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Everything posted by ittaku

  1. Orange and Amaama are indeed proving quite good, but they also have the luxury of 2 of my favourite VAs since I love both Hanazawa and Hayami's voice acting <3
  2. I'm glad to see your enthusiasm for editing continue after cutting your teeth on my project. Just like translating, you will keep getting better with every editing task you do, and then you'll look back on your earlier works and be disappointed by what you did. In your case, it's clear how much you've been thinking about this based on your further research towards improving your editing and I'm glad to have had you as an editor. The community should welcome any competent volunteer and be even more grateful when they're as thoughtful as you're being about the process.
  3. This thread can take the credit for me restarting this show. I'm 1/3 of the way through this 96 episode monstrosity. EDIT: Finished it \o/
  4. Absolutely nothing new looks incredibly promising this season which looks to be the season of average. Best things are the continuation of rezero and shokugeki.
  5. That's not at all what I mean; Takaaki was a nice guy throughout. He works hard for the girls he likes on the routes so presumably he's as nice to the ones he knows before that too. I'm talking more the character that just cruises through the whole story and never really does anything for the girls and they flock to him nonetheless. All he has to do is choose a path. Dunno about shuffle as I only ever tried to watch the anime but that seemed about right.
  6. So far everyone's assumed that the character traits need to belong to heroines yet there's nothing that says we can't complain about protagonists in the OP as it was characters in general, not just heroines. For me I absolutely can't stand protagonists that have absolutely no redeeming traits yet girls flock to him like he's some kind of god. Also incredibly mean protagonists that apparently sway heroines to like him (rather than just submit to him) through absurd degradation humiliation rape etc. I can't even read VNs that belong to the latter group any more.
  7. When I originally started playing, there weren't editions...
  8. Wow, I used to be a DM but the last time was over 20 years ago. Is D&D undergoing a revival?
  9. No one's being an ass here. The fact is that in most countries besides Japan the law makes loli games illegal. It does not matter what you think about the laws, it would be stupid for VN localising companies to risk going against the law, thus if they decide to localise any VNs with loli aspects, they choose games where the loli component is as obfuscated as possible - i.e. they never choose games where it literally says the protagonist is in elementary school, under 12 years old etc. They choose titles where they're thousand year old faeries that look 9 years old, or are actually humanised trains that look like they're 6 year old humans. Regardless of what you think of the law, it's the law, and massive fines and imprisonment are very real possibilities. Changing the law is much harder than choosing less controversial material to work with in the first place. If the material is deemed paedophilia in your country, you will likely serve a jail sentence and be tagged a paedophile for life, even if it's joke material involving Simpsons characters (as happened in Australia and Canada.)
  10. For as long as I can remember I've had issues going fullscreen on wine and need to massage things or convince them to go fullscreen by windowing and then FSing afterwards, and then right click sometimes goes wonky. Not only that but the fullscreen issues are different on each game. No VNs are ever in the sights of the wine developers so they would have no idea these are issues and without the games themselves probably won't be able to fix the bugs. If you can work around the issue somehow I suggest you live with it for now and hope that some time in the future it works properly. Fullscreen is problematic even without wine with 4k monitors...
  11. Heh well in SS2 one of the characters doesn't even show up till 3 months in whereas the confession option comes up after 2 months but her character is greyed out in the confession choices. 4 heroines is the standard for both SS1 and SS2. Note there are random other H scenes if you're lucky that aren't even the main 4 heroines - e.g. the teacher in SS1 who you can "complete" her story in Sugar+Spice party party which is an annoying minigame fandisc but has extra story to SS1, along with another character you couldn't get in SS1 (I wouldn't recommend playing party party which was bundled with SS1 in a special release I bought unless you're a sucker for torture or enjoy those god awful annoying minigames.)
  12. I've created a thread about Watashi ga Suki nara "Suki" tte Itte! based on my experience on Chuablesoft's previous confession system games here:
  13. Regarding Watashi ga Suki nara "Suki" tte Itte! which it was just announced will receive an official localisation by Mangagamer. I've played Sugar+Spice and Sugar+Spice2 from Chuablesoft and this game, sukisuki, is effectively their Sugar+Spice3 sequel. I picked 1 and 2 up originally in Japan purely because of the confession system because in a moege the confession moment is arguably the most important scene in any route and the thought of having control over it was rather exciting. Indeed it was always a little scary and exciting when you chose to try to confess to a girl. Probably one of the more unexpected things about these games was out of the blue tackling a story involving incest. It's probably not a big deal that there's any spoiler in this section since these are now old games and almost certainly won't get a localisation. These are long games in the 30-50 hour reading range. SS1 was a head injury amnesia charage story while SS2 was a non-descript moege story. Presumably SS3 shares many qualities with their earlier instalments. Their game system has a "choose-your-own-adventure" feel to it where time moves forward and you have a certain number of points to expend in each month. You get to choose which scene to play from a selection of scenes, each scene expending a certain number of points, and they give you a hint as to which heroine's route they're part of based on the girls shown in the scene icon. Some scenes are mandatory checkpoints and take you to the next month/time period. As you gain favour with each girl, your likelihood of getting a favourable response to a confession increases over time. It's not actually a given that that's the successful way to make them your partner. Over the 2 games I played, some girls you simply could not actually get from a confession scene - either you had to confess to them multiple times to get them to finally give in, or the way to get them wasn't actually the confession at all. After 3 failed confessions to the same girl the game would usually come to an abrupt ending. Some you could get by confession but there were also other situations where you could be surprised by ending up with them before you got a chance to confess. The ability to try to confess to them is unlocked after a certain amount of play. What they also did was that you could/should play through each heroine's route actually 3 times over as each play through unlocked more scenes/extended scenes with them, or allowed you to confess to them earlier, or they might even confess to you first. You really missed out on quite a few scenes if you did not play them through multiple times. All in all it was actually a lot of fun, and it allowed you to simply skip scenes entirely on 2nd playthroughs, yet earn the girl's favour by expending your points on that scene, making it not too repetitive, but personally I'm not a big fan of needing to play the same routes more than once. The main issue I really had was that there are many common scenes in each month, so that even if you end up on one of the heroine's routes, the story was unchanged and you suddenly seemed to be neutral towards all the girls in common scenes despite actually partnering up with one of the girls. I'm unsure whether this latest instalment is any better in that regard. Overall SS1 was very good for me at 8/10 for me but SS2 they reused all the background CGs and set it up in the same world 4 years after SS1, reusing characters and referring to the first a lot which was both good and bad, and the neutral common scene and choosing scene aspect became a detriment and it was repetitive and boring and I rated it 6/10. I suspect it didn't help a great deal that I didn't warm to 2 of the heroines as well. I'm guessing/hoping a complete rewrite in sukisuki with new engine, world, and confession system will make it much better than their rehash in SS2 and am looking forward to it.
  14. I remember that scene vividly even years later, it was intense!
  15. I absolutely love H scenes in my VNs and have translated many of them. However the H scenes are often the least rewarding part to translate for numerous reasons, not the least of which is that they mostly follow a standard pattern of sex and expression which is suited to the Japanese 2D world and nothing like reality. It gets tiring translating the same tropes and doing virtually the same scenes over and over and over. It's a bit like the unnatural sex positions in regular porn designed to display genitals to the camera.
  16. No sirree, you are a man after my own heart.
  17. Censorship has been around since the dawn of time as a way of controlling people. Our societies' fears of nudity and sex etc. are a long term hangover from Victorian days where it was the expression of that control to portray sex and nudity as immoral, inciting church and other bullshit fear tactics. Personally I find all censorship nonsense, especially the imbalance that occurs in the west where it's okay to show people being violent, murdering, slaughtering, butchering etc. yet we cannot show people fucking... yet most of us will never in our lives do the former while most of us will have sex regularly as adults. Japan's censorship is uniquely fucked in a different way thanks to their interpretation of the obscenity laws created when the USA wrote their constitution post World War II. Go figure. P.S. Be careful when asking why people are arrested as paedophiles in the west for playing loli games - that is bound to create a flamewar, get moderators' attention and eventually cause your thread to be locked. If something's illegal in some countries, it really does not matter what your opinion is, as it's still illegal by their current laws.
  18. Impressive offtopic necropost of a thread almost 3 years old. Translation projects subforum link is here: http://forums.fuwanovel.net/forum/87-translation-projects/
  19. Kiznaiver finished and was very good to the end... and it was an original anime! OTOH Ushio+Tora2 was excellent to the end... and it was an adaptation.
  20. Maison Ikkoku. Started it 12 years ago and stalled not long after. Plan to restart now...
  21. Kenkyuusha has this definition: フリップ (furippu) 〔説明用カード〕 a flip chart. So pulling out one of those display charts where people explain things like in movies, advertising companies etc.
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