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Everything posted by shcboomer

  1. shcboomer


    Most All-Ages VNs tend to be over 50+ hours, or at least the well known ones such as Key works. Maybe try G-Senjou no Maou? With the no nudity patch. Although, not really all-ages I guess.
  2. Glad to finally see a semi-solid release date. Been waiting a while for this one. Key, take my money already.
  3. Basically, everyone only needs certain things. Doesn't really matter what others think of it.
  4. Welcome to the forums, I hope you'll love it here. Little Busters, good choice. Hehe <3
  5. Looks interesting, I'll give this a go when I have some free time.
  6. It's ok, we're working on it. Although, I don't think Steve could force me to do anything I don't want to do. XD Also you don't know about Misaka? o.0
  7. That's not true, I'd say they are making some good progress. XD Waiting for Mephisto to chime in here at some point, or Steve.
  8. Yeah, I'm also waiting for that as well. Although that seems to be a ways from now, even EH is taking it's sweet time.
  9. Welcome to the forums, hope you'll enjoy your stay here. Glad to hear that you also like Hoshimemo. <3
  10. I'm almost done Grisaia, on Makina's route which is also my last route.
  11. I don't even have a laptop right now, but I do have a tablet. Between my tablet and my desktop, I'm pretty set for all the stuff I need to do.
  12. Looks interesting, definitely something to keep an eye on.
  13. Your room is really clean, that is a good thing.
  14. Anytime, just wish I could have contributed more.
  15. Glad that you are so willing to share, it was a really touching story. I'll stick around and be sure to spread the <3 as usual, even with school.
  16. I could probably give a hand if you need it, however time may be a semi-issue, but weekends are usually fine for me.
  17. Interesting thread, looking forward to your September pick.
  18. I've donated $20 towards the cause as I promised I would. Sorry it took so long.
  19. Lewd. Reminds me of Nagisa and Tomoya holding hands.
  20. Very clean there Zaka... Although I must admit my desk isn't all that much better.
  21. I'd say welcome to the forums but... Anyways <3 you Nayleen. <3 <3 <3
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