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Joke Thread Game


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I wanna hear some jokes so i decided to make a game.


rules are:

  1. i make a joke
  2. next person rates number/10
  3. next person tell a better joke
  4. next person laughs and then starts from (2)



1st joke


Knock Knock


who's there?




Joe who?


Joe King

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4/10 Wasn't that funny to me 


Two southern ladies are sitting at the country club by the pool. The first southern lady says, "When I had my first child, my husband bought me a diamond ring." The second lady says, "Well, isn't that nice."

The first lady says, "When my second child was born, my husband took me on a cruise." The second lady says,''well isn't that nice The first lady continues, "When my third child was born, my husband took me on a trip around the world." And the second lady says, once again, "Well, isn't that nice."
The first lady asks, "Well, what did your husband get you when your first child was born?" The second lady repiles, "My husband sent me to finishing school." The first lady asks, "Well why did he do that?" And the second lady says, "So I could learn to say ‘Well isn't that nice,’ instead of ‘F**K YOU’!

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4/10 Wasn't that funny to me 


Two southern ladies are sitting at the country club by the pool. The first southern lady says, "When I had my first child, my husband bought me a diamond ring." The second lady says, "Well, isn't that nice."

The first lady says, "When my second child was born, my husband took me on a cruise." The second lady says,''well isn't that nice The first lady continues, "When my third child was born, my husband took me on a trip around the world." And the second lady says, once again, "Well, isn't that nice."

The first lady asks, "Well, what did your husband get you when your first child was born?" The second lady repiles, "My husband sent me to finishing school." The first lady asks, "Well why did he do that?" And the second lady says, "So I could learn to say ‘Well isn't that nice,’ instead of ‘F**K YOU’!


Why don't bears wear shoes?

Cos they have "bear" feet.

PS. Not my joke

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7/10 - I had to subtract some points for the overuse of "bear" and "bare" in a number of jokes. -_-

What's yellow and sounds like "banana"?



How many traps does it take to change monmon's lightbulb?

None. They're to busy getting raped by him

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Why did the electrical engineer cross the road?

To get to the other side.


Rated 120V/60Hz.


A woman visits her blonde friend who has recently acquired two new dogs named Rolex and Timex.

She says, "Whoever heard of names like that for dogs?"

The blonde replies, "Hellooooooo...they're WATCHDOGS."

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but I don't care 7/10


4 niggers were in a car and drove it into a lake and everyone drowned. What was the sad part?

The car could hold 5 people


Human rights violation/10



What do you call a white man with a seizure on the dance floor?

An improvement.

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A panda walks into a restaurant and orders noodles. When he finishes eating them, he pays the bill, takes a gun, fires two shots and then gets up to leave. The owner stops him and asks: "what's your problem? Why are you shooting a gun in my restaurant?" The panda takes out a zoology book, opens it to a page and points to a sentence. The sentence reads: "Panda: eats, shoots, and leaves"

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HMN is walking down the street, listening to his headphones. He turns into a hair salon and sits down in a chair. "Make my hair look good, but whatever you do, don't take off the headphones." He tells the stylist. the stylist then proceedes to cut his hair. HMN falls asleep, and the hair stylist is thinking "its really hard to cut with these on." she takes them off, and HMN stops breathing. the stylist calls 911 and when they come and take HMN away, the stylist puts on the headphones to see what is playing. She hears a voice saying "Breathe in, Breathe out, Breathe in, Breathe out."

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