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Posts posted by ittaku

  1. On 28/12/2015 at 10:21 AM, Canicheslayer said:

    My first VN was True love. It was a long time ago. I was just a stupid horny teenager and I thought it was some kind of Porn RPG :ph34r:I really liked it, finished all the routes and restarted it multiple times.

    Same. True Love 95 I played 20 years ago and while it's pretty modest by today's VN standards, it still had a magic, since it was a true dating sim, not just a VN, that today's VN's often don't quite match. After playing it I fell for the genre and haven't been able to stop playing VNs since.

  2. I think you should look back on what you all wrote and see how it comes across - there's a lot of "it was so good, but..."

    I saw the movie and didn't find it offensive but by no means was it a great movie. I was torn by it since I grew up with the originals, then was betrayed by the prequels, and had no expectations from this one. I struggled because I was moved by some scenes, excited by other scenes, yet yawning and cringing at other times.

    That said I didn't find it unpleasant to watch overall and greatly enjoyed the bulk of the action scenes and the pace of the movie... but the writing was rather poor, and you've all alluded to it without actually being conscious of it.

    The plot devices were convenient contrivances that really didn't make much sense and couldn't be explained away with coincidence and the force. Why on earth would Rey be so powerful so quickly when not even aware of her powers prior to it compared to a trained -something-. Why was she such a good pilot that could fly anything? Why was she instantly good enough to fend off a light saber battle from a trained expert? Why would R2D2 go to idle mode and then conveniently wake up without Luke really being any closer. How did the pilot manage to get back to the rebellion -his character wasn't developed anywhere near enough for us to feel any connection with him. How would he know how to fly anything including a Tie fighter? Why did the rebellion just happen to also be the planet Han took them to and conveniently came to save them without any forebearing and conveniently had the light saber. Carrie Fisher's acting was really weak and unconvincing - she has almost no on-screen presence with a voice that has no authority for someone that's meant to be a general and barely any emotion comes through. Why did she hug Rey so warmly when Rey returned when she didn't even know her - I guess she sensed that Rey observed Han's death but what would Leia mean to Rey? The jokes done with the old characters are pretty flat and borderline cringeworthy. Han Solo's son actor was a dweeb with no real impact and wildly unconvincing as somewhere between a super powerful force wielder and wimpy emo teenager at the same time. The bad leader looked like Voldemort again (so many bad guys look like him lately). How did the first order get so powerful so quickly when the empire was totally obliterated? How could they not piece together from that much map where in the universe that portion of the map came from, and why did it even need lines connecting its path to wherever he went. Where'd the map even come from and why was it even made? How did the first order happen to allegedly have the other pieces of the map and then we find R2D2 has the rest too. Are we meant to believe that Han made the ultimate sacrifice to effectively do what he had to do to save his son somehow - I'm sure that's how they'll explain it but it's basically unnecessary as far as I can see. What happened to all the stormtroopers being clones (someone explained that this wasn't the case after the clone wars but that's not in the movie universe as far as I remember). The redheaded bad guy was almost comically bad in his acting looking like something between the comical starship troopers and Hitler.  I could go on, but suffice to say this old man wasn't really blown away by the poor writing tying things together. It just felt like a fanflic with an unlimited budget.

    Ironically, the story paying homage to the original star wars 4 didn't bother me one bit as I saw that as intentional canon and they made no effort to disguise it.

  3. Sounds like you need to give up while you're ahead then since whatever it is that you hate about this VN is not going to go away no matter what route you choose. With 9 routes, most people have 2 or 3 that don't appeal to them for some reason (even me) and find varying appeal in the rest but this is clearly not your genre. This game is so old that To Heart 2 virtually defined the genre of extreme nice guy donkan protagonist and that doesn't go away no matter which route you choose.

  4. Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry/Chivalry of a Failed Knight: This show is probably the best romance you will find in the popular shounen action cum romance subplot genre aside from Highschool DxD (novels).  The entire show makes realistic use of buildup and trope payoff combined with excellent animation to give an entirely enjoyable experience throughout.  If you enjoy the genre at all, I would 111% recommend watching it, because it will probably make you realize how different something can be when written with at least some effort.  This is setting aside the most recent episode 11, which makes me question the future of the narrative.

    This. The end of season 1 (? unknown if there's going to be an S2) did not disappoint. 100% for this show. It's making it hard to watch the other trope shows and what they have been doing to romance for a decade.

  5. Hello again, I'm currently trying to translate キャッキャウフフ into something more English-like, since I didn't like how the sentence flowed when I used kya kya ufufu itself.


    A:「やべっ! それやべーーってぇっ!!」


    A:「やめろっ! やめろって! このやろぉーーー!!」


    Just in case you didn't realize, A and B are having some kind of homosexual interaction while taking a bath together. How would you translate キャッキャウフフ into something more English-like? Thanks in advance.


    Squealing and giggling.

  6. Cross Game is an absolute gem and spans 50 episodes. There's a little drama in the first episode to set the background story, but then there are 49 more episodes of non-stop uplifting progressive character development, slice of life, romance, and baseball action - and I hate baseball but I was glued to this show. Happy to the end.

  7. Welcome to the world of VNs.

    There is this one VN I want to play, but the torrent that I have has 0 seeds. The VN is called Private Nurse and if you find a torrent with some seeds could you PM the link to me please? 19838.png

    Private nurse was pretty shit. See: https://vndb.org/v64

    I'd suggest looking elsewhere, and comparing ratings on vndb.org. If a lot of people have rated the game it's a reliable indicator about how good it is.


    As for good VNs with sex scenes... just about all good VNs contain sex scenes. There are plenty of good recommendations you can get from previous posts - see the http://forums.fuwanovel.net/topic/2151-50-translated-vns-you-should-read-before-you-die/ thread. Most of those contain sex.

  8. Mysterious Girlfriend X problem is that the couple stops moving forward completely after about one fifth in. Which is a bit of a problem when that is supposed to be the focus of the manga. It's too bad because it had a lot of promise. I swear one more plotline dedicated about Tsubaki getting tempted by another girl and I would have snapped, they must have done that at least four times. 

    Agreed. Ironically the anime was much better because it just condensed down the little bit of the story that actually did have progress which is why I've recommended it. Those parts have delicious suggestiveness in them. The manga has the worst progression ever beyond what was portrayed in the anime - that being "none", followed with the least satisfying "ending" in history.

    EDIT: I just had a look at the manga ending again to see and it could almost have been the same as the first day of their relationship.

  9. You've watched the bulk of the important stuff to watch. Offhand a couple of shows well worth watching (in anime form) not listed where the couples form before the end (all mentioned by others):

     Waiting in the summer

     Nazo no kanojo X (not the manga, the anime is satisfying in its own way if not to the point of H)

    And two shows currently underway where coupling happens before the halfway mark that are ongoing:

     Snow white with red hair (more of an otome show but romance there is)

     Chivalry of a failed knight (my current favourite watch, here's hoping it remains that way). Not really just a romance anime but lots of ecchi in an action show.


    You won't get H in any of them... Can't help you much there with mainstream anime.


    It kills me that there are literally 30 shows I'm waiting on follow-up seasons to get to couplings so I haven't recommended anything from that vast collection.


    There are other things with weird couplings too, like Dance in the vampire bund (vampire w werewolf though not a real couple) and Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei (siblings that act like a couple)

    Edit: I also note you haven't watched sword art online. There's a strong couple bond in that too though only season 1 is worth watching.

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