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Colliflowa last won the day on December 11 2018

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  1. In a way, it's up to whether or not the honorifics becomes a really big deal in the VN's story. It's much easier to be rid of honorifics from the English translation generally, but there are times when the charm of the dialogue disappears with it. It's not always lazy, or weeb. Sometimes it's actually important.
  2. 1) It doesn't have to be harmful, actually. It can be hilarious. As in, take-this-sentence-wildly-out-of-context hilarious. For me, the horror of a bad translation isn't really the inaccuracy or the stilted use of the output language's vocabulary or even the sentence structure, but the unedited and direct translation of run-on sentences that the Japanese are habitually prone to, and these are incredibly long-winded and confusing. Stop the train I wanna get off destination where ahhhh 2) Time devoted to making it a very nice read. It's hard work, but some professional pride still goes a long way 3) I wouldn't look for telltale signs despite everyone's say in it, but if you don't understand the basic premise of the VN, it's usually the translator you must blame for that. It's just bad to not understand how Japanese works (or to have never watched anime or J-dramas your whole life) yet be the translator. (As an aside, cokesakto is a primitive example of bad translation in general)
  3. Now I feel sick. OoooooOoooOoooOOoooooOOGH!!!! I get super held back when I'm just one-person-armying anything big, but thankfully I get used to managing my time and sched for Mahoyo. It's taking a while to get that patch out (b/c editing, mygod I was a terrible translator 2 yrs ago haha). Look out for a probably sneak-peek?? Thanks!
  4. It's event music for sure. I feel like it was only used for that one battle scene. EDIT: Aoko fights a boss for this music track, um, that's spoiler-free right?
  5. Can't contribute to much but here's what I got right now: 1) Handle: izzeybee 2) Positions you can fill: Translator, Editor, Translation Checker, Project Leader (to be confirmed??) 3) Types of projects (VNs) preferred: Fantasy, Adventure, Science fiction, Slice of Life, Romance 4) Availability (edit this one as you get involved in projects): Availability currently depends on workload; can handle some stuff on the side 5) VNs most interested in producing an ftl for: Absolutely trying to make a translation patch for Mahoutsukai no Yoru atm 6) Motivation for joining in on ftl: To keep on furthering my skills on reading Japanese and understanding how it works for everybody 7) Conditions* (any additional conditions, under which you will or won't work): No ero/gore/violence in excess please, that's all
  6. Enormous thanks to the peeps that contributed to this section..like seriously! I just rose back from lurker hell (again...!) and decided after much speculation that I probably should crack down on my pet Mahoyo translation project -- ie graduate from MS word and pdfs, hahaha Here's to the successful attempt to extract and repack scripts via Kirikiri. Again guys, thanks a lot
  7. Lurker, line up for yer mugshot asap!
  8. Thanks for the greetings, guys It's good to be here! @littleshogun: It's actually not complete yet -- Mahoutsukai no Yoru, famously (infamously??) delayed by Commie. I'm doing a one-person translation, but it's not a patch, though. Five and a half chapters stuffed into separate pdfs. Translator/Checker/Proofreader/Editor all in one go.
  9. Izzeybee reporting in! I found my way into the VN dimension after deciding to translate one on my own, and it's great ^^ Here's to this intro and my first post!
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