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Everything posted by shcboomer

  1. Give me one because I <3 the upload king.
  2. I think having a bit of fluff is necessary, not necessarily to push more content out, but also to give readers a break. If you were reading something for say hours, I doubt you want hard core in-depth analysis of every single section. It's good to give readers a break. Also with Key works, I'd say all the fluff is necessary. Especially for stories such as Little Busters. It has so much to do with their writing style and the way they set up their stories that requires it. In that regard, a lot of VNs have some fluff and comedy to break down the VN.
  3. shcboomer


    Sounds like a good plan for the KH things, and yeah knowing Nomura, KH3 isn't coming out anytime soon. However, I don't mind being surprised. Also so much genki Yui in that gif.
  4. Do you want TLed ones or is JP ok as well?
  5. shcboomer


    Welcome to the forums, I hope you'll enjoy your stay here. Also Erio <3
  6. As far as the fan disc: That is pretty much correct on the money. Also almost all Key stories are bittersweet, this one just has a lot more layers to it. It is obvious that it is a Romeo Tanaka work, because of the themes and the story. You should look up the interview with the makers of Rewrite, it gives a better feel into why the story ended the way it did.
  7. Ah I see, I thought it would be something more interesting. XD
  8. Yeah I noticed that before too. Glad that you worked on it. Have a +1.
  9. I think it is because of the connection that Mare and You shares. Explained in Yume's epilogue a bit and Mare's route in the original Hoshimemo.
  10. Yeah no kidding, they have been getting that way it seems.
  11. Simple is good at times too. I'm intrigued by that text file on your desktop. Haha
  12. More like what is Sega doing... I wonder if they will ever release that international version.
  13. Haha, fair enough. That animation makes me wish that White Fox would animate/adapt Rewrite.
  14. True, it probably will get some traction in a positive manner. That I am definitely looking forward to.
  15. May I ask, what other VNs have you played so far?
  16. Can't wait to see more people around. XD
  17. Why not, the game is indeed pretty fun. Just ask InvertMouse. XD
  18. Also let's be honest what is Key without a little despair thrown in?
  19. Looks like a fairly good deal, might actually pick this up.
  20. Yeah I'm pretty sure you can, the characters are ship independent.
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