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Posts posted by ittaku

  1. the finale of Wagnaria's a tease for season 4!! although it won't mean much without the entire cast there.


    No, it was just a one hour long OVA that's planned. Clearly they only have to resolve Takanashi's issue with his mother and his impending relationship with Inami. The manga has finished so there won't be anything beyond that.

  2. I'm stunned at how few people (guys) chose "I only play games with H". I only read VNs because of the H.


    Finally someone who nailed how I feel, ironically also has played VNs for as long as I have it seems:


    So I can say I always prefer to play VN with h-scenes (since it started long time ago, with old games from PC-98 like Three Sisters Story, Nocturnal Illusion, Divi-Dead and stuff like that, which had quite a bit of h-scenes). Maybe it is just me, but really, playing for 50 hours, reading tons of things about affections/puns about sex/etc. and do not seeing any sex at all (perfect example is that Chaos;Head) is utterly boring.

  3. I think what I liked about it (at least the first season), was the focus on Kirito and Asuna. For all the animes that have some wishy-washy guy that can't make up his mind, it was a breath of fresh air to have those two connect early on and build a close bond. For me it can only be called a harem in the loosest of terms, as he was loyal to Asuna and Asuna alone - not even being involved in those silly "accidents" that typical harems animes make use of.


    But I'm a sucker for 1v1 romance, even if cliched - so I can overlook a lot of the flaws~ (except for season 2, screw that garbage :makina:)

  4. Interesting information... but it doesn't change the fact that as executed, the anime ending was completely FUBAR making it the most frustrating anime I've ever watched. It's funny because I would have been happy without those last 2 episodes, and then even if someone said to me never ever watch the last two episodes, there is no way I could be restrained enough to do so...

  5. Waifu wars are standard in pretty much every anime.

    I feel like OreImo's downfall was how it attempted to play the harem card, but then picked one of the girls, only to then dump her so they could pick another one, and then proceed to just dump her anyway, making every single fan ragequit.

    Personally, I think OreImo is a fun anime, even if not for everything outside of the romantic subplot, there were some legitimately fun friendship moments, and when the romance comes into play, you just have to pray you've taken a liking to Kirino by that time, and then pretend the last 15 seconds of the anime never happened, otherwise you'll just hate life.


    Alternatively, don't be a crazy "Y DIDNT MY WAIFU WIN" otaku and enjoy the anime for what it is.


    You're right about what caused its downfall (the failed harem card).


    But to me it wasn't a matter of why didn't my waifu win. It was why didn't anyone win... neither the protagonist nor any of the waifus... I would have been happy with any ending instead of guaranteeing none. As you said the fans ragequit after how he ended it and that included me... Though it was too late by then since it had already finished and undone all the good it had done in the lead up to there.



    I can't help but laugh my ass off at this one.  This was one of the worst waifu wars I've ever seen.  I love this series, not because of the series itself, but because the turmoil it created.  What literally drowns it in chocolatey goodness is when people complain about the show and don't realize what kind of drama the author actually went through while writing that ending.


    I'm curious what drama you speak of. I know his fans wanted an incest ending so was he trying to cater to them somehow and catered to no one as a result?


    I'm not remotely immune from feeling emotion from watching anime as you seem to be. Chocolatey goodness? Maybe if you include scat in your definition of chocolate...


    And sorry guys if this has gone into spoiler territory but I tried to keep it contained originally.

  6. Oreimo.
    Great series but


    with the OVAs that were added at the end to complete the story. I made it all the way through enjoying it till the very last 2 episodes only to have that shit dumped on me. So many possible ways they could have ended the series well, but no, they chose that direction...


    They had the perfect ending already halfway finished with the romance with Kuroneko but instead they had to appeal to the people with incest fetishes. Clearly that fetish was implied in the title of the show anyway I know, but it wasn't even enjoyable and fulfilling. It was downright depressing and unsatisfying with them breaking it off immediately after getting married. Having done that, it also means that the protagonist would have had zero chance after that with any of the girls that were Kirino's friends and all possible good endings since he effectively shat on all of them (especially Kuroneko).

  7. Now that you're free of ToHeart2 you're able to play actual good moege. :P


    That's harsh :( ToHeart2 is a classic and the project is still very much active... But I know it's only (part) tongue in cheek.


    The quality change over a decade between TH2 and this game is very evident, but the writing in ToHeart2 is better. They're not entirely the same genre though with a little more emotional scope in TH2.


    The H scenes with Tsubame so far are hard going (heh). If I survive this route without looking like I've been sucked dry by a vampire and still have energy I may move onto another route. However since my translation skills are far below those of the other translators, the translate check process will be more work for Astro.

  8. Well I was waiting for Astro to update this thread but I may as well post myself since he hasn't in a while, though he did update the website.


    I've joined this project as a translator and so far have "signed up" to do Tsubame's route.


    I'm already about 40% of the way through it and I gotta say, she's blowing my mind. It'll probably only take me 3 months to get through her entire route since it's so enjoyable.

  9. Another Days is a much more inconsistent game than the original was. Some of the routes are well worth reading while a few are somewhere between annoying and garbage. If I had to translate it, I wouldn't be able to do half of them they're so annoying or inappropriate. The game engine is different to the original too so I'd need a completely new set of programming tools to extract and reinsert text (it's unique and doesn't share anything with the original or any other game and I have no "team" to do such work any more). In the original game people like some girls and don't like others, but the writing is mostly consistent, whereas in AD it varies wildly. The game is much more linear - just pick the girl you want repeatedly.


    As with Star Was prequels - be careful what you ask for as you may well get it and regret it. This sequel is a bit like that...


    Without any real spoilers, the routes on Another Days are:

    The good:

    Harumi - good robot maid route

    Silfa - good robot maid route

    Charu - good route for a secondary TH2 character

    Yocchi - good route for a secondary TH2 char


    The neutral:

    Haruka - story with no H ending


    The bad/the ugly:

    Nanako - unnecessary loli route with no H ending

    Ma-ryan - extremely annoying nonsense of just endless drivel about absurd scenes with no real story that goes on and on


    Konomi/Tama-nee crossover- Nonsense story post Konomi friend ending from TH2 with an admittedly hot H ending

    Ikuno - Annoying reverse story telling from Ikuno's perspective post Manaka ending from TH2 with possible but questionable H ending

  10. Although it was a true "dating sim" rather than just a visual novel, True Love 95... because it was the first I ever played almost 20 years ago and exposed me to an artform and form of entertainment that ticked so many boxes for me that it created a passion for VNs and Japanese media/language that has not stifled since. Its character trait point system has been copied thousands of times since. I still play it every few years since it's a short game and brings back good memories.


    Sure I've played VNs since that have moved me more since then, and To Heart 2 had so much appeal on so many levels that it created my desire to translate an entire visual novel myself so it would be the one that moved me the most, but I still have a soft spot for the now ancient TL95.

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