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Posts posted by ittaku

  1. 24 minutes ago, Nosebleed said:

    What's interesting is that Kickstarter did say THIS was out of their scope but a full blown hentai manga is not. 10/10 for consistency.

    Not really. Hentai is just 2D regular porn. It is not surprising that anything that even has a hint that it might sexualise children is considered not worth the risk of such a high profile online service in the west. Just because the author, reviewer, readers and most of Japan don't think this is pedo porn, doesn't mean that the west won't see it as such.

  2. What's unfortunate is that this shouldn't even be newsworthy. Most people who demand a more literal translation are those who only understand a little Japanese and think that the translation isn't conveying the original meaning because they get hung up on grammar and words and essentially aren't understanding what is being conveyed to native Japanese speakers. The most telling part is that when a translator's native language is English, the more Japanese they know, the more natural sounding English their translation is.

  3. Just now, Makudomi said:

    When it comes to other anime, there are definitely better ones out there, but most of them I'd just prefer to see kept in their current medium(s). Some perfectly great stories make a sloppy transition when you try to turn them into something like a game or VN, you know?

    Acknowledged. The two art forms are very different and rarely does one translate into a good version of the other. Basically you choose heroines sequentially in most VNs, and unless you choose only one true route for anime, or do "alternate universes" as some anime have done, then you can't really give it the same attention - instead you end up with a "status quo is god" http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/StatusQuoIsGod harem where no heroine wins, and the hero remains a virgin for all eternity...  and I'm so sick of that formula that I can barely watch anything like that any more. Conversely one route anime doesn't translate into multi-route VNs. To heart 2 is my staple since I translated it, and it has 9 routes as a VN but an eternal-virgin in anime form...

  4. 1 hour ago, Eclipsed said:

    Holy crap you guys are right, I've watched my share of things but only 1 episode in and Rakudai Kishi indeed has a breath of fresh air feel to it and you just know they played the tropes right.

    Ikki x Stella already have some top-notch banter and interactions, right down to their first meeting with Ikki's lolreverse-strip to the classic hard worker untalented vs. (hard worker(!)) talented duel topped off with Stella's reverse-perverted-curiosity and finally a touching "your first order as my slave is to be my roommate" by humble 'ol Ikki, commence fistbump :3

    Looking forward to great things,

    You won't be disappointed as the standard does not change throughout. Some people found the second last episode hard going but I thought it fit in perfectly with the conclusion after that. Your enthusiasm for it has made me decide to rewatch it from scratch myself again... which must make this the 4th time for me.

  5. 2 hours ago, Abyssal Monkey said:

    Rakudai Kishi is a stellar example of shonen anime done right.  It uses tropes properly and the animation is fucking excellent.  I think it is currently the best shonen battle anime currently.  I personally found it to be the most enjoyable show that season by far.  Compared it to Asterisk War, another show that season, was really awful.

    Rakudai was a real breath of fresh air and still strokes my gonads when I rewatch it today. It reminded me continually of what annoyed me about most other anime when it just basically did every trope right. I agree, it was everything that Asterisk wasn't - and the stories are close to identical so it's a great pity that Asterisk was the one to score two seasons straight up. Given how good Rakudai was, there's no reason there couldn't be a second season but the 1 season had quite the closure to it so I wouldn't feel so bad if they never make another. I find myself rewatching the final episode of Rakudai sometimes when I get pissed off at other anime.

  6. Active raid dropped - what is this shit?

    Prince of stride dropped - couldn't care less about the characters, even with Kana Hanazawa as a VA for the main heroine

    Kouya wo mezasu - finally a good episode (8) though I suspect it will go back to being plain the rest of the series

  7. 50 minutes ago, MercyZombie said:

    I've actually already read Heart De Roommate. It didn't leave much of an impact. 

    I'll keep your opinion in mind:sachi:. It's not really high priority anyway considering my huge backlog.

    I wasn't implying Heart De Roommate was awesome. It's just that Private nurse was shithouse.

  8. 14 hours ago, MercyZombie said:

    One day I might reread it to see how I would like it now but all in all I think I can thank Yume Miru Kusuri and Kira☆Kira a lot more for my interest in visual novels.

    I can save you the trouble. Private nurse was terrible, so don't waste your time. If you're going to read anything (old) by the same game maker then go play Heart De Roommate instead.

  9. 2 hours ago, Nosebleed said:

    Again, it all comes down to whether or not you like Hestia, since she's all the show is about 80% of the time. Nothing else matters.
    And her character is essentially made of a loli with a string around her boobs.
    That's literally the shtick of the show and what made it popular on the internet (see Hestia memes for references).
    There's nothing else to see in it other than that.
    The reason why it quickly died after and nobody cares about it anymore is also because that's ALL there was to it.

    My suggestion to you is: Watch a couple episodes and decide whether or not you like Hestia, then continue watching or not depending on your answer. That is if you care about saving some hours of your lifespan or not.

    Can't say I agree with you there. I thought Hestia was just a silly counterpoint to the story itself which is about the whole hero development which I quite enjoyed, along with the obvious kuudere love interest. I mostly ignored Hestia even though others may well have gotten off on the whole loli boob thing. Presumably you didn't like it because she annoyed you.

  10. 4 hours ago, Fred the Barber said:

    Not Railgun? I can't imagine why :ph34r: but I enjoy the Railgun spinoff a lot more than Index.

    Same. First index was good but second seemed to ramble on without any direction and almost no reference to the index itself. I suspect both series were popular enough to get a third season though so (y)our wishes will be granted. I still want to see biribiri be the one to elevate to level 5 :)

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