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Posts posted by ittaku

  1. 1 minute ago, tymmur said:

    Oh yeah, that too, though the ability to hide the text window would be good enough. Quite a number of VNs hide it with right click or similar. The ability to hide is really simple from a coding point of view while moving is more complex. Also I'm not even sure I like it to move around, at least not unless there is a reset position feature.

    I can't recall any recent VN that doesn't let you hide it, I'd just prefer to be able to keep moving with the text without having to close and reopen the window with every line.

  2. Yes, hate the travelling component so much that I probably would never go on a trip anywhere if my wife didn't plan our holidays. I made special exceptions for getting to Japan though and put up with the travel.

    You sure your American won't clash with the English language? /troll

    I went to the Louvre in Paris once and it was amazing, but I don't know how to "talk" about going to an art museum otherwise. Maybe you're different since you do presentations and such?

  3. Just now, Dergonu said:

    Then why didn't you comment on all the other recommendations after Mitch's? You only commented on the loli VN, not the guro vn, (thats not even THAT new, it came out in 2015.) It seems to me that the loli part of it was the only thing you noticed.


    You might not have done it conciously, but that's how your comment looked to me anyways 

    Perhaps I should quote myself then? You seem to be the one taking offence unnecessarily.

    12 minutes ago, ittaku said:

    Don't know those other ones but yeah same thing applies. I've only heard of the 1st one thanks to the recent sekai project announcement of an (h free) localisation for it and the controversy surrounding it.


  4. Just now, mitchhamilton said:

    i also recommended one that had to do with capturing a girl and raping her, yet you take issue with the loli one? youre right, i dont know Kanbe's tastes but thats because he/she never stated what they are into and what theyre not into. so i dont know what to recommend that they would love or hate. just suggesting the only recent ones i know about.

    Don't know those other ones but yeah same thing applies. I've only heard of the 1st one thanks to the recent sekai project announcement of an (h free) localisation for it and the controversy surrounding it.

  5. Re: Zero

    Looks like a much less funny konosuba cross with a much bigger budget... Doesn't look too bad, and I'll keep watching but there's something irritating about it. For example, one plot device execution really annoyed me:

    The whole travelling back to redo the past when he dies is so brutally obvious it annoys the hell out of me that the protagonist is apparently so fucking stupid that he can't see that's what happened when he figured the whole travelling to another world thing so easily to start with

  6. 1 hour ago, Fred the Barber said:

     I don't know how the DanMachi anime compares, but based on the LNs, I'd expect High School DxD probably has the edge on it.

    Not everyone feels the same way as me, but I though danmachi was actually very good, and better than dxd. The fanservice is much less than dxd (but then dxd is just shy of porn) but to me the action scenes had much more impact, whereas dxd was just kinda boost. Some people really got off on danmachi because of the whole loli boob goddess thing but to me that was the least interesting part. The characters are interesting, the story is interesting and the action well done.

  7. So far of what I've watched:

    Mayoiga: Eh? Will drop pretty soon...

    Usho Tora 2: Solid start to a consistently good series. Damn let's work on the romance plot and I'm sold.

    Asterisk 2: So far decent. This was the show that was only ever okay because it was overshadowed by an infinitely better surprisingly similar storied Rakudai no Kishi. However with this start this season and a shit last season of nothing outstanding, it's suddenly looking good.

    Endride: What a steaming pile of shit. Dropped

    Boku no Hero Academia: Actually not too bad compared to the other crap. Let's see where it goes.

  8. This is a very common thing to do. It's both a bonus and a short cut. Why create new character designs from scratch when you already have designs that are comprehensive from previous works, and including them is seen as paying homage to previous works and enjoyed as an Easter egg by readers.

  9. Finished watching the strike witches 2 OVAs and movie in preparation for the spin-off, Brave witches starting soon. I'd forgotten how much fun this series was and added it to my "ultimately satisfying endings" list.

    I've started watching nanatsu no taizai, the seven deadly sins, in anticipation of the second season starting soon. I'm enjoying it quite a lot so far as a silly fantasy action spoof thingy.

  10. Musaigen ending was quite good for a show that never got to be that special.

    Dagashi was consistently disappointing to the end. Quite sure I won't bother watching another season should it come out unless someone tells me there's character progression.

    That ends the winter season which as predicted was quite meh overall. Here's hoping for a better spring season, where I'm looking forward to continuing series more than the new ones listed (Ushio and Tora the most.)

  11. 2 hours ago, SenpaiFingers said:

    I found it AMAZING! I already have your translated patch, the difficult is to find the actual game torrent :komari: 

    You'll love it. It's so easy to get into and it's hard to make your way to bad endings :P Characters you'll love, characters you'll hate, and some in between, but something to cater for everyone. Sorry, can't help you on the pirating side (and doing so is out of scope for this forum anyway).

  12. 2 hours ago, Leaf said:

    also finished first season of Cardcaptor Sakura and the movie should be the next stop.

    If you finished it, you must have liked it enough to watch to the end. What were your thoughts on it? I've only seen 5 episodes so far and am conflicted since it seems a bit too childish to continue watching.

  13. By the way, I have a way I can manually edit a pixelated image to convert the pixelated portion into a slightly more detailed blurred version of the original data. While it's still nowhere near as complete as a redrawing, I find it less obtrusive than pixelation, and since it's done using filters rather than drawing, it is based entirely on the original artist's data without requiring any artistic skill. Someone with artistic skill could probably then draw over the top of the partially recreated image and more closely reproduce the original artist's impression.

    Since you were talking dicks, I've done a sample using dicks with my beloved Lucy from To Heart 2 to show what I mean.







    Of course it is a little time consuming and since it's not perfect and translators are harder to find than graphic editors, my time is better spent doing translation...

  14. 17 minutes ago, Scorp said:

    Ehm, there is mosaic censorship of anything apart dicks and vags? Or  you only care about female genitals uncensored? Or what you mean in "if I were getting uncensored pics"? 

    So, actually, I was asking about examples of fan translations which had mosaic-free images, made from originally mosaic ones.

    The highlighted above.

    I know what you were after and sorry for going offtopic.

  15. 1 hour ago, Fred the Barber said:

    I'm pretty sure I remember being traumatized by the example of it that I saw, wherever it was; I definitely did not apply it when I was reading.

    Just like with translations, no doubt there are examples of good decensoring, but fan decensoring can be quite... limited indeed. I've only ever had one person offer to decensor the pics in To Heart 2 and I was so happy that they offered, but when he returned his first attempt, my response was... PINK!!!! Everything was this bizarre unnatural (compared to 2D?) hot pink stand out disaster. I decided I'd give up on the idea of having anything decensored after that.

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