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Everything posted by ittaku

  1. Nosebleed is spot on. It's common for heroines in the heat of passion to not be able to pronounce words correctly, softening the consonant component of d to r. ramerame is just damedame. There are also plenty of H scenes where they have to speak with their mouths full (use your imagination) and they're able to pronounce even less sounds correct
  2. For once I agree 100% with you. SAO2 was so try hard for a different genre that I could barely even finish it and now I'm not sure why I did.
  3. You could probably just watch the 1st and last episodes of part 2 and be no worse off than watching the whole thing. At least then you find out what happens.
  4. I've included some that I rate highly that don't necessarily rate highly by everyone else. If you want the list trimmed of those, remove absolute duo, kiddy grade and my hime.
  5. Action is only intermediate in that show I recommended as it has a lot of political intrigue and dialogue. Comedy virtually non-existent in it though. On the other hand, if you want tons of action and comedy, and I can't tell since you don't really have a watchlist whether you've seen it or not, you can't go past the other full metal - Full Metal Panic and its sequel Full Metal Panic the Second Raid. Mecha but superb characters, action and comedy. EDIT: I went through my own watchlist and came up with these great shows for action (though not so much comedy): Eureka seven (original) Last exile (original) Absolute duo Attack on Titan Cross Ange Gurren Lagann Kiddy Grade My Hime
  6. Ushio to Tora is very good and gets much better by season 2, but it is not quite finished yet, and as much as I'm enjoying it, there's no way I'd rate it up there with FMAB standard. If you're okay with old school anime with lots of subplots intrigue, some action and a sci-fi bent, try Legend of Galactic Heroes; 110 episodes and a massive space opera but the old school animation may put you off unless you're driven more by story than animation. http://myanimelist.net/anime/820/Ginga_Eiyuu_Densetsu
  7. I would have thought Thomas the Tank Engine would have been a better analogy.
  8. Flying witch was delightful this week. Tanaka-kun continues to be a nice laugh. Luluco stupid fun. Ushio + Tora2 has been simply fantastic for quite a few episodes now and still is. Haifuri was kinda hohum but okay. At least it's a known quantity now. Kiznaiver pulled out all the stops this week with a sensational episode. Considering how banal I thought this series was to begin with, I'm really surprised. Asterisk continues to disappoint - considering this was a climactic episode it was pretty meh. It shits me how this show could have been so much better but got the double season funding when Rakudai which is almost the identical story got funding for only one season and was a trillion times better than this shit. EDIT: I just remembered I said pretty much the same thing during last season Overall though, a great couple of days' watching.
  9. Can you elaborate? Go with the smaller font. English is rarely as concise as Japanese and you'll never keep the nuance if you're forever trimming text. I did the same in ToHeart2 but then that was a massive font with fullscreen walls of text.
  10. There was a "selection" that suggested "watch season2". Can't remember if it was the final episode or OVA but I suspect they were hoping for funding for another season.
  11. Finished My mental choices are completely interfering with my school romantic comedy aka NouCome and the OVA. It was pretty good and quite amusing, though it just notches up another scar on my unresolved harem list, awaiting more seasons of more unresolution [sic].
  12. Bring up winetricks and install: quartz ffdshow wmp9 and wmp10 Then when ffdshow is installing, in the configuration add mpeg1 and mpeg2 to the playback options. This should allow most videos in most games to playback. The mpeg1 option is the most important one (and the one affecting you here.)
  13. Damn I'm only halfway through the original adaptation. I better get my arse into gear and finish it before the new hype spoils what little there is to spoil in such a series.
  14. Welcome to the forums. I've done a similar journey to yourself though I date back to 1995. There is no need to try and force VNs down your throat, but the vast scope of what's out there now is nothing like the wasteland of just a decade ago. I'm pretty sure you'll find something to pique your interest, you just have to find the right genre. Good VNs are truly amazing unique pieces of art. And I'm even older, and though my interest in VNs waxed and waned over the last 20 years, it never died out. Currently I can't get enough of them so much that I'm translating as a pastime. You never know where your journey will end up.
  15. Finished Acchi Kocchi (was okay). Skipped through shuffle (didn't watch). Finished K-On2 with my wife (enjoyed it more 2nd watching). Watching Cardcaptor, NouCome, Ouran high school host club, Chihayafuru, Special A, Maid Sama. Still have K-On movie to watch with wife.
  16. Netoge was decent this week. Kabaneri had a nice interlude in there before the shit hits the fan again. Assclass was the surprise this week, taking full marks from me.
  17. Misery? Pass. I watch anime to escape the misery in the real world. Special A is probably next on my watchlist.
  18. I can watch almost anything provided it's romcom, but wow shuffle is bad. EDIT: After 10 episodes I finally gave up and started fast forwarding through the rest of the season. Now I'm annoyed that I didn't watch the rest since it actually resolved the harem which was the one thing I was most afraid of.
  19. I should feel fulfilled for having my bait taken by the master baiter himself but instead I feel strangely empty.
  20. In before someone complains about a bad anime adaptation of a VN or LN or Manga or... oh wait too late. FMAB is not.
  21. Everyone at some stage in their life must watch FMAB at least once.
  22. I'd recommend doing the opposite. Irregular was good. Classroom Crisis was garbage.
  23. Added Brighter than the dawning blue and AmagamiSS to my list, and added Kaichou wa maid sama and Maison Ikkoku to the others' list (though I plan to see them myself and they will graduate to my list). Elfen Lied's ending is controversial enough that I won't put it on the list myself. I'd prefer it if most people find the ending satisfying rather than some.
  24. It's sensational and the best series this season. The parallels between it and SnK are obvious but it's very much a unique storyline and that association will not get in the way of you enjoying Koutetsujou. Definitely watch it. EDIT: Myself I finished watching Brighter than the dawning blue which was cute but painfully predictable and stupid romantic - just what I wanted to watch. Currently I'm finishing off oreshura and it's hilarious. Wish I'd watched this earlier.
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