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Everything posted by shcboomer

  1. Welcome to the forums, I hope you'll like the time you spend with us here.
  2. Welcome to the forums, I hope you'll enjoy your time here. Give G-Senjou no Maou a try.
  3. Welcome to the forums, I hope you'll enjoy your stay with the rest of us here.
  4. Well glad to hear that EGS is working again. I need that site to look up a lot of info.
  5. It worked for me yesterday when I connected via. a proxy server.
  6. This is definitely what happens when a dog bites a person.
  7. I'd say swag is the first thing that gets me to a booth. I'd hate to say it, but I'm a sucker for free things.
  8. Erm... Thought I'd point out that Sharin no Kuni actually did have bad ends... o.0
  9. Dang those are some pretty awesome bike images.
  10. shcboomer


    Welcome to the forums, I hope you'll enjoy your stay with the rest of us here.
  11. Yeah most VNs do have bad ends, as long as you don't purposely hit them, you should be fine.
  12. Add .jpg to the end of your puu.sh links and it should work with the parenthesis img tags.
  13. I'd say Kono Sora here or maybe any moege. Although it is hard to find something with more romance than comedy since the majority of the CR is usually broken up by lots of comedy.
  14. Just thought I'd post up an update here, I keep forgetting to do so. We are now officially at 11239/36959 (30.4%) lines translated and have added a new TL to the fold. We are still looking for more members.
  15. shcboomer


    Welcome to the forums, I hope you'll enjoy your time here.
  16. No worries, these things happen regardless of the intention. I'm glad to see that people are into VNs enough to at least ask.
  17. Sounds interesting, glad to see that there are some VAs for the game already.
  18. Hmmm, that seems rather odd, looks like he got replaced though.
  19. shcboomer


    Welcome to the forums, I hope you'll enjoy your stay with the rest of us here.
  20. That is basically correct, it will suffer in that sense. There are a lot of colloquial terms and slang used in moege. Let's not even go into the informal Japanese and speech patterns. Although, I think the biggest thing that will hurt a MTL is any type of dialect such as Kansai which is used quite a bit in VNs.
  21. Maybe give the TLed version of Little Busters! a shot, hard to say as a native English speaker and reader. I do recall it being a fairly easy read.
  22. Welcome to the forums, I hope you'll enjoy your time and discussions with all of us here.
  23. So, I have learned that Zakamutt can now destroy people on IRC.
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