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Darklord Rooke

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Everything posted by Darklord Rooke

  1. It's really irritating the way Blu-ray discs don't remember where you left off when you press stop. It irritates me so much that I don't buy them any more
  2. I always have to get my birth date, and subtract it from the current date before I could tell you how old I am xD This could be part of the reason why my Mum stayed '30' for 2 decades ...
  3. Sometimes though it’s unrealistic to keep all the smaller languages. For example, India has 1,500 languages and 22 official languages (Assamese, Bengali, Bodo, Dogri, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Kashmiri, Konkani, Maithilli, Malayalam, Manipuri, Marathi, Nepali, Odia, Punjabi, Sanskrit, Santali, Sindhi, Tamil, Telugu, and Urdu.) This diversity, while culturally rich, becomes a hindrance in practical matters. As in, the language changes depending what village you visit o.0
  4. That's why it's called 'the rise of Globish'. Globish being a simplified form of English international people use to communicate with others from a different background. That is, the simplified version of English (Globish) is being used as a universal language for people to communicate in. The above quote came from a few different articles on Globish I mashed together. Sanah's article is both right and wrong. The control of the English speaking world to control the direction of English's evolution is being slowly stripped from them, and people started to notice it over a decade ago. You'd THINK so, but unfortunately no. Globish ignores much of the grammar and structure that defines English for what it is.
  5. Many news sites have an 'opinion' section which is full of stupidity, propaganda, and irrational conclusions. The difference is they're clearly labelled 'opinion'. News sites should be held to a rigorous standard and if they fail to meet this standard of excellence then they should no longer be called 'news'. That being said, if anybody out there gets most of their information from blogs they automatically forfeit their right to complain about fake news. Just saying.
  6. Even centuries ago, Japan still had a thing for tentacles xD
  7. It's anime porn. And no, I don't think it's art.
  8. Ahhh, things are clearer now. I wouldn't worry too much about it. Take it as a learning experience that some things are dangerous topics and if you want to talk about them, you'll need to know a lot about it to cut through the initial prejudice. Feelings and emotion aren't enough. VN hentai art, taking heavy influence from anime art, don't really do many things unique also. I admire your nads to approach an obviously controversial topic, but you have to back that up with a solid presentation or it means little.
  9. Don't quote wiki at me, please. It's a named logical fallacy. As in, the appeal to authority becomes a fallacy when the authority in question is not, in fact, an authority. And wiki has never been that.
  10. The primary purpose of hentai is to excite the audience. Which is why it's pornography. And not art. Doesn't change the core intention of the work. You, as an individual, can read anything into a piece of work if you want to. This is part of the reason why art has a bad name, and you're contributing to it TBH.
  11. There is no unique style of hentai, they're normal anime images in sexual acts designed to excite the audience. Nothing you describe is unique, from the tear to the look, to the perspective. Your teacher is right, your class is right, Nosebleed is right, you should try listening. Art has themes and subject matter, it's designed to alter your perspective and get you to think. That's the primary purpose of art art (not to be confused with the art that's meant to be an accurate representation.) There was a case in Australia, Bill Henson, arrested on child pornography and obscenity charges because his works (he's an artist) includes photographs of naked children. If those photographs were like the one you'd displayed, he'd have been jailed, but they weren't and so he was let go. You should really think on the difference.
  12. You probably should have expected it. TBH, most of your post is complaining about trivialities like removing honorifics and reversing name order. Also the word 'moe', not important to keep. Most of the rest of your complaints are devoid of context. For example there are situations where you can switch 'why' and 'how' and come out with an equivalent. And at some points you go off on rants that are hard to understand. While I haven't read Steins Gate 0, and I don't really intend to, I can't get an understanding of the nature of the problems from your post. Sorry
  13. Take a look at the view counts for new forum threads. Same problem. It's been like that since the forum update. #TotalRandomGuess Is the forum re-indexing?
  14. Therefore: I see fans go around claiming that the use of repetition is an example of great writing which showcases wonderful use of technique to produce heavy emotions or some such. Recall that 'pretentious' means *grabs random definition*: And you have your answer. None of the people you asked were actually impressed by the use of repetition or other stylistic elements (considering it 'interesting' is hardly the great reaction,) and so at the very least some people could say that the fans are attempting to impress others by affecting greater merit than actually possessed. So the fans could be said to be pretentious here. For the work to be called pretentious, it has to call attention to those techniques as though they are of great importance, or worthy of great examination, I suppose. There's other ways, maybe the subject matter is pretentious and etc etc.
  15. This is my opinion. Stories produced for entertainment are different to stories produced as art. The writing is different for starters. In novels meant to entertain the writing often does not get in the way of the story, it blends into the background. In literature, the writer may deliberately set out to break rules. To call attention to the writing. To call attention to the method of 'delivery.' Literature is about the writing as much as it is about the subject matter. Being artsy involves calling A LOT of attention to the mechanics (the writing, the art direction in a VN,) calling A LOT of attention to you breaking the rules. Being pretentious means being artsy before you’re good enough to be artsy. It means calling attention to the mechanics, breaking rules, puffing your writing up when they’re actually pretty awful. I haven’t read many of the Liar-soft works, but the problem with translating those novels is (I gather) it DOES call attention to the writing. Whether it does this well in Japanese is one thing, but is the translator a good enough writer to call attention to the writing in English and make it work? Maybe the mechanics used in Japanese to produce an effect just doesn’t work in English? All of this will contribute to whether it sounds ‘pretentious’. From what I gather, Sharnoth wasn’t well translated into English. That could be the problem. I see a lot of Japanese speakers laud Sakurai Hikaru's writing style, but to be honest the English version of Sharnoth at best is nothing special.
  16. I use Twitter as another means to annoy people via PM. I shun Facebook because it's a platform created by Beelzabub to lure unsuspecting souls into dishing out valuable personal information in exchange for convenience. That and I can't master its dreadful interface.
  17. Hey Invert. My condolences again About the funeral, today many people will be saying goodbye to your Dad, yourself included. You needn't worry about whether your wounds will re-open, time will stitch those closed again though it may not feel that way right now. How you respond won't be much of a focus either, because today is just about saying goodbye. And for people close to your Dad to come together and reminisce. To support one another. To share in their grief. This sharing and support can help the people taking part to cope with the grieving.
  18. Hearing that the plot is the most important thing for many visual novel fans might demystify certain things. For example, because there's only so many different sorts of plots going around, I might now understand why the 'plot twist' is held in such high regard - anything to take the story in an unexpected direction I guess.
  19. Sakura Quest is looking like one of the animes to watch in 2017 :3
  20. Claymore's can either be classified as great swords, or longswords depending on their length. The smaller claymores would be classified as longwords (I.E. two handed swords that can be used in one hand if you want) and extend into great sword territory (those two handed swords that must be used with two hands.) A great sword can look like this: Whereas in the picture it looks like the character could wield his sword with one hand. So I called it a longsword
  21. Can't you pretend to be incredibly prejudiced to get out of jury-duty? I've always questioned the validity of a system where the fate of the defendant lies with 12 people who really don't want to be there xD
  22. Zweihanders were about as big as a person, possibly a touch more but were still fairly light...ish. So the one in the picture is too small to be a Zweihander, and all those swords anime characters carry around that are two times as big as themselves and look like they weigh a ton are too large xD
  23. I like that the character is holding a nice, sensible longsword and not something three times as big as themselves :3
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