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Everything posted by shcboomer

  1. Welcome to the forum, hope you'll enjoy your stay here. What do you think of Little Busters! so far?
  2. Seems like a standard nukige to me... o.0
  3. Hachikuji is not pleased. (Wish I had an image for it.)
  4. Just finished Sachi's route, now onto Amane and Makina. Then time for a new VN.
  5. I think her route was ok, it really didn't feel like her route though. It was really shonen though, the whole thing.
  6. Welcome to the forums, hope you'll enjoy your time here. That is an impressive list of favorite VNs, if you had to pick one though, which one would you say is by far your favorite?
  7. It's ok, things always work out that way with VNs. You want to sit down and read one, then you get distracted.
  8. Thank you, took one of them on the list. I think it was 1870. Downloading it now on Steam.
  9. Welcome to the forums, glad to see someone is willing and able to help. <3
  10. Well I'm sure I know it isn't quite that hard. However, making it sound easy always makes the process at least feel easier. XD Anyways, I foresee someone picking up the game pretty quickly in terms of fan translations.
  11. Welcome to the forums, I hope you'll enjoy your time with us here.
  12. Welcome to the forums, I hope you'll enjoy your stay here.
  13. Nice images there SkySound. Also gratz on finally finding the game Steve, I know you were searching for a long time.
  14. Welcome to the forums, glad to see you on here OtonashiP!
  15. I think this is correct, JAST licensed games are one of those things not too many people would want to touch. Even if it is only interest to pick up.
  16. HYPE! Seriously though, can't wait to have this finally finished.
  17. Welcome to the forums, hope you'll enjoy your time here.
  18. For me I say VNs, it can blend voice, text, and visuals so well. Not to mention the ability to do so on a computer interactively really takes the cake for me.
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