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Cheeki Breekiv1.1

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Everything posted by Cheeki Breekiv1.1

  1. Ive made a dumb automation script with gpt yes i know machine is doo doo Man is best when it comes to translation but their is strength in metal also im using translated text from gpt waving through its garbage and reading/comparing the JP text and then fixing any issues its total doo doo but should work
  2. on vndb there are unofficial patches for chinese. Go look at what the chinese did and have a addon to translate everything you read on the webpage as you read and maybe you might find what your looking for also use the wayback machine if the links are dead
  3. Also how do i upload profile pics without broken images or blobs of blue/pink/green pixals
  4. Marimo and Yuuhi routes done partial now its time for Class rep and Mikoto then after that im starting supplement or i might do miki's route aint sure yet. and once supplements done Schwarzesmarken
  5. I think im getting ahead of myself but i have a dumb idea for muv luv supplement and thats extracting the text from the remake shoving it into a txt folder format it so its in lines in a txt folder via either a java or python program then put it into the 2004 or was it 2003 release of muv luv supplement gut any text thats not supposed to be in there and hope it works then edit any issues which should save me a shit ton of time and then i translate whats left over to do. and if i cant figure out how the texts work imma take the lazy sack route and just type the remakes translation line by line into the 2000 release cause im a loser who doesn't want to read moon runes and translate it until it comes to what i want. and then when it comes to Schwarzesmarken I gotta translate it myself
  6. it had translated images in the plugin file im just trying to figure out how the hell can i shove em back in
  7. Got RioX working just had to beat my windows operating system to death in order to be logically set to Jap Locale and now RioX works. I Shall now insert images and maybe make shitposts out of extracted images. if i can figure out how of course.
  8. Nope nothing at all but im trying to get into contact with the guy who was originally working on the patch and asking for a few pointers. Also Riox seems off to me but whatever. Also apparently it only extracts things not inserts and i don't have any tools that can insert images or replace images and im not sure were i can find em but only time will tell till then i shall work with text at least i got that working.
  9. When im done suffering with Muv luv supplement and altered fable then yes maybe one day either as a solo project or with some other fellas or if i get my hands on the Russian translation teams copy put it through Mtl instead of translating Russian moon runes to english then that too
  10. I have no clue how to fix the Error source not found bug when trying to open rio files but i did find it https://web.archive.org/web/20220901000000*/http://riox.thisillusion.org/
  11. my dumb butt has found out that jp text wont be recorded to afhook if your skipping everything so i need to make a cheat engine script speed up the game to like 10x speed and have it on auto read which records text and then i need to translate it and i pray to god it works also where the hell can i get RioX a supposed holy grail of working with Rio files
  12. I think i just made a stupid discovery the raw jp text is added to the afhook file but if english is present in the new jp text cant be added so that means i have to play through the whole game in JP and all the routes in order to record the text to the afhook in order to then export it then translate it then import it. I PRAY TO GOD IT WONT MESS UP THE LINE ID SYSTEM BECAUSE I REFUSE TO REARRANGE ALL THE TEXT MYSELF
  13. yeah i play tested it. I gotta fix alot a of things i missed oh well thats what a playtest is for as i gotta fix bracket statements and spacing issues.
  14. Ahoy there ive just finished the Ayamine Route for muv luv altered fable which is using an older patch from 2014 https://alternativeprojects.wordpress.com/2014/05/11/muv-luv-altered-fable-patch-3-by-jutsuki-sen/ and im just looking for play testers to send me feedback on what i need to fix as i don't have time to play it myself . im also going to be updating the links later on with new versions of the patch with a polish to the translation and even more translations. https://vndb.org/r94522 but first get the patch for rugp engine as if you don't want crashes every 5 minutes then you would wanna get this then put it in the plugins folder. click any of the 3 links shove the afhook file in the main folder and your set. https://www.mediafire.com/file/ste8hsyzw4ozqrf/afhook.pkg/file https://workupload.com/file/xVtqGxvAznT https://gofile.io/d/wvqrFG Update Log 2024 may 5th Updated the Links above with the latest version of the patch with better polishing and a tad bit more clear on grammer Also Marimo Route, Yuuhi have had their lines recorded and by next week i should prob have Marimo done and parietal be done Yuuhi or maybe both 2024 may 10th Marimo route done and Yuuhi now it is time for Class rep and Mikoto then Maybe Miki then im gonna get started on supplement But ile update the files above later if i see any issues during the play test or if i got a few of the names wrong Links updated btw
  15. the patch is done well not the whole game but the Ayamine route i just gotta get a bit of feed back and play test it myself and fix up and issues i see https://gofile.io/d/JGnbVK
  16. I am a man who cross references his own mind for the understanding of moon runes as well a dictionary and numerous machines (Unreliable) In order to further my own goals of remaining productive for the next 4 months. And mostly just because I wonder if I can instead of if I should translate something people might not even care for. Also im just finishing up someone else's translation they left in the dust as they managed to translate just about most of the game ie around 20k lines im just finishing up the last 5k to 6k lines (I think theirs that much in total counting the UI elements and dialog) as im not really touching the already done work unless I see a mistake somewhere. That just the jist of it other then that im just about done the Kei route and need to work on the other routes and should be done probably by may the 4th or the 5th no promises as i still have a dozen or so other routes to do. But yeah if anyone wants to play test it ile drop the patch and the plugin as well and have people send me feedback when im done. But im probably gonna make a new thread were I can get some traction in people wanting to play test for me so i can fix up any issues I caused or if theirs any odd wording in the dialog because if i have more people send me feedback. The faster I can get to working on issues I dont know about. But do rest assured im using Capital letters , . and ~ as needed in order to maintain a 1:1 translation. also its my first time doing a VN translation ive mostly just done some off hand work translating obscure things nobody would care about. im also gonna go send messages to the Russian team seeing if they can let me use their tools for making an English version of the game.
  17. i fink i can get this all done in like 2 days time. then its play test time and quality assurance then fixing up the rest of whatever i left out. then maybe i can see how much i can suffer in translating muv luv supplement and translating 30k lines all because i wanna see the Mana scene. also get the https://vndb.org/r94522 this is basically a patch for all rugp games that makes it so it wont crash every 4 to 5 minutes just drop it in your plugin folder and you should be set and i suggest you get it
  18. eh i mainly just scrounged around online looking for things to work with muv luv and found some links that helps in working with rio files and pkgs https://github.com/morkt/GARbro?tab=readme-ov-file https://github.com/eplightning/afhook (SUCKS ASS DONT EVER USE IT) https://github.com/osmium76/rugptools i didnt really use garbro or afhook or rugptools yet as i haven't touched editing the images on the menu yet or the ui https://www.mediafire.com/?3f578cxufc70rtu its better to use this as the afhook because for one its not a pain to work with like the above afhook this was made by some fellas on 4chan for translating muv luv and this is the only link i found that works and its pretty good to work with this one as a text editor you just open it up open up the pkg file since thats were all the text is in and then you translate it Line by Line one by one i also suggest using this one since its not a pain to work with. YOU Also need a c++/c/c# packages and etc and whatever else modern window programs are made with and the program only works if c++/c/c# is installed on your computer and other then that nothing else is needed you can just get translating i suggest using visual studio 2022 for installing c and all its other things since its pretty simple. also about 2000 or 3000 lines of text to go before i drop the patch but i cant just do that i need to play through the game or get play testers to record and send me an issues for me to fix or someone else to do it. and do note this patch is for the original muv luv altered fable not the new one the pruned the marimo route also how do i upload profile pics that dont result in a big green or pink box in my profile pic
  19. i no longer need help but do expect to see a full translation of altered fable in like a month and yeah ile link the tools
  20. Yeah see im a big dumb dumb that wants to take on the massive project of trying to translate Schwarzesmarken. Yeah i know thats a big ol project and in order to do that i need practice so i thought why not finish the translation for the early 2005 to 7ish version of muv luv altered fable by completing someone else's patch https://alternativeprojects.wordpress.com/2014/05/11/muv-luv-altered-fable-patch-3-by-jutsuki-sen/ . I mean its already mostly done i just need to translate small bits and pieces mainly the good ol H scenes but im dam confused on getting the archives to open and etc to work with garbro and im trying to piece pieces on how to work with them from what others have done with it but to no avail but i did manage to get the soundtrack to be extracted out of it so thats nice and i got a semi working cheat engine script for the pain in the ass volley ball game. if anyone could give me a link or two or a blog page of someone translating any other muv luv games i'd love it as i have 4 months to do nothing and i wanna do something for fun like this i just need the tools and the rest is done. edit as of may the 3rd 2024 ive finished the Ayamine route now i need play testers to screen shot things tell me whats wrong with my horrible translation and anything i need to fix i might have missed (note i just did Ayamine route i still got other things to do) heres the patch just shove it in the game folder and it should work i also just made a dozen or so links to were i uploaded the file so theres options in case one of the links die update as of 2024 may the 7th these links are outdated but ile keep em here just in case click on the play test link instead for the up to date files. pic related im the big dunder head with blue hair
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