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Everything posted by Tyr

  1. In my opinion h-scenes should be translated as literal as possible. Reason is that every culture apparently thinks different about what is erotic and what not. I'm from Europe and every American porn sounds incredible awkward to me. Erotic literature from the States is also something I just can't immerse myself with... it's too different. Ironically, the dialogs in Japanese novels, av and eroge is much more like something I would say in real life too. XD So yes, I'm completely against localizing the Japanese culture of erotainment into something more western... because there is no single western approach to this issue. In the end, the characters are Japanese, so I think the most natural sounding solution is a literal translation even if the metaphors and words (please don't translate "asoko" as "pussy", srsly) sound strange to an foreigner's ear. To Japanese people, it's obviously not as strange. And that's where the story takes place.
  2. But they do! ... at least when I handle them ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  3. Sorry, but no. Judging from the trial I read, this is the most hardcore guro eroge I have read in a long time, maybe even the most hardcore guro non-doujin eroge, I've ever read. It's not only gore, it's not only guro, it's snuff. You said this in the euphoria thread, now you say it here and it's still wrong. I honestly don't understand why you think that catering to a niche nobody else is targeting would be a bad business decision. Everyone interested in guro will be interested in this game because there is virtually no other competitor in this genre. Something you can't say when we're talking about a little bit bloody chuuni (like you apparently want the game to be) where there are several other titles out there. Clockup is not a guro-centered company at all, they just released two games with gore and maggot baits will only be the third. And actually, maggot baits is just the first game where the gore is (judging from the trial) only exploitation and not pivotal to the plot and it's message. Why do you approximate a game which isn't even released yet to it's whole company which has a big portfolio and long history of actually quite different games? I think you only hate against euphoria, fraternite and maggot baits because it's not your cup of tea, but you try to justify this opinion with statements which are just not true. More people should know Dasaku. It's really an interesting read. Especially if you thought it's just a nukige and didn't expect such twists at all.
  4. And some men are into dating 3DPDs. Both are not the kind of people reading Visual Novels ^^ Also, even women who like to take the initiative usually are only in the lead until the man finally puts her into submission with his almighty D and shows her her place where she belongs... at least that's what eroge taught me! Are you an exception? D: Somewhat sexist view of it but I guess I do see it on some vns. Women arent exactly put on a pedestal in vns and usually on the receiving end. This is why femdom element is great whenever it's present. Honestly though, I do believe that usually men are more the giver type and women are more the receiver... and I don't mean it in any sexist way, more as an universally truth. Maybe it's a genetic thing or the psychological difference between the gender. Obviously there are exceptions, like always, but in my experience even a somewhat dominant woman likes to be taken. And even when I, for example, have nothing against femdom, in the end I like be the taker. And this is pretty much reflected throughout all the entertainment mediums, obviously VNs too. There are otomege with a strong lead, but that's pretty much the exception. Just look at western erotic novels for women, nearly every book has a masochistic female lead and sadistic men who wants to make her his woman.
  5. And some men are into dating 3DPDs. Both are not the kind of people reading Visual Novels ^^ Also, even women who like to take the initiative usually are only in the lead until the man finally puts her into submission with his almighty D and shows her her place where she belongs... at least that's what eroge taught me! Are you an exception? D:
  6. Now, they just need to make a Sakura game with otokonokos and I would totally volunteer.
  7. Of course they are. That's what women want.
  8. As if I would believe this, you fiend. Didn't read the vn yet but I have an assumption about what kind of ending a NTR fan would call a "good end". And no, for me, this kind of ending is actually the "worst".
  9. Very good decision. Mugen Kairou is one of the few video games I would honestly call a masterpiece of "art", on the same level as games like ICO, Shadow of the Colossus, Silent Hill 2 or Sayonara wo Oshiete. Everyone should read it although most will probably never understand it as they can't see behind the metaphors and images this magnificent gem provides for the open-minded reader. What a coincidence, me too!
  10. Why is it that every third thread here on fuwa turns into a NTR debate? Teh cuck is strong with you guys. o.o You have a completely wrong impression about Kawarazakike no Ichizoku 2. It's actually the only elf game with NTR which I would honestly recommend to people who hate NTR, because it does not cater to the usual NTR audience at all. The game tries to trigger completely different emotions than for example Gatenkei. Many have at least one "Good End". Somehow I don't believe this. Have yet to encounter a good NTR game with a good ending. It's either a bad NTR game with good endings like the Blue series where you only get the NTR scenes when you give retarded answers (which renders the NTR pointless in my opinion) or it's a good NTR game but with your hopes crushed at the end because no good ending at all! (or in the beginning when vndb AGAIN DIDN'T MARK THE "ONLY BAD ENDINGS"-TAG WITH A SPOILER RATING - oh I hate you guys spoiling vns for me so much >_<)
  11. You're talking about an industry which can only survive because it's financed by horny teenagers. There is no other entertainment in this world which is as true to the carnal desires of its audience as animu is. Newsflash: Most animu and visual novels are smut. Everything else is the exception. Stop lying to yourself. You misspelled "fap base".
  12. Reading an eroge in fullscreen should never be a problem because you can always (and you should!) play the game in a virtual machine which means running the program in a virtual full screen which is perfect for showing other windows on top of it. I never used Chiitrans until now, but the dictionary features do look nice on those screenshots. I will try this some time soon to see whether it's actually better than TA or not. ^^
  13. I don't understand why nukige are excluded. That doesn't make any sense to me. I have the feeling that the graph would look quite different and possibly more true to the historical evolution of visual novels in the west if they were included.
  14. It's a shame that many people can't differentiate between something being just bad and hating something on a personal level. It's not the same. I would even say that something which can trigger deep emotions like hate can't be purely bad. And School Days is certainly the emotion triggering type of visual novel.
  15. I'm probably the only person who has this problem, but my biggest issue with Kara no Shoujo is ... that it's way too feminine for my male taste. XD Yeah really, the game is so full of feminine tropes, it's like reading some cheap dime novel for bored housewives. While this would technically not be such a big problem (there is at least a murder mystery one can enjoy!), it really shows when it comes to the portrayal of interpersonal relationships and of course romance. I just can't get into it. It's like reading a josei manga. It just ... disgusts me (for lack of a better word) because it's so much contrary to every single one of my ideals about these topics.. It's also the reason I can't fap to Noesis games. I especially can't stand the portrayal of men (which means, how women think men are (and maybe even want them to be)). Especially if you compare Kara no Shoujo with Cartagra, which was written by a men (though it doesn't necessarily have something to do with the gender of the writer, more with the style of the writing), you can see some subtle nuances. There is a relatively big difference in how Shugo's and Kuzuna's relationship is represented in both games, for example. It's the reason I personally enjoyed Cartagra more than KnS, although KnS is objectively the better game by far.
  16. It's really not a good idea comparing Clockup's nukige with their serious games like euphoria or Fraternite. I knew quite a few 3DPDs who said this phrase to me. There is nothing illogical about a woman desiring such an act. Heck, if it comes to the characterization of broken girl's, I guess eroge is pretty damn close to reality in this regard. ^^ Much more realistic than cute girls liking a hetare, haha xD (I don't like this particular Clockup game, btw)
  17. How can you say that the fetish stuff doesn't matter when it's a vital part of the story. Also, there is no Guro (in the vndb definition sense of "Gore in a sexual context") in this game. Only very, very few CGs with Gore which are only shown for a few seconds before fading into black, because it's not meant to be fetish material but instead is used to emphasize a dramatic moment. No, it can't be left out. It's that important. This is not a feel-good story. You're not supposed to like everything you see. You know, that's kinda the point. It's like you want to play an NTR game, but without the cheating. ^_~
  18. So much yes! This is everything that needs to be said. ^^ Really, if the story is good, everything is fine. Because in a good story, everything is part of the story thus it has a purpose. And I don't need to like everything I read because sometimes it's necessary to present even something unlikable to the reader to get the message across. If a novel doesn't challenge me in some way, it's not a story worth to be told, in my opinion. That said, bad writing is the only turn off for me. Some tropes are inherently bad writing style, like hetare and donkan, so those are obviously included.
  19. Uhm, euphoria is certainly not a nukige. Most of the h-scenes are concentrated in the first part of the game which is only a small part of the whole eroge. Stating that 50% of the game are h-scenes is just plain wrong. There is much more to the game than most of you who haven't read it think and hentai scenes are only a small part of it. And most of them are actually important to the characterization and development.
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