course, I don't mean the game itself. I mean the reactions of the Keyfags when they read it.
  11. No, it's not. The Working Designs localization is brilliant like every Working Designs product is. And the PSP version of Lunar is a terrible port which disimproved the difficulty of the game in a way that every battle in the game can literally be won be mashing random buttons. The PS1 version of the game is the only version worth playing. Speaking of Working Designs, the Growlanser series is a good choice if you want romance in your JRPGs. The characters even say "I love you" to each other which is something that happens so rarely in JRPGs that you could probably count all games where this happens with your two hands.
  12. Where I come from, "French girls" are a metaphor for the worst kind of weebs. Which made this statement from Moenovel even funnier. And also very true.
  13. Yeah, I had to pirate this episode too. But it's better that not many people can see it as it's the worst Last Week Tonight episode by far. I'm actually kind of offended by how bad it is even though I'm already not a fan of it. Instead of trying to build bridges which is the most important thing right now, Oliver fuels the hate and dividedness even more. I know how much of a libtard John Oliver is, but saying that journalists should report biased and opinionated (if they have the right opinion that is lol) is one of the worst things he said in his show. I also like how he spends ten minutes telling us that Trump is a liar and we should feel guilty for not voting for Hillary. Oh the irony! In the end he blames everyone but himself for the end of the world which is apparently right now. So much unironic self-righteousness, it's kinda disgusting. It's like he's desperately trying to prove his critics right: "This show makes people dumb."
  14. I don't deny having an advantage in some regards (as I have disadvantages in others), but I strongly deny that some kind of responsibility is a result of that. Responsibility is something that you decide for yourself to have, based on your own values and morals. No one can give you social responsibilities based on his own ideologies. Exactly for these reasons people find this social justice mentality so repulsive. We don't want to be told we have to care. Caring is something that needs to come from your own heart, not because other people tell you to do so. Yes, but it is not for me to decide whether he has to feel bad about it or not. Maybe I would tell him that he sucks, because I believe that this is the right course of action. Maybe then he would think that I'm right and change his way of behavior. But it's also possible that he doesn't care what I think or that he actually understands that he has a sucky attitude and is perfectly fine with it, maybe even proud to be the gangsta he is. And he has the right to think this way, just as I have the right to think of him as scum. You can't expect everyone to have the same moral grounds as you. You can't take your own ideology and say that this is the best and only good way of living. It may be for you, but everyone else has to decide for themselves and they have the freedom to disagree with your views. If there is one thing, I would probably agree with Millennials on, then that the Internet is indeed culture. Sorry Rooke, but that is a very narrow-minded view you have here. For example, you may not like 4chan, but denying that 4chan is a big part of modern culture is simply just close-minded. Some fragile minds have difficulties with differentiating harmless banter from vicious insults. Sadly, that is a very big problem here on Fuwa.
  15. This is the most racist thing that was posted in this thread so far. Even the ugliest fanfictions about how the trump presidency will turn out are not as racist, toxic and dangerous as your political and social ideologies. The difference being that you seem to be actual serious about this.
  16. Probably because most people here are moebutas who don't play anything older than 2010. Jisatsu is a great game, awesome writing and very intriguing ideas. Wouldn't say it's underrated though. Together with Sayonara wo Oshiete arguably the most well-known Denpa game that is actually good.
  17. Yes, that's why Hillary is President now ... ... oh, wait... No, they didn't. Bernie supporters voted for Trump because they actually cared for what Bernie had to say which was the polar opposite of what Hillary represents and they didn't want her to win after Bernie sold them out. Bernie betrayed his ideals, betrayed all of his fans and used their donation money to buy himself a summer house. I can't believe some people are still shilling him after all he did.
  18. Like he's listening to the people who want a refund after he sold them out? No, it's the other way around. This election happened precisely because the country that Obama left behind is so divided.
  19. > 'The Young Turks' Host Ana Kasparian On Why Millennials Will Change Democracy For The Better Wait, what. > The Young Turks > Millennials Will Change Democracy For The Better You are making the memes yourself. I don't even know how I can top that. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ This asshole actually likes what you said there.
  20. If SJWs, Feminist, BLM or other hategroups weren't so obnoxious smugglypuffs in the last years, there would have been no need for punishment votes. Clinton voters have no one else to blame than themselves. You reap what you sow.
  21. Trump hasn't won despite spoon-fed data from all around the world, he won because of it. Clinton lost due to meme magic, Pepes and e-mail leaks, so the Internet actually did its job. If anything, Trump as president proves that democracy still works and that the masses won't be swayed by the corrupt government, shilling Hollywood stars or the payed media. And aren't freedom of choice and democracy the most important ideals of every American?
  22. Maybe the Daily Show shouldn't talk so big, after all, they were the guys who were pushing Trump for President in the first place!
  23. In which universe were you watching the election? Clinton was a sore loser. She didn't gave her concession speech herself and it wasn't even a real one ("You can go home now." lol). And that is the same woman who shamed Trump for "insulting" Democracy and the American people when he voiced concerns regarding the biased media (which are obviously true as we have seen tonight and the weeks before). What a hypocrite. What a coward. Now we can look at her real face under the fake grin.
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