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Everything posted by shcboomer

  1. Hey there, welcome to Fuwanovel, I hope you'll enjoy your stay here.
  2. That is a big list up there, I'm intrigued by a few of them myself. Any specific one you would recommend first?
  3. Glad to hear it, no worries, people in this community comes from all different angles.
  4. Welcome to the forums! No need to feel intimidated, everyone starts somewhere.
  5. solidbatman is buying games, this must be a sign. There has to be something else to this.
  6. Happy Belated... My bad, I wasn't around to say it.
  7. Welcome to the forums, glad to have you here. Also I like the fact that Little Busters! is one of your favorites.
  8. Welcome to the forums, I hope you'll enjoy your stay around here.
  9. Looks interesting, maybe I'll give it a go when my backlog clears up a bit.
  10. Maybe he was looking for the other but... XD
  11. I guess... XD Hard to say at times, since not everyone necessarily reads them that way. I just noticed now nothing is spoiler-tagged, oh wells.
  12. When you start up the game again after removing the save files, click Yes to knowing the secret of the world. That is the only way to get the EX routes to work.
  13. Hoshimemo EH is a straightforward extended epilogue basically. It has two extended routes and five routes for the minor heroines.
  14. Rakuen continues from that alt storyline I believe, I can look into it after I finish up Kajitsu.
  15. Going with Sharin no Kuni as well, the same author and all. If not give Grisaia a try.
  16. ^LN thingy^ Yay for LN things! Although, I could totally see it in Index III.
  17. Among other things such as lack of profit, lack of sales in comparison, hard to adapt, and a whole lot of other things, it probably won't happen soon. However, it probably is one of the harder VN adaptations, it has a lot more going for it than most other Key VNs. Heck, even VNs in general.
  18. I think people can tell by just looking me up on google or something. Anyways, my favorite Key character is Rin by far, her personality is just too cute.
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