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Posts posted by ittaku

  1. I'm not obsessed with reading the latest of anything. I just try to find titles that suit the styles I like to read, and older games are usually much cheaper 2nd hand.


    Currently reading the H heavy 幼なじみと甘~くエッチに過ごす方法. Have a soft spot for the later team B-Y games even if their production values are not on par with big companies since they do ecchi sexual tension well without just being a nukige. Before that I played one of their older games まほこい~エッチな魔法で恋×濃しちゃう~ which was below average and had lots of dark endings I skipped and I wouldn't bother with it. I think they changed direction after this since just about every other one I've played has nothing but variant good endings. The first game of theirs I read was School ぷろじぇくと☆  which was lots of fun. I'm guessing their earlier games were meh and their later games had fine tuned their style which suits me fine. I'm also concurrently reading Clover Day's since I'm helping translate that project.

  2. I really can't say what route is the worst but if I had to field a contender I would say Karin's route in To Heart 2. Any potential sweet moment or anything like that was reduced into nothing thanks to her playing the blackmail card. Repeatedly. And tricking someone to join your club when they help you (even if the story handwaves this as a common occurrence) and blackmailing someone due to an accident into stay in your club is simply wrong.


    Wow, I felt Karin's whole blackmail thing was very tongue in cheek and lighthearted and the protagonist really went there by choice anyway... On the other hand I wanted to kill the protagonist in Sasara's route. That's probably the worst route ever for me but mostly because I was translating it myself which meant that I spent 100x longer doing it than just reading through it would have taken.

  3. The answer to the rather open question is "wildly variable". Some spin offs set in the same world but with new characters far excel their original while others are somewhere between ho hum and an embarrassingly bad testimony to a company trying to make the most of a successful original. There are no rules as to whether a sequel is good or not. My staple VN project - To heart 2 was a much more comprehensive and better VN than To heart as a spin off with different characters, yet the sequel to that, To Heart 2 Another Days, was nowhere near as good as TH2, being average and inconsistent.

  4. 1) Handle: Ittaku

    2) Positions you can fill: Translator

    3) Types of projects (VNs) preferred: Comedy, Romance, Slice of life, Moe/Charage with almost exclusively happy endings and not too much drama - must have H and have an average rating of >7/10 on vndb. Would consider Nukige if there's a little extra story component (I translated Polygon Love 2 for example).

    4) Availability: Employed, but still interested in fantl

    5) VNs most interested in producing an ftl for: Anything like To Heart 2 or lighter, like the selection by Clephas here: https://forums.fuwanovel.net/topic/4204-for-love-of-vns-chicken-soup-for-the-soul/?

    6) Motivation for joining in on ftl: Enjoy translating and it keeps my Japanese moving forward


    7) Conditions* (any additional conditions, under which you will or won't work): Lots of conditions, see below.


    Absolutely no rape, torture, humiliation, disgrace, loli, dark themes, violence. Don't like utsuge nor excessive drama either.


    Will only work on one project at a time.

    PC games only.

    Can translate up to ~1000 lines per week.

    Will not tolerate abusive criticism. Must accept limitations of my time availability and quality of translation without barrage of complaints.

    Will only work for an established team - either one that has made significant progress on an existing project or is starting a new project having successfully completed other projects.

    Team must have a coordinator that is responsive and communicative.

    I have a strong sense of responsibility for any projects I take on so I will not take on a project unless I intend to complete my allocated component so I expect a team that is also suitably motivated.

  5. Whenever I ignored Yuma completely during march and went home instead, I got the Yuuji ending. 


    Oh I see what you mean. Yes you need to figure out the following to work out how to encounter various characters out of their obviously flagged positions:


    There's no real spoiler in this:


    Yuma and Manaka are friends

    Lucy and the Twins are friends


    Lucy and the twins are unlocked after one route is completed.

    Yuuki is unlocked after 2 routes are completed.

  6. For what it's worth, since I'm probably twice the age of the average punter on this forum, I don't have a problem with you guys pirating while you can't afford the stuff, provided as your earning capacity grows you slowly move towards the group that pays for most things (that are worth it). All those visual novels you've loved and spent thousands of hours fapping to reading wouldn't exist without some kind of recompense on the creators' part. I think most business models are rather old fashioned and haven't realised that there really is no way the lower end of the age bracket, which is the bulk of the market, can afford the prices they offer things at. Much more affordable digital distribution is the key in my opinion with boxes, packaging, DVDs, extras and so on being for those who want the extra and are willing to pay the price premium. The other alternative is people will just pirate the digital version instead. In my opinion it's only a matter of time before something like steam - but not steam, so that we actually get uncensored 18+ material - will fill that niche. Maybe I should start a business...

  7. Paid for quite a few over the last 20 years. I'm more than happy to pay for stuff I like. Most of you would be horrified to learn that I buy them while in Japan, copy and/or install the ISOs off the DVDs, then throw out the DVDs, packaging and everything else. Currently I still have 4 VNs I purchased last trip that I haven't started playing. As a family man I can't have X rated boxes sitting on my bookshelf. Even most digital purchases leave an undesirable credit card record. I'd kill for a site that took bitcoin for purchases, or to have someone I could send some bitcoin and we could share in purchases, even though I don't buy that frequently.

  8. I've been playing VNs for almost 20 years and despite many many years of seeing mosaics and being able to get off on the pics regardless, to me mosaics still suck pixelated dicks (insert long winded discussion about freedom, censorship, oppression and hangover from World War II American influence on Japan they never recovered from).

  9. Unless you're using MT to aid already having knowledge of Japanese, doing it is sheer utter desperation. I know, as I did it for 5 minutes then vowed to learn Japanese... It's not even a matter of whether it can detect all the right words or not, as the grammar cannot by any technology available today be deciphered reliably automatically even when the language is very simple without slang, personal quirks, idioms and so on. Which means you may well get the verb right but it will more often than not get wrong who is doing the action to whom, let alone why. Anything with any semblance of a storyline is indecipherable. Perhaps if you think just getting the nouns and verbs mostly right gives you a "story" you'll be happy... but you're seriously missing out since you're almost certainly doing it with a visual novel you really really want to do out of desperation and ruining it at the same time. Of course nothing of what I say will discourage anyone from doing it if they're already happy to do so, but given there are so many translated visual novels out there, why get hung up on the hype of the latest one that isn't? No matter what your complaint about the translation quality of any of the existing translated novels may be, your experience with them will be much closer to what was intended than machine mangulation will be. Until our computing power has artificial intelligence, machine translation from a language like Japanese will remain out of reach.

  10. The rest seems fine except for the last line which the translation is a little off.

    Here's some more suggestions, taking into account your request to keep Onii-chan, 3rd person speech, shyness and the childish speech.


    "Onii-chan, will you teach Konomi?"


    "Sure, if you want me to, I'd be glad."
    "Wah... lucky..."
    "Yay, goodie!"
    こうして、ななみちゃんとこのみちゃん、そしておにいちゃんの “いけない夏休み” が始まったのです。
    And thus begins Onii-chan's "summer vacation of wrongdoing" with Nanami-chan and Konomi-chan.
  11. I'm assuming they're speaking in 3rd person, which is common for lolis. 


    Agreed, I'm just confirming. Native English speakers almost never do that which is why I'm asking, as getting rid of it in English makes things sound much more natural for kids. They'd just say "I".

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