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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/08/17 in Posts

  1. And thus, today marks the day I sold my soul for a cupcake.
    2 points
  2. Source: https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=755232
    2 points
  3. Akshay

    Hello, mates!

    1 point
  4. It just so happens that I'm a big fan of mystery, especially "death game"-esque settings like this. Sounds really interesting, count me in when it goes up.
    1 point
  5. Shikomizue

    Hello, mates!

    Huh, thanks, I'll definitely keep that stuff in mind. I'm currently trying to make a game of my own and this will definitely help. Thanks a lot!
    1 point
  6. Jamie D.W.

    Hello, mates!

    Hello, Fiddle! Nice meeting you. Shikomizue: Just like Stephen King says, you have to read a lot, and you have to read those that fall into the genre you're interested in, say romance or mystery. After that, you jot down a few ideas. "Writing What You Know" and "Writing Who You Know" both help with this. Then it's all about counting the numbers: knowing your word count. You also have to do a lot of research and back-reading to fix any plot hole. Give yourself 2-3 months for this, and another for editing. It's a tedious task, but worth it in the end. I resort to self-publishing. Very convenient, but I haven't actually considered going to an actual publisher yet.
    1 point
  7. Fiddle

    Hello, mates!

    1 point
  8. Shikomizue

    Hello, mates!

    Oh wow, what's it like making and publishing a novel? I'm interested in becoming a writer, but I don't know anyone who's actually written anything outside of VNs and game related stuff to actually ask about this.
    1 point
  9. I finished Planetes. The long last arc was something of a surprise, coming on the heels of mostly episodic content, but I'm all about shows with solid half-season arcs, so I thought it was perfect. The story overall felt maybe a little bit rushed, especially in that last arc, but that's probably the only negative thing I could possibly say about the series: it blew me away and reignited my dormant passion for space stuff, which is an amazing feeling. Makes me want to go find more near-future hard sci-fi and ride out the high. This one is on my shelf and is something I'm looking forward to, mostly because of the original story having been written by Tanaka Romeo, but I haven't gotten around to it yet. Keep us posted on how you like it!
    1 point
  10. It's not about it being good or bad. The original meme of replying "What anime?" (pretending it doesn't exist) was first started by Type-Moon fans who couldn't stand the lack of development of the characters. And while it wasn't terrible if watched on its own, many people who have played the VN find it terribly offensive, doing little justice to any of the characters. Remember, most anime adaptations of Visual Novel's are made because the VN was very good/largely successful and had a large fanbase. So the expectations put on these animes are far higher and the criticism far harsher.
    1 point
  11. I've started Humanity Has Declined and finished High School Fleet. High School Fleet has that mix of light-heartedness and actual plot that I like. Sometimes it takes things lightly during more serious moments, other times there's a divide in the episode between the lighter and heavier moments. All of these methods work for me, as long as it doesn't stay serious or silly for too long. And silly here is a bit subjective. The entire premise is already ridiculous, so they tackle reasonable consequences that might come as a result of the setting, like running low on supplies (toilet paper) or potable water, and see how they tackle it. It's also got other aspects I really liked. Like Girls und Panzer, there's a huge cast of girls controlling heavy World War 2 Machinery and I tend to like huge casts. I don't always need to know who's who, or for their personalities to have deep complexity. Sometimes it's nice to simply know the group dynamics. The girls from engineering spend most of their time warring with the uncontrollable engines and fighting so that they remain combat capable for the entire duration of a battle. Because of this, every time they're out of their hole, they're lazy and just want to relax. Within the group dynamic, there's still individual characters. Generally the ones in charge of a particular section or a particular role that can be carried out by a single individual. Most aren't delved into deeply, but that's fine. It means that each character only needs one or two traits to stand out, as they get proportional screen-time. It doesn't get old, then. Since they've got such a wide array of stereotypes to pull from, we get to see a bit of everything over the course of the story. I'm still not sure what the job of about 30% of the crew was, but I knew who they were by the end of this, and that's something. Humanity Has Declined seems like it's something I'll adore. Humanity is doomed. There's nothing we can do any more. And so, we wait, as we slowly head toward extinction. In the meanwhile, the next race of humans are here! They're small, perpetually-grinning, and quite clearly mentally challenged. But alas, they're not the ones going extinct, so an organisation was established in order to communicate and deal with them. We follow a human liaison to these creatures. Her name? Irrelevant; but she's the protagonist. The entire show is about sarcasm and cynicism. It's a satire directed at humanity. It brings to the table many of society's bad habits that still aren't gone now that the whole race is going extinct. It puts us in the shoes of a main character who seems nice but really only cares about making things easier for herself. And we watch her day to day activities as she presents us with the irony of the situation or a general pessimist about thing: After all, it doesn't really matter any more, we're doomed anyway. Despite the way I set the whole thing up, perhaps half of the comedy is more about the ridiculous situations that come up in the semi-fantasy world than anything. Regardless, I've only watched one episode. I don't know what tone it'll take for the rest of the series, but thus far it seems like a black comedy that isn't really black, and I like that mix.
    1 point
  12. Honestly, I don't remember it very well, but I think all the other chapters were adapted quite faithfully. Also, animation and music in the anime add quite a lot to the overall enjoyment, so the LN as a whole is probably not worth checking out if you've already watched it. The sixth chapter is an exception though. I think that this chapter was actually one of my favorite ones when I read the LN, so I was kind of pissed off to see it butchered (I can see why they decided to do it though). Also, I don't think it's licensed in English, and I read a fan-translated version. (and I'm not sure if the translation is even good)
    1 point
  13. I'm just curious if we're all going to collectively agree this anime doesn't exist once it's finished
    1 point
  14. i think this speaks for itself.
    1 point
  15. They're very careful not to mention exactly what kind of school. Sure, it quacks like a Japanese high school, and doesn't look at all like a Japanese college. But most games won't actually use those words. In fact it was Sofurin policy for awhile (and maybe still is, I dunno) that you couldn't say "high school", for this exact reason. Which leads to silly situations in some games. Chrono Clock, for instance, establishes that one of the characters is three years younger than the main character. But she's 18, right? Of course she is. So, if she's 18, he must be twenty-one, right? Wow, that's amazing! Why, they could serve booze in the school cafeteria, legally! At the college they obviously must be attending!
    1 point
  16. So pretty~ Source: https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=7579201
    1 point
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