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Posts posted by URV

  1. I think Clephas has pretty much mentioned everything that's worth mentioning. Just chiming in to say that I can personally vouch for VA-11 Hall-A and Kikokugai.

    VA-11 Hall-A is more of a laidback experience, putting you in the role of a bartender interacting with clientele, and it's actually surprisingly enjoyable—probably my favourite EVN so far. Kikokugai is much more story-heavy and action-packed, and it also gives you a better look at the cyberpunk world it's built around.

  2. It's been a while, but I remember I really enjoyed it in the beginning due to the characters and the comedy. Story-wise, however, I felt that it got bit stale. I couldn't get very invested into the various routes and I never got much of an emotional impact out of them either. As a result, it wasn't very memorable, as I struggle to remember most of the events that transpired throughout the story. I think it is one of the few VNs―if not the only one―where I actually enjoyed the common route and the shenanigans more than actual routes or the more serious aspects.

    If you enjoyed most of the VNs you've read so far, I think it might still be worthwhile to pick it up. What some of us didn't like about the VN may still end up being enjoyable for you. Even if it's not among the best Key VNs, it's a Key VN nonetheless, and you can still expect a certain degree of quality out of it.

  3. I've been trying to find some fun scenes from Comyu, especially those involving Kagome, but there's a severe lack of clips or screenshots out there. Does anyone have anything of the sort that's worth sharing? :sachi:

  4. So what's going to happen if, in a very optimistic scenario, both this and izzeybee's translation actually reach completion status? Will the two be compared mercilessly until it is decided that one of them is the better translation, leaving all the effort put into the worse translation go to waste? To be fair, I doubt we would even reach this scenario, but I think the possibility is there. On one hand, it might be good to have multiple translation projects just to have higher chances for one of them to reach completion. On the other hand, perhaps it might be wiser to merge any ongoing projects, just to avoid any work going to waste?

    I recall that @izzeybee intends to work alone on the translation. Perhaps they'd be willing to reconsider, depending on who and how many people are willing to work on this?

    Edit: What's going to happen with partial translations such as this? Are we going to start from scratch over and over again? I worry that the translation is never going to go anywhere at this rate. Wouldn't it be wiser, perhaps, to continue from where others left off?

  5. I used to have a netbook that I mainly installed visual novels on, and I often took the opportunity to relax on a couch or bed while reading. However, since my netbook hasn't been an option since 2016, I've been simply using my desktop PC instead. I do tend to read VNs a lot less often due to this, unfortunately.

  6. 3 minutes ago, EastCoastDrifter said:

    I doubt he'll come back. Most of these VN promoting users show up on Fuwa once to advertise their work, and then vanish, and we never see them again.

    Yeah, I was thinking the same, which was part of the reason why I bothered doing it in the first place.

    Then again, I have the feeling no one here would actually buy the game, truth be told.

  7. Haha, I can see where you're both coming from, yeah. I'll make a mental note to leave it be next time something like this happens, but I'll leave my post there for now. Hint, hint, I wonder if the OP can at least do the tremendous effort to just copy-paste the contents from there to the original post without somehow butchering it up?

  8. For anyone still interested in reading about this properly, even despite the OP's lack of effort to make it presentable, here's a more readable version:



    My first game with a great team of talented people!
    You can buy it Here on Nutaku! for 7$USD


    PHC is an adult western Visual Novel, set in a fantastic world, where you play as Quinn, a novice White Mage who seeks to become a hero, accompanied by four strong women in a guild filled with adventure and lewd moments.


    Mayhem roses is the strongest guild in the kingdom of Sears, there are countless tales about how they  have overcome the hardest dungeons and collected great treasures on their journeys, few people know them personally, but their name is well known by any whom may be called an adventurer. But recently they received a terrible loss in their last mission.

    [NSFW image]

    Our protagonist Quinn wiill join them trying to find the mysterious forces the evil that looms over the kingdom, while getting closer to the girls of the guild and knowing them better.

    Having a third person narrative differs from most VN, as here we can see the protagonist, Quinn, interacting with the members of the guild, expressing emotions and letting us know more about himself.

    PHC has an art style different from most Visual Novels, trying to show influence from japanese anime but keeping some elements from the western style, The diverse cast of characters display a wide range of personalities and views on life.


    Our protagonist Quinn, a White Mage eager to be a hero, and a little pervert, but with a really pure heart

    Nia, the Thief, uses her young appearance to feign innocence. Flirtatious and greedy, she takes advantage of her appearance to trick people into believing she is a little girl, even if she is the oldest of all the Mayhem Roses.

    Corinne, the Amazon, belongs to a race that is unbelievably strong and can turn her skin as hard as iron when she is in battle mode… maing her get really hot, almost steamy.

    Ebelle, the Knight, is an honorable, stoic and responsible woman. She is part of a race of people who struggled a lot in a wild, savage land, but who knew how to overcome their burdens with sheer tenacity and a resilient spirit. She is physically strong, but above that she is a master tactician.

    Abigail, the Mage, is a master of the dark and arcane arts. Seductive and aware of her attractiveness, she enjoys spending time with men, drinking and dancing. Life is her playground and knowledge and looks, her weapon.

    It all started with a couple of simple flash games developed by our members Crisisbeat and Kamuilo, but we soon realized that we were passionate about developing games, as this was also our opportunity to tell a thousand stories to fellow gamers and enthusiasts just like us.

    We want to create worlds, stories, so a Visual Novel was the next step to follow, and here we are! Thank you so much for reading, and we truly hope you’ll enjoy PHC!

    You can buy it Here on Nutaku! for 7$USD

    By the way, the guy also failed to provide any links to actually buying the game, haha.

  9. i think waifu me no but many out

    makina akane special no else other but ok there solution

    chewy say good is you try little buster and g-semjou no naou and sharin no kuni (is all did but rest also maybe good)

    edit: think maybe clannad and comyu yes too for me was it

    edit: edit: also majikoi and ayakashibito not me really but maybe you yes

  10. This sounds like fun!

    I realize that everyone should know me pretty well by now, what with my 20-something posts, but nonetheless: you may depict me, if you wish, as a giant, bearded man in victorian garments, and a rather oversized sledgehammer as my weapon of choice. The personality you might imagine from this is likely the appropriate one.

  11. I've been waiting for a translation of this ever since I started reading VNs four years ago, haha. Fingers crossed you can finish translating the entirety of this cursed thing. It is very admirable that you're willing to do everything yourself, but don't hesitate to enlist the help of a few others if need be. Another proofreader or two never hurts, at the very least.

    Thank you, and good luck!

  12. I'm surprised you'd go for SonoHana out of all things, considering you're looking for something more emotional. Did you perhaps confuse the "nukige" term with "nakige"?

    I had a look at your VNDB list (you might want to fix the link in your profile, by the way), and I have to say you've already read a good portion of the more emotional VNs I've also read. From what you haven't, though, you might find the following noteworthy: Sharin no Kuni, Himawari no Shoujo, Grisaia no Kajitsu (if you can get past the large doses of comedy content) and Hoshizora no Memoria.

    Unfortunately, none of these might be what you're looking for (although I would recommend Sharin no Kuni nonetheless), so you might want to consider replies from other users first. That aside, here are a few more VNs I've heard good things about and are currently in my wishlist:

    I cannot really vouch for these since I haven't played them yet, and I only vaguely know they might get more emotional. Sorry that I couldn't be of more help, especially since you probably already heard of most of these by now, but I hope there's at least one VN to catch your interest among these.

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