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Everything posted by XReaper

  1. trample on schatten featured quite some, if i remember correctly
  2. seems madame has missed out on reading "one thausand lies". anyway good luck with the project & as long as your writer(s) knows what he/she is doing, i´m sure sth good will come out of it, hopefully.
  3. considering the fact the vast majority of eng-dub features homeless bums that got dragged into doing their part for the sake of maximizing profit, i´d clearly say thanks for nothing.
  4. Elf´s Be-Yond because of its incredibly awesome cast, hillariously crazy setting & still cool looking visuals. regrettably the vast majority of people wont try it out for themselves for completely nonsensual reasons, such as "muhh that one is from the stone age" or "it´s no YU-NO so it must be shit". just hang yourself! 鴨mile´s Kagerou, because it´ s one of those stories that felt the most human to me from the way it tackled some rather darn serious topics and themes, continuously played with hopes and fears plus seriously managed to touch its readers heart directly. honestly kagerou is a hidden gem for everyone that is openminded enough to not discriminate against an unvoiced little doujin, willing to spend a tiny amount of money on supporting its devs for not (thank the gods) being available through illegal downloads (as of yet).
  5. that is if you aren´t bothered by the VAST amount of translation-notes, which partly make up most of the games textboxx.
  6. just in case your defintion of dark isnt of a one-demensional nature, i wholeheartedly suggest you try out reading 鴨mile´s kagerou, because it´s quite heartwrecking and puts you (or it should) in a state of emotional frenzy, at least i´ve been under the impression something precious broke inside myself. btw good luck searching for its semi-sequel, you´ll need it.
  7. just go with tinkerbell´s in'youchuu shoku , it´s rather easy to read and should fulfill your needs. fuka no jugoku is also a pretty cool one (went retarded whilst reading XD) btw. welcome back
  8. almost everything except the clear depiction of primary sexual organs is allowed on steam, which do make a rather frequent appearance in koikuma, so...
  9. nay. without a minimum amount of a engaging setting, fleshed out characters & well written/entertaining dialogues there´s no way in no fucking hell i´m even thinking about strangling my d*** . true, those who fulfill said criteria arent common, but nonetheless what i consider needed to separate themselves from pure literary goulash. even when the main focus lies on fucks, ergo what defines a nukige as a nukige, some standarts should be met.
  10. waffle´s yabai! has some rather darn cool plot, that is if you can handle a mc playing judgement day. aside from that one most of lune´s catalogue should fit in said category. edit: almost forgot me obligatory mentioning amagasa´s nukige, which DO have a cool story and dont neglect fleshing out their cast and making dialogues great, such as in virgin load & midnight hymns2. most of their other titles are no nukige, more semi-archaic fantasy stories, that feature (cool)fights, whores whoring around, assholes & brothels. by the way all of amagasa´s recent releases are fully voiced (starting from prince of red lake), incl. mc + some do have quite nice cutscenes to them. btw: if you may happen to be interested in those 2 latter titles, then please support the devs by buying them, so they can continue doing their best. thank you
  11. mg should have thrown eu4ea on steam too, would have probably ended up about the same length...
  12. might be because xseed has already their hands full at current projects and simply lacked the manpower in doing more. at least it´s not those lazy faggots at NISA, couldnt have been any worse if so.
  13. pretty sure it´s been already stated that jast is working together with fruitbat, so one can be assured most of eiyuu senki should be done by now, except for the vast amount of porn that´s left to translate + some minor stuff. as for katahane cant see them blindly adapting the existing tl without possibly improving on it, btw. re-translating its scripts if needed. but who knows at this point, like the flowers demo clearly showed us that literary genocide is indeed lurking around a nearby corner =/
  14. ayo but still, not everyone might be that bright, or has read their blogs status update
  15. noone talking about astral airs & irosekais apparent release at the hands of sekai in the future, huh?
  16. never said the opposite, but behaving like an asshole, just because the groups in a legal pinch doesnt make it seem right. like i already mentioned, no problems from my side if whoever wants to go pro or sell their works to whomever for whatsever reason there may be, but i just cant come on good terms with (partly big) companies taking advantage of a amateur groups situation, regardless if those are getting paid later on, or not. this would most probably lead to 1)less games being brought over Or 2)the jp-devs going solo themselves, with a good possibility of them NOT doing the 18+ version either
  17. that´s not what i´m primarily concerned by. personally i´ve got no problems with fan-projects going pro if it´s the groups own desire/wish for, but i´m feeling rather conflicted about the possibility of publishers in general actively trying to get their hands at licencing titles, that have a promising translation going on, with the sole intend of somehow emotionally blackmailing its members to join the ride officially, almost like saying "you better work with us or feel the consequences and let your thausands of hours of work go waste", so they bend under the pressure and finally give in. sure its a legit buiseness practis from a legal point of view, but this doesnt make any less morally & ethically questionable.
  18. tokyo xanadu got licensed by aksys (not xseed) is also missing...
  19. no thank you is a good total package, dramatical murder is (rather) okay-ish language-wise & most of nitro chirals other translated titles suffer from mediocre translations. btw as far as i remember princess nightmare headed slightly towards that direction, slightly...
  20. from what i got (hope i´m right there) the all ages version has additional content to make up for its loss of ero, so that´s already a full game worthy of the initial pricing and by buying the patch content gets boosted above 100%, though anyone has to decide for him-/herself if its worth the hassle.
  21. cant see the potential benefit for one improving in japanese, simply because those are in most cases no literal translations and partly got edited the living fucks out of them. sure it´s a nice gimmick, but not nearly as useful as some make it out to be.
  22. guess this marks the date where japanese devs started actively pandering towards western weaboos... =/
  23. to me jast trying to go after some willplus title seems pretty likely, though i´d rather see them overcome their apparent staff-related shortage first.
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