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Ambidex Game: Fuwa Edition!: Completed

Stray Cat

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“How could this have happened?  We were set to win.  We were going to make it out.  How could things have turned out like this?”


These thoughts flooded Tiago’s mind as he lay on the floor, his leg twisted into an angle far beyond that normally achievable, in a warm drying pool of his own blood.

Moments before, the score board had flickered into existence, and at that time complete chaos had broken out. 


“That’s right, I was betrayed.”


Kosaki had been missing before the final voting had occurred.  Despite spending hours searching, no one had found him.  Then, as soon as everyone had stepped out of their voting booths, they saw it. 


Kosaki’s body, blood-soaked and crumpled on to the floor in a heap. 

Immediately Tiago noticed the trail of blood leading out of the room, clearly from where Kosaki’s body had been dragged.  What surprised him more was the drips of blood leading up to a booth, the booth right next to him.   Noticing this, Eclipsed and Vemo had tried to hold Funya down.  Tiago had gone into the booth to investigate, but upon returning.




He felt his legs give out and an intense amount of pain as a blunt object swept him off his feet.  As he hit the ground, he saw Funya and Linova striking the other members which what appeared to be large metal pipes.  Tilting his head back, he could barely see Kyrt in the process of opening the number 9 door.  As he lay there, struggling to remain conscious from the pain, he suddenly realized that the room had become quiet.  The screams emanating from the others had turned into silence, except for one sound.  The slow, metallic grind of the number 9 door slowly closing.


“That’s right, I was betrayed, and I didn't even see it coming.”


"The world is so unpredictable. Things happen suddenly, unexpectedly. We want to feel we are in control of our own existence. In some ways we are, in some ways we're not. We are ruled by the forces of chance and coincidence."~Paul Auster


Congratulations to Kyrt, Linova and Funya.  The winners of this Ambidex Game. 


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I applaud the MS team for somehow confusing the person in this thread who said MS had used up all their votes.

They have kept Tiag from winning yet another round, and if this explanation that I had, in fact, picked Ally and that my vote was changed by MS is not plausible, they have also probably guaranteed my imminent doom for the next several subsequent matches.


But hey, I won, at least.



And we were one person short of our first all-Ally round.... :upupu: :upupu: :upupu:

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Tsk tsk tsk...


For as disappointing as it is to have Funya betray. Again, I am decently satisfied with this turn of events. Assuming there was MS interference, then everyone allied this round. Assuming there wasn't, Funya was simply his usual, idiotic, self. 

Fantastic job everyone. 


Funyarinpa, you've been screwed or you're screwed, either one is correct.


Cyr, you were probably not mistaken. The MS team has simply grown since last time. Naive as I am, I will choose to believe that everyone allied this round.


Well, sign me up for the next game, it'll be my first time as MS.

Edited by Tiagofvarela
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One thing I have always been straight up about was why I allied or betrayed. Moreover, Tiag himself stated that it would be very stupid on my part to betray. After he got that thought into everyone's minds, there is no reason to as to why I would betray whatsoever.

Believe me or not, the choice is yours.

Edit: In for the next game, MS or not

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Well, that sucks. We were tricked by Monokuma withholding information until the end.. seems like an unfair turn of events but ah well. Honest mistake. I apologize Funya, after checking the waiting list, I assume it's most likely your vote was changed.


Monokuma.. you cheat!


I guess a victory is that at least everyone tried to cooperate this time. I think 3 is the most that have gotten out at a time so far.

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Y'know? I feel like everybody here is like a character from Danganronpa.

Sanada is Togami.


I'm glad you think of me as the -esteemed- Byakuya Togami, but I find I do not fit such a strong description. He is a much greater man than I.


I had the same feeling, thinking about everyone as a character form Danganronpa. I'm not sure how I resemble Asahina, but here are my impressions on everyone so far, just for fun~  ^_^


Sanada - tsDN4Ho.png


Are you doing this intentionally? Is this a small taste of revenge? I was sure I fit Komaeda-sensei more, but might I be just a foolish trickster? So mean...


“How could this have happened?  We were set to win.  We were going to make it out.  How could things have turned out like this?”


These thoughts flooded Tiago’s mind as he lay on the floor, his leg twisted into an angle far beyond that normally achievable, in a warm drying pool of his own blood.

Moments before, the score board had flickered into existence, and at that time complete chaos had broken out. 


“That’s right, I was betrayed.”


Koskai had been missing before the final voting had occurred.  Despite spending hours searching, no one had found him.  Then, as soon as everyone had stepped out of their voting booths, they saw it. 


Kosaki’s body, blood-soaked and crumpled on to the floor in a heap. 

Immediately Tiago noticed the trail of blood leading out of the room, clearly from where Koaki’s body had been dragged.  What surprised him more was the drips of blood leading up to a booth, the booth right next to him.   Noticing this, Eclipsed and Vemo had tried to hold Funya down.  Tigao had gone into the booth to investigate, but upon returning.




He felt his legs give out and an intense amount of pain as a blunt object swept him off his feet.  As he hit the ground, he saw Funya and Linova striking the other members which what appeared to be large metal pipes.  Tilting his head back, he could barely see Kyrt in the process of opening the number 9 door.  As he lay there, struggling to remain conscious from the pain, he suddenly realized that the room had become quiets.  The screams emanating from the others had turned into silence, except for one sound.  The slow, metallic grind of the number 9 door slowly closing.


“That’s right, I was betrayed, and I didn't even see it coming.”


"The world is so unpredictable. Things happen suddenly, unexpectedly. We want to feel we are in control of our own existence. In some ways we are, in some ways we're not. We are ruled by the forces of chance and coincidence."~Paul Auster


Conratulations to Kyrt, Linova and Funya.  The winners of this Ambidex Game. 



Classy. Juicy. Sweet.

Especially Taiga's lines. Also, the new font looks nice.





he suddenly realized that the room had become quiets.


Stray Cat, I am so disappoint.

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I wish to go in MS if no spots are open.


Nice that I got out but I honestly didn't expect that end for everyone. 


I think the MS has the best chance to hurt people by changing a vote at the very beginning of the game. It immediately makes one person very hard to trust for the rest of the rounds.

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Sign me up if there is room.

Otherwise, put me on the waiting list~



Edit: That feel when I looked at the score chart.. and thought that I was number 5. Lol Nope I was number 6. Plus I totally misread Cyr's points last round as 7. I now feel the epitome of dumb. xD

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For those of you calling me a cheater and a rule-breaker, I want you to reflect on that for a second.


All of you who have served on MS before know that you haven't done so before the game has started right?  You all join either during the first round, sometimes even the second, so there's no explicit rule saying the MS team has to be established before the game starts.


Second, I am the game-master here.  It's only natural that I would want my game to be popular, no?  If that consists of me, oh I don't know, going into the Zero Escape topic and PMing everyone who posted there, so be it.  I even posted the names as soon as I had confirmation of their participation. 


So no matter how you look at it, I really didn't break any rules.  As for why I did it?  True, the way you were acting, all happy and joking around, did make me feel a little sick to my stomach.  The real reason though?





I need a little time to get all the pieces lined up for the next game so give me a bit to do that.   Oh, and don't bother singing up for the next round, there won't be a need for that.  267863_239602756064400_3042567_n.jpg?oh=   All of you are strapped into this ride until the end after all. 

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All of you who have served on MS before know that you haven't done so before the game has started right?  You all join either during the first round, sometimes even the second, so there's no explicit rule saying the MS team has to be established before the game starts.


Second, I am the game-master here.  It's only natural that I would want my game to be popular, no?  If that consists of me, oh I don't know, going into the Zero Escape topic and PMing everyone who posted there, so be it.  I even posted the names as soon as I had confirmation of their participation. 


So no matter how you look at it, I really didn't break any rules.  As for why I did it?  True, the way you were acting all happy and joking around did make me feel a little sick to my stomach.  The real reason though?




It's true. :P

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The next game should be quite interesting. 


A smile is the best way to deal with difficult situations. Even if it's a fake one. Used properly, you can fool anyone with them.


Sometimes people who seem good end up being not as good as you might have hoped.

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I need a little time to get all the pieces lined up for the next game so give me a bit to do that.   Oh, and don't bother singing up for the next round, there won't be a need for that.  267863_239602756064400_3042567_n.jpg?oh=   All of you are strapped into this ride until the end after all. 


Ohoho, shit's gettin' real.



Ugh.. I dunno who's worse, Monokuma or Izaya...


I'd say Izaya. Monokuma isn't an information broker.

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I'd say Izaya. Monokuma isn't an information broker.

He isn't? He's especially good at not lying and sharing information all the time. And still fooling everyone in the meanwhile. Compared to Izaya, that's quite similar, isn't it?


I also don't know why everyone's complaining at Stary Cat. Did you expect anything else? Really, now?

If you're all that annoyed at him do the same and do rule neutral stuff. If you want revenge just make this a happy, fun-loving game. He hates that.

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