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Darklord Rooke

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Everything posted by Darklord Rooke

  1. I would actually recommend you an ultrabook. The cons are power and ... well storage, but you're not a power gamer and an ultrabook will easily allow you to watch anime, play VNs and retro games, and surf the web. They have far more power than a typical netbook (don't confuse the two) and typically are priced lower than your price range. The storage issue is because they typically come with solid state drives. An ultra book is light, slim, and easily portable. Ultrabooks are fast, typically with solid state drives, but then again any computer with those drives are fast. An ultrabook has a longer battery life because they don't need much power. Check the link below for some suggestions http://www.techradar.com/news/mobile-computing/laptops/best-ultrabook-18-top-thin-and-lights-1054355 Actually I just looked at the prices in the link I posted … yeah, don’t check out those laptops 0.0
  2. Nice critique. Well thought out. I think the first 5 points are the same sorts problems I have with most VNs. Possibly number 6 also. ... And number 7.
  3. That makes more sense. However, applying that to individual VNs or books is when it stops making sense. People no longer classify books as 'literature for men/women' outside of ... well, porn. ... And there we go. Mystery solved. Yes, that's the whole point. When it means different things to different people, there's little use for it.
  4. ‘Genres’ are created with the customer in mind. It helps the customer filter out certain preferences and quicken the search for books/movies/VNs they like. If you like action, then go to the ‘action’ shelf. Similar for ‘romance’ and the romance shelves. When nobody can figure out what is or isn’t an ‘otome’, or what is or isn’t a ‘shounen’ or ‘shoujo’, that genre is of little to no use. My definition of ‘shounen’ is ‘action show that stars a child’, and how useless a definition is this? If you say ‘very’ I 100% agree with you. The whole concept of ‘josei’, ‘shoujo’, ‘shounen’, ‘seinen’ is silly, imo.
  5. By applying the same sort of definition as Winterfury suggests. When it goes outside this definition, the genre tends to become 100% useless.
  6. The list gets confused when stuff like 'The Hunger Games', which has plenty of action, is revealed to have a very large female audience. And shows life 'Frozen', which is just about relationship between women, has very little focus on romance. It goes into character driven stories, which is another area female readers like, but not all character driven stories are for women. So really, how confusing do you want the definition to be? Having genres in the hands of 'writers' has never been a good practice, because genres are there to help the customer and really writers tend to want to stick their books in weird places.
  7. And what type of stories are 'aimed at women'?
  8. You're gonna twist yourself into knots with this definition, you know xD. Mainly because it's too subjective to be of much real-world use. Because of this, people just treat otomes as a reverse of the galge genre, it's a much more useful definition that's fairly easy to apply and has some actual purpose
  9. But the point of the route system would be to 'get the guy'. So it's what the story is about.
  10. A) MC is female B) Story is about romancing dudes If the VN doesn't have both, it's not otome.
  11. Sentai is having a sale. The Blu-Ray version of Fate/Stay Night is currently cheaper on Sentai than your Ebay seller ... thingy - https://shop.sentaifilmworks.com/products/fatestay-night-complete-collection
  12. You probably weren't around when the tech was just taking off, or something. There was this big thing about 720p, 1080i, and 1080p, and consumer conscious people were going around saying people should buy 'full HD' and how 1080i was 'fake' so 'do not buy'.
  13. Yep, there's a difference between HD and 'Full HD'.
  14. Nintendo didn't have anything to do with Pokemon Go, although because they own a third share in the Pokemon company (whatever it's called) it probably made a significant indirect profit. Traditionally companies would lose money on the console selling it cheaply (relative to the hardware inside) and make the money back via the games (which is why people keep saying Nintendo needs a better library.) That being said maybe Nintendo bucked that trend, I didn't really take an interest TBH
  15. Considering how their English localisation reads, it probably was the ‘French’ part.
  16. I don't believe it will be. This was probably a one off. The mods were probably reacting to the 6 different Trump threads that sprung up and they may or may not have over-reacted
  17. The Wii sold well because of a gimmick, but ended up in the closet of most people's houses gathering dust. It was the first time Nintendo tried it and so the public were unaware. I don't see it happening again, though. The 3DS is a handheld, Nintendo rule that space at the moment. The Switch is them trying to make a hybrid (ugh), and I really don't think they understand the console audience TBH. Could be wrong, though.
  18. I enjoy the convenience of consoles, even though I prefer to play on the PC. For example, I still haven't got Crusader Kings 2 working and I seriously just don't have the energy anymore to try 20 different things in order to play my game. I like the 'insert disc -> game starts' nature of consoles :3
  19. I think the most important thing (if buying a regular) is just to make sure it's the CUH1200 chassis (newer version, comes with much improvements) but I think they're all like that now. Unless you buy second hand.
  20. #Ratings Anyway, he's not a journalist, he's a comedian and commentator. He doesn't try to make his stuff objective, it's pretty much his opinion wrapped up in bits of humour. It's like reading a Jeremy Clarkson article.
  21. Doesn't seem to be. And it used to be a lot smaller 'back in the day'.
  22. It was one of the main objectives of Fuwanovel from its conception, and it's been talked about many times. Rules were added later to reinforce this, mainly because smaller communities often don't need codified rules or heavy mod policing. Problems occur when communities expand. http://fuwanovel.net/about-us/ It's still listed at the number one goal on the Fuwanovel about page.
  23. Internet culture is an oxymoron though. Anyway, the Fuwanovel forums was built to be a respectful place where people didn't have to deal with unwanted abuse. Because of this, rule number 1 on the Fuwanovel Rules thread (found in the Introduction forums) is 'no insulting other users'. Personal attacks are included.
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