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Everything posted by Tyr

  1. No, I'm not. Roleplaying implies a given consent. What I'm talking about, and what happened in Chris's route, is sex without explicitly given consent but which is nonetheless desired.
  2. The fact that nobody ever reported me proves that I'm right. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  3. I'm over 18 and I think that this is perfectly acceptable behavior even in real life. If you guys think otherwise you're probably feminists or something stupid like that. What's wrong with you, screaming "rape, rape, rape" over and over again? It's common knowledge that women like to be harshly taken by the man they like. Asking for "consent" is one of the dumbest things social justice warriors invented in the last few years (aside from the other stupid things). As if this is not a total mood breaker... when you have something interesting going on and suddenly you're like "oh, I hope this is ok for you. please say if I'm not gentle enough. I don't want to really hurt you." That's how you ruin the mood, lol. You think you are some white knights, pointing out harmless situations which aren't 100% political correct, and you're thinking you're doing women a favor with this. Ridiculous. Not only are you denying grown-up people the right to decide for themselves how to engage with each other (for example, being fine with it when somebody takes your "no" as a "yes" because you actually like this), you're also generalizing hot kink with serious, criminal rape. That's disgusting.
  4. Being a hipster includes pretentiousness. For example: not liking mainstream, because it's popular. I'm reading mainly old and obscure stuff and dislike most mainstream VNs. But I am not a hipster. I just have good taste. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  5. Uhm, I was talking about how there was a trend that eroge protagonists were getting more evil until that stopped around 2004. Which I did in order to show you that there is a relevant amount of eroge with evil protagonists (which is part of the thread title) and what you denied initially. Anti-hero protagonists were always present in eroge. Just the kind of anti-hero changed over the years.
  6. It wasn't actually an eroge law. There was a ban on Eien to Natta Rusuban which was the first time an eroge was prohibited since Saori if I recall correctly. It wasn't actually a big matter, they could sell the game again after they modified a character description in the booklet (booklet stated the main character is 12 and they just revised the age to unknown). But this incident kinda left a mark and developer got more careful about these matters. Nobody wanted a second Saori-incident where people actually got into jail because they went to far with this game. Some years later the Rapelay incidence happened and well, the rest we all know. Today the law is much stricter than it was before thanks to the new Loli laws from year before last. If I recall correctly, they also passed some new child porn laws in Japan in the early 00s. (This is to what I was referring.) And that's probably also why there was never a game like Eien to Natta Rusuban again. The game is pretty much a child abusing torturing simulator and the protagonist is the most evil bastard one can think of. He's not even remotely comparable with the watered-down Lolicon protagonists we have today. Starting with 2004, there were never again non-doujin eroge with this kind of pure evil main characters. If the sexual content wants to be more than just a fetish, it needs a good story or it doesn't really stimulate the reader. For example; NTR needs a good story and good characters, even if it's just a nukige. And I'm pretty sure the characters and the relationship in these nukige are far more developed than in a moege.
  7. Why do you want to discard nukige? Is a nukige any less VN than a charage/moege? The average nukige has probably better writing and more developed characters than the average moege and nobody ever questions that moege are VNs, so I really don't understand why people always hate on nukige as if they are in any way lesser works of art. It's not a fact. It's simply not true. Anti-heroes are an integral part of the second generation of Japanese otaku entertainment. 80s anime are full of them. Edgy badass protagonists who only care about themselves. The same is true for when the first eroge were made in the late 80s. In most cases you had the same type of self-centered badass/pervert as the main character because the first eroge oftentimes were just like anime stories in this regard. This got even "worse" in the late 90s when many protagonists were getting even eviler, pushing the limits of what's acceptable and what's not, until there were some laws made in the mid-00s forcing eroge developer to step a bit down and lighten up their evil main characters a bit. This is something which is still true today. There are no pure evil protagonists anymore in non-doujin games, just like XReaper said. It's no coincidence that a company like Black Cyc had their golden age in the early to mid-00s. Although today we have an excess of bland moege/charage, the fact that anti-heroes and evil protagonists are essential in the evolution of eroge is undeniable, just like with anime and manga. You guys certainly didn't consume enough Japanese fiction if you think otherwise. Or maybe darker stories aren't your thing? But then, please don't spread such nonsense like Japanese entertainment consists mainly of good and idealistic characters. It's not true. That's only a certain trope of a specific genre of this entertainment industry. By the way, I also don't think that VNs have many really good guys as main characters to be honest. The characters who are not evil or anti-heroish are most of the time just ... bland. I would feel like insulting actual good people if I call hetare characters "good". The Japanese are certainly escapistic, but not idealistic, at least not anymore. 70s anime were full of patriotic and idealistic characters, but today we only see these character types in Shounen anime anymore. The escapism of the new generation of otaku are edgy and rebellious chuunibyous like Lelouch. It's no wonder this character type is so common nowadays and it fits the modern definition of anti-hero just fine.
  8. That's not even close to being true. There is more to Japanese fiction than Shounen and Moe. Just like there is more to eroge than Charage and Moege. Just because you only care about what's popular here in the West doesn't mean that everything you don't know about is the same. Don't generalize. Eroge are historically rooted in anti-heroes and shady characters. If anything, there is a lack of truly good and earnest characters, lol.
  9. There is no lack of antiheroes or evil protagonists. I would even say they are far more common than good guys.
  10. No, it's extremely hard to read! The whole game is written in Kana which is hell if you don't have a more than profound knowledge of Japanese vocabulary.
  11. It's like the slut noticing she better had not cheated on her hubby because the new guy just saw her as some kind of trophy to conquer, not really caring about her at all.
  12. > VN that created history > Katawa Shoujo I was expecting something else when I came into this thread. Silly me, I should have known better.
  13. I have a subscription of Dengeki Moeoh for 3 years now. It's a not so expensive magazine with nice merchandise. I'm especially fond of the Dokidoki Sister Aoi-chan manga. I'm reading it on the train every time I have to go into the outside world.
  14. Pretty much. Most other people usually don't openly admit that they are driveling idiots.
  15. That sounds like a compliment considering it's coming from the Netorare Queen herself.
  16. It's because the target audience can't self-insert into a protagonist who actually gets laid. That's unimaginable.
  17. Huh, posting picz of your 2D waifus while wasting Valentines Day alone in front of your screen ? How pathetic. Please, just get a life and experience the joy of having a healthy relationship in 3D!
  18. When people say "Hitler" on the internet, I automatically assume they know nothing about the historical person and just mean it as a synonym for "the worst". That's how memes work, I guess. Edit: I'm not saying he isn't the worst, lol. I just think you shouldn't think too deeply about memes. They are based on prejudice, not facts.
  19. Me watching hentai animu since the 80s lol. To name a few: Cream Lemon, Urotsukidouji, Sei Michaela Gakuen Hyouryuuki, La Blue Girl, Injuu Onna Kyoushi... Hentai nowadays are pretty much impossible to watch if you know how they once looked.
  20. No, the hentai anime made 15 years ago look MUCH better. In fact, most hentai anime made 25 years ago look even better than regular anime shows today. It gets worse, not better.
  21. Haha, I also read this and tweeted it yesterday because it's that astonishing. Really game journalism at its finest, lol. Well, I guess nowadays everyone just copies from Kotaku...
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