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Showing content with the highest reputation since 05/02/24 in Posts

  1. Ahoy there ive just finished the Ayamine Route for muv luv altered fable which is using an older patch from 2014 https://alternativeprojects.wordpress.com/2014/05/11/muv-luv-altered-fable-patch-3-by-jutsuki-sen/ and im just looking for play testers to send me feedback on what i need to fix as i don't have time to play it myself . im also going to be updating the links later on with new versions of the patch with a polish to the translation and even more translations. https://vndb.org/r94522 but first get the patch for rugp engine as if you don't want crashes every 5 minutes then you would wanna get this then put it in the plugins folder. click any of the 3 links shove the afhook file in the main folder and your set. https://www.mediafire.com/file/ste8hsyzw4ozqrf/afhook.pkg/file https://workupload.com/file/xVtqGxvAznT https://gofile.io/d/wvqrFG Update Log 2024 may 5th Updated the Links above with the latest version of the patch with better polishing and a tad bit more clear on grammer Also Marimo Route, Yuuhi have had their lines recorded and by next week i should prob have Marimo done and parietal be done Yuuhi or maybe both 2024 may 10th Marimo route done and Yuuhi now it is time for Class rep and Mikoto then Maybe Miki then im gonna get started on supplement But ile update the files above later if i see any issues during the play test or if i got a few of the names wrong Links updated btw
    2 points
  2. As for sex scenes, honestly just play fan translation if someone is very desperate for it. That said, it's very understandable people didn't consider Kanon sex scenes are good, especially when there's a patch to remove the sex scenes even back then, which mean there are people who prefer to play old version without the sex scenes. But if some find the sex scenes in Kanon are very arousing, well good for them.
    2 points
  3. It took a bit longer than I had anticipated, but now Nagisa's arc is finally complete, bringing the total script to just about 66% complete. Her arc in particular has 3 lengthy H scenes all in a row right at the very end, so that was partially the reason that it took me a bit longer. But anyway, there are just about 12,000 lines left, and it all revolves around Yui split into two parts, Yui 1 and Yui 2. I'm still hoping to get the translation done by no later than July, so it shouldn't be that long before I get into editing the images and then the script. So I'll probably have another update next month sometime as we approach the grand finale.
    2 points
  4. 90% of the patches (from 2005-2018) were done entirely through manual translation with mtl only being used for individual words. This was because it was only recently that some MTL apps/sites/etc could actually translate a complete sentence from Japanese to English coherently. Even now, they can't handle proverbs, colloquialisms, and slang/local dialects, so they are only used for 'rough' first-day patches, mostly on indie VNs. Edit: The reason I feel a need to mention this is because these people put a ton of work into something that didn't get them anything but prestige and has mostly been forgotten in the years since. This is literally hundreds or even thousands of hours of work in some cases, done in people's free time. While some of these fan patches were later purchased by localization companies and retooled for localization, there are still a number of games where my statement still applies.
    2 points
  5. Mashiro Iro is now available for purchase alongside Sana Edition on Steam with 40% launch discount (The xeet for the proof below). Feel free to get it from Steam or Johren (Because it's not available in the other stores yet), and have fun.
    2 points
  6. https://noisypixel.net/classic-key-visual-novel-kanon-english-release/
    1 point
  7. I already read the fan-TL (while disabling the horrible h scenes) and have japanese Memorial Edition in a box, but I look forward to this Steam release. Having it officially released in HD, with voices and multi language support is great. (It seems that it's goint to be a port of 2023 Switch version)
    1 point
  8. Illustrated by the futanari artist Sulcate, Benefitship is a futa x female kinetic novel about two friends with benefits. Fully voice acted by Baku Satsu and Gina Galore, the full game releases in early July of this year. The demo (no voice acting) is available now on Steam and Itch.
    1 point
  9. I have not thoroughly tested this, but KiriKiriTools seems to work for the initial proof of concept. 0. Download both the version.dll and Xp3Pack.exe 1. Somehow get Translator++ to give you all of the script assets (the *.ks files). Make sure they are shift-jis encoded. 2. Create a folder named "Patch". 3. Place the files exported in step 1 into the folder named Patch. 4. Open a command prompt. 5. Run the following command: Xp3Pack.exe Patch 6. That should create a file called "Patch.xp3". If not, rename the .xp3 to "Patch.xp3" Do not use Garbro for the above step. Xp3Pack creates the .xp3 in a special way. Feel free to use Garbro to make sure the files are actually in there. 7. Put version.dll and Patch.xp3 inside of the game folder's path. 8. Launch to see if the game loads the changes. 9. If it does, play through the entire game with fresh savedata to see where it crashes and fix stuff as appropriate. 10. Once you are sure it does not crash, create an entry on vndb.org and upload your patch somewhere so other people can use it to play the game. Pic:
    1 point
  10. Finished 090.s. One of my favorites in the game, honestly. Only a little more left. I think I should be able to finish Maiya route before July, after which I might slow down a bit. I plan on doing the party/harem route next, and then I'll take a look at Keika's route.
    1 point
  11. LostPomegranate

    VN on laptop

    Almost all new laptops will run VN's and movies without an issue - but I'd recommend Windows / Microsoft as you'll run into compatibility issues with VN's and Mac's / Apple's. Usually the only issues with movies is having the right program / codecs, but that's solved by software. Regarding VN's, the best way to be completely sure would be to print off recommended specs of a few and take it to the store with you and ask the employee, or you could ask on reddit or discord with some more details like your budget, what screen size you'd prefer, etc. If it helps I think the general type of laptop you're looking for is known as a "Multimedia laptop". You could even get away with a true budget laptop if you don't plan on using it for more than 2-3 years and don't mind it being a bit slower / less multitasking ability.
    1 point
  12. Yumeiro Patissiere
    1 point
  13. To each their own. But for the record, h-scenes in Key novels are known to be horrible.
    1 point
  14. did you try this, this, and this?
    1 point
  15. Also worth mentioning: on VNDB if it is machine translated it is marked as such, for example on Aonatsu Line https://vndb.org/v24702 there is a machine translation patch for the trial Switch version of the VN, and a currently in work fan translation for the PC version, the machine translation is very clearly marked. On VNDB you can even set your settings to ignore machine translations, which is how I have mine set as they're almost never edited or looked at in any manner and therefore are incredibly hard to get through. Imagine the worst localization you've read and then double it and you'll get what a MTL is usually like. A lot of times if you can't find the link for the translation patch on VNDB for whatever reason if you ask in the discussions on there, or do some google-fu you'll be able to find it without too much trouble. This is really only applicable to those VN's that were translated by an anon or someone without a group where the google drive / mega / etc. link may be dead. To go into a bit more detail of what Clephas said, the average fan translation takes years, and frankly it's a relatively thankless job they're doing, and I can't say 100% aren't, but the vast majority are completely uncompensated for it. The hours put in are absolutely immense, and the translations are - usually - done by a team of at least 3-5 people who all have other commitments (school, jobs, etc.).
    1 point
  16. Well @debativel welcome to the club Fuwanovel has some pretty good content to read.
    1 point
  17. I did come across one recently, but that was with a male lead. Usually you just search VNDB for that sort of thing. The score on the left is how much of that genre/tag is included in the game and the Rating on the right is what other people thought of the game. Adding female protagonist to the list makes it smaller. You can also try searching through https://nepchan.org/ .
    1 point
  18. TheSoaringDingo


    1 point
  19. I know this thread is really old, but in case anyone with similar issues is still reading it: Hoshi Ori Yume Mirai https://vndb.org/v14265 and Gin'iro, Haruka https://vndb.org/v18778 are both pretty darn solid pure love slice of life stories. Some drama occurs in both, but nothing crazy, and they're a pretty good distraction and uplifting read really. Fair warning, they are long, even taking me around 55 hours each.
    1 point
  20. Got RioX working just had to beat my windows operating system to death in order to be logically set to Jap Locale and now RioX works. I Shall now insert images and maybe make shitposts out of extracted images. if i can figure out how of course.
    1 point
  21. The best answer I can think of for you would be Tokyo Necro https://vndb.org/v13666. Dual protagonists (one female, one male, all love interests for both are female) and another Nitro Plus game like Saya. A rom-com / slice of life that might be worth trying out if you're REALLY looking to stretch your boundaries would be Sugar * Style https://vndb.org/v24320 it takes place in college, with the youngest love interest being an 18 year old freshman if I remember right...sorry if I don't. And the obvious answer if you enjoyed Huniepop would be Huniepop 2.
    1 point
  22. I have no clue how to fix the Error source not found bug when trying to open rio files but i did find it https://web.archive.org/web/20220901000000*/http://riox.thisillusion.org/
    1 point
  23. If you have any URLs that are dead now, you could try asking the wayback machine over at the internet archive project.
    1 point
  24. If you want to broaden your horizons, you should try some Yuri VNs. The ones I will recommend are NOT sex-oriented, as I believe you won't enjoy those. SeaBed - One of the best narratives out there. It's a drama/psychological mystery full of twists and nice moments. One of my favorite VNs. Flowers (series) - Romance-focused, the four games share a central mystery, but the romance is more proeminent. ___ Now, other non-LGBT+ games: Horror/Mystery - Umineko no Naku Koro ni. Great worldbuilding, characters, plot twists and intriguing plot. However, it doesn't have the routes/heroines structure, although there is a lot of romance. Mystery - Mamiya [buy the full version on steam] - Great mystery game with many plot twists. Can't talk too much about it without spoiling it.
    1 point
  25. 1 point
  26. eh i mainly just scrounged around online looking for things to work with muv luv and found some links that helps in working with rio files and pkgs https://github.com/morkt/GARbro?tab=readme-ov-file https://github.com/eplightning/afhook (SUCKS ASS DONT EVER USE IT) https://github.com/osmium76/rugptools i didnt really use garbro or afhook or rugptools yet as i haven't touched editing the images on the menu yet or the ui https://www.mediafire.com/?3f578cxufc70rtu its better to use this as the afhook because for one its not a pain to work with like the above afhook this was made by some fellas on 4chan for translating muv luv and this is the only link i found that works and its pretty good to work with this one as a text editor you just open it up open up the pkg file since thats were all the text is in and then you translate it Line by Line one by one i also suggest using this one since its not a pain to work with. YOU Also need a c++/c/c# packages and etc and whatever else modern window programs are made with and the program only works if c++/c/c# is installed on your computer and other then that nothing else is needed you can just get translating i suggest using visual studio 2022 for installing c and all its other things since its pretty simple. also about 2000 or 3000 lines of text to go before i drop the patch but i cant just do that i need to play through the game or get play testers to record and send me an issues for me to fix or someone else to do it. and do note this patch is for the original muv luv altered fable not the new one the pruned the marimo route also how do i upload profile pics that dont result in a big green or pink box in my profile pic
    1 point
  27. [Tool] Sugoi Offline Translator Repackage The following are some repackages I did to strip down Sugoi Offline Translator v4.0 to only the barebones essentials but filled with as many features as possible from the available sources. Disclaimers Sugoi Toolkit Repackage Description fairseq and CTranslate2 PyTorch AMD graphics cards Microsoft DirectML HTTP servers available for fairseq/CTranslate2 Notes on the repackages (Windows only) Converting to the CTranslate2 model format Pick one of the following. - DL https://mega.nz/folder/ZORBTLAS#f2G4ih7crgWIN-_uSjbqAA - The different repackage versions have - Support for the Sugoi v4.0 offline model. - Support for the fairseq and CTranslate2 inference libraries. This includes CPU, CUDA, and/or DirectML support. - Support for py3translationServer since their documentation is the most readable. - A preconfigured batch script to configure an isolated local environment. Repackage Option A) Sugoi-Repackage-CUDA.7z - Description - Normal and most flexible version recommended for most users. Supports both fairseq and CTranslate2 using both CPU and CUDA 11 or 12. - Has a reasonable download+install time. - Does not include PyTorch or the Sugoi model. - Sugoi-Repackage-CUDA-Full.7z is the same as "Sugoi-Repackage-CUDA.7z", but comes bundled with PyTorch CUDA 11.8 and the other dependencies which bloats the compressed size from <100MB to ~2.48 GB. Since setup has been done already and it includes the both versions of the models. Sugoi-Repackage-CUDA installation instructions Sugoi-Repackage-CUDA-Full installation instructions Repackage Option B) Sugoi-Repackage-CPU.7z - Description - This version is for the bandwidth and GPU impaired that know they will only be using CPU inferencing. It supports only CTranslate2 + CPU. - If you know your GPU will not work with CUDA 11.x, then this is the best option. - Has the fastest download+install time. - Does not need PyTorch at all, thus saving lots of space and bandwidth! - The model is not included. - The model must be in CTranslate2 format. Sugoi-Repackage-CPU Installation instructions: Repackage Option C) Sugoi-Repackage-DirectML.7z - Description - This version is for gamblers who want to roll the dice with Microsoft DirectML on Windows 10 1903+. - Read "DirectML" above and then use something else. - Does not include PyTorch or the model. - Do not expect anything to avoid the inevitable disapointment. Only sometimes works with fairseq ...for now. - This PyTorch-DirectML repackage is provided as-is. No support is provided here if it does not work or breaks later. - If it does not work, I do not care. If Microsoft does not care about supporting their library, then why should I? Sugoi-Repackage-DirectML Install Guide: Repackage Option D) Sugoi-Repackage-Global - Description - These are the same scripts as above but slightly tweaked to use the global git and Python interpreter. I have not tested these much. Sugoi Model Links Linux users Windows 7 and 8 not so Frequently Asked Questions Licensing
    1 point
  28. Another green bar is increased, so we have yet another progress happen even with the leak. That said, the next script files work may took a longer while, especially since it has the most line in the whole Eustia's chapter (673 lines) while the translator just finished the shortest script files (189 lines).
    1 point
  29. I'm very late to inform this, but better late than never. Anyway, in case anyone else still waiting for the final QA to be completed, the colored bar is increased by one since around December, so at least we can be rest assured that the translator still willing to working on this despite his real life busyness.
    1 point
  30. I will post this because it may help someone...maybe. I was unable to play Shiny Days on my system at first, i got the freeze after a few minutes of playing, and playing on full screen was an instant freeze. ( I'm on windows 10) Then i tried this: run Shiny Days, then open your Task Manager. Find SHINYDAYS in the list of processes and right-click "go to details". From this new list, right-click SHINYDAYS.exe and go to "set priority" and change it to Above Normal, and go to "affinity" and uncheck all the CPUs except for one (CPU 0 or CPU 1). This for me fixed the freeze and even the fullscreen bug. I know everyone has their own issues with this game but i figured it can help someone to post this, cya guys, have a nice week-end!
    1 point
  31. Eclipsed

    Kara no Shoujo

    Kara no Shoujo Licensed by Mangagamer Summary "I want you to look for something ---- Me. My true self." The year is 1956; a series of bizarre murders rocks the city of Tokyo. Tokisaka Reiji, an ex-cop turned private eye, joins the investigation at the behest of his friend Uozumi Kyozo, a detective in the MPD. At the same time, he takes on a missing persons' case at a private all-girls high school, as well as a mysterious request from a girl named Toko to find her true self. As Reiji frantically struggles to crack the case, he learns that the murders bear an uncanny resemblance to a case in which his own fiancé was murdered six years ago. But try as he might, the body count just keeps rising... Ending Guideline / Suggested Route Order Kara no Shoujo is a linear story for the most part; there are no in-depth character specific routes (mainly just H-scenes and endings for them instead). There are many game overs & bad endings, three normal endings, and one true end. True end is accessible upon completing at least one normal end. Route Guideline *Due to the murder mystery nature of this VN, it is strongly advised that you make your first playthrough without a walkthrough! Use this walkthrough only after you get your first normal end to get the other endings that you didn't get! To save you some time from control-skipping, I have included Save Points in addition to the full route guides. Mizuhara Toko's guide has all of the Save Points, and from there you can Ctrl-F to find the closest Save Point to another ending. First Playthrough Tsukishima Orihime Mizuhara Toko Yosomiya Tsuzuriko Akazaki Nene Hazuki Kyoko Bad Ending There is a certain bad ending that you can get if you are a bad detective. Second Playthrough Amemiya Hatsune Kuchiki Toko Attribution This walkthrough is based on info attained on tlwiki.org with some adjustments made by Eclipsed. " KnS is all about finding cool and fun ways to break the player. ". You know what to do. Above. it was Toko... If I derped something let me know ASAP via PM!
    1 point
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