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Everything posted by shcboomer

  1. Yep, the majority of us are on ship 2.
  2. Will be starting moon tomorrow I hope it is not as terrible I have read many mixed review about it so, I guess I will just I have to see. If you dislike these route individually, I wonder if you will like the story overall... Hmmm...
  3. My guess is built in DRM of some sort.
  4. Hmmmm, maybe it is something someone will look at then. I feel bad for any potential TL for the H-scenes already though.
  5. That is obviously an unforgettable song and video. Ahaha
  6. Playing some DOTA2 lately, TI3 made me want to play a few games.
  7. Welcome to the forums, I hope you'll enjoy your time here.
  8. If you complain after each route, you're going to have a bad time. XD
  9. Not sure if the use of fences is that great... Maybe it's just the wallpaper though.
  10. Welcome to the forums, hope you'll enjoy your time here.
  11. Really? Most of the time I feel quite the opposite. If they do cut corners, I wouldn't necessarily put it on their art, there are probably a lot more things I could think of before saying the art is lacking.
  12. I'm not sure how I could respond without coming across as maybe a little biased, however, I would say the art may look 'childish'. However, I doubt it is 'unskilled', that just isn't a very good term to use. Not to mention it has more to do with the original art style of Key vs. other companies.
  13. Moving on to Shizuru then Akane after that so far I like this novel a lot better then I did after finishing Kotori route. From one of the earl comment from earl said this VN certainly does give you a lot to digest and this is actually stuff I really like that shows up. It has a route that I do not like, but for the most part story and plot are all good. Plus so far it as at least earned the tenth place on my top favorite VN's even though I have my complaints. Well each route is a new story. XD
  14. I'd put Little Busters near the top, it was one of my first English TLed VNs, I loved it.
  15. Yes, but not yet. It is planned to be TLed by Amaterasu as their next project.
  16. I'd say Refrain then After Story, if After Story counts as a route.
  17. farispie, I think you really need to spoiler that badly... o.0
  18. I think you should try Little Busters! even if it is a lot of school SoL, but it is quite enjoyable.
  19. Not to mention each route builds very fundamentally onto Moon and Terra. If you don't have the foundation, it won't be the same experience.
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