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Princess Evangile Release 2015


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Not to start this again but, Ayaka's route is the best.



Good to have you back Mitch.

I've noticed that people are more critical of PE than when we were initially talking about it myself included. 


Maybe its the victim of over hyped. at first it was met with lots of praise then new people started joining hte discussion after reading it because they saw how much other people enjoyed it and were curious. once they started reading it they didnt see what all the fuss was about, brought their two cents to the forum and made other people realize its not as great as we thought it was.


Still, i stand by my opinion and still have it as my vn of the year. as far as vn's that have an official release. i cant even remember what came out this year. theres starless, i guess. anywho, its in no ways a great vn. we've seen these stories before. girl in trouble, guy must save girl and get entagled with her world. guy is only member of an all girls school. theres the childhood friend, the girl whos engaged, the teasing older girl, the girl who mihgt possibly know the mc from when they were younger. nothing new here, but it still did everything right with all those cliches. it wasnt god awful to read, heck, its not even bad. so long as you have emjoyable characters you can make all the other stuff work. sure it can be a bit overdramatic, but in the end, what youre left with is a nice experience.


anyone ever heard of the youtuber called "Lost Pause"? hes reading PE right now and has even been sponsored by mangagamer. good for him. right now hes on the very last part of Ayaka's route. people should check him out.


also, yes. Ayaka is still best girl.

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Why not make a review video, highlight reel, writing analysis or something that requires actual craft and effort? Just reading a Visual Novel on camera and blabbering over it is nothing more than jumping onto this "I want to be a famous ju2ber, but not actually do any work..."-mentality, that is growing rampant. Especially with video games. 


I don't like it. 

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but ya i still remember the fun I had with it so I'm not gonna change that horrifically inflated 8.5/10 that I gave it :sachi:


Thats the spirit. we remember what it was like going into this vn all wide eyed and innocent. not knowing entirely what we were getting ourselves into and were happy with what we experienced.


i stand by my score for PE as well. 5 missing buttons from a remote out of 2 pencil shavings.

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I got more than I expected from a VN with the same optic as Imouto Paradise, that's why I liked it so much.


you also got Ritsuko.


i still havent finished imouto paradise. i uninstalled it quiet a while ago to make space on my pc, and i dont regret. which is weird for me. its a nukige. a nukige where every heroine is after you. a nukige with loli's and with a sadistic imouto and a tsundere imouto. yet i didnt finish it.


.........am i...... am i growing as a person? are my standards for visual novels now reached to point where i must have proper character development before the sex scenes? Why!? when did this happen?


.........excuse me. i have to go read Kanojo x Kanojo x Kanojo, Harapara, and Starless all at the same time.

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I didn't get Ritsuko, she got me. ritsukofaceemoticonuru8x.png

.........am i...... am i growing as a person? are my standards for visual novels now reached to point where i must have proper character development before the sex scenes? Why!? when did this happen?

The complete opposite happened to me. The only translated VNs that I haven't read, are very heavy on story and probably well written.


My problem: I'm totally not in the mood for that. Leaving me utterly bored and frustrated, because I have NOTHING ELSE TO DO ALL DAY.

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I'd disagree that the music is great.  It's okay for about an hour or so, and then it started to slowly drive me insane.  I heard almost every single track in one route, and they didn't get any more endearing after hearing them over and over again.  Not really out of the ordinary for a VN, admittedly, but I don't really think the soundtrack was that good anyway.

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Just finished Ayaka's route, and Princess Evangile in its entirety.  I'll try to give my thought on Ayaka's route tomorrow, I'm just worn out and finding it hard to keep my eyes open right now.


I will say that it was the best route, IMO.


I agree, Ayaka best girl. I'd say in order of overall enjoy-ability it something like Ayaka>Rise>Riho/Ritsuko. Ayaka and Rise's really surprised me (as did most of the VN since I was expecting it to be the moege of all moeges), and the other two were just kind of cliche. I feel like Riho and Ritsuko's routes are tied, but if I had to choose i'd probably end up picking Ritsuko.

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Ehhh, still think Ritsuko was best girl, even if her route was pretty disappointing.  So cute  <3


Overall, I really liked Ayaka's route.  It had actual character development that wasn't just her and Masaya going out and bonding, it felt more realistic than the others (mostly due to fewer plot holes), and dealt with its subject matter fairly well.  I was a little disappointed with how easily the main conflict was dealt with, though.  I was expecting an uphill battle, and it took about 5 minutes of reading time to resolve when directly faced. 

Also wish that the psychological aspects had been a little more intense, but it

is a moege, so that was a little silly to expect that out of it.  Grisaia no Kajitsu has spoiled me...


Routes: Ayaka > Rise > Ritsuko > Chiho

Girls: Ritsuko > Ayaka/Rise > Chiho

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Ehhh, still think Ritsuko was best girl, even if her route was pretty disappointing.  So cute  <3


Overall, I really liked Ayaka's route.  It had actual character development that wasn't just her and Masaya going out and bonding, it felt more realistic than the others (mostly due to fewer plot holes), and dealt with its subject matter fairly well.  I was a little disappointed with how easily the main conflict was dealt with, though.  I was expecting an uphill battle, and it took about 5 minutes of reading time to resolve when directly faced. 

Also wish that the psychological aspects had been a little more intense, but it

is a moege, so that was a little silly to expect that out of it.  Grisaia no Kajitsu has spoiled me...


Routes: Ayaka > Rise > Ritsuko > Chiho

Girls: Ritsuko > Ayaka/Rise > Chiho

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  • 2 weeks later...

Having some severe stuttering in this vn for some reason. Is it a known issue with a easy fix?


Man.. Took me by surprise when this turned into the typical crap that is the absolute worst part of Japanese entertainment. Super abusive females who'll just treat the main character as a toy. And of course a the main character is a spineless idiot who'll do every damn thing that is asked of him, even if it's just abusive. I swear, in stories like these, if a female suddenly took of your boxer and started sucking you off without your consent, it would just be laughed off, or the main character getting all the blame for it.. You know, hentai, rapist etcetc. because you know... girls should be allowed to do whatever they want without any consequence for anything. I'll stick with it for a while longer, but if this is all there is to the main story then i'll throw the vn as far as i can, such stories pisses me off.

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Does the common route at any point get interesting? such a drag as it is now, and it's so very very long. Wishy washy male fanaties of rescuing girls, and the protagonist is a dense brick. Well, perhaps not that dense, but the typical common route focus on just being friends until some trigger point where he's suddenly deeply in love with the chosen heroine. I'm at chapter 7 now, and tbh i'd like to see more accidental or not accidental perverse scenes since they most certainly do make stuff more interesting, but it's all about what girls do to the guy.. And i'm sure more will agree that a common route with only that would be quite boring. Only other bit was when he went into the classroom when the girls were changing. Hope they don't keep everything under lock and key until you're in the heroine routes.

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Guess i have a thing or two to say about this vn, huh.


This is the most warped shit i've read in a long time. Japanese trash writers, indeed. Marika falsifying rape charges and faces absolutely ZERO consequences for it. Everyone just keeps pandering to her pathetic feelings (buhu, female character sad, can't have that now can we). How she only thought about herself afterwards and her half arsed apology that was directed at everybody, when there was really one person she should apologize to above all else didn't make it any better. While i don't hate the character, i hate the way the scenario was written. Absolute dogshit.


Rise is also giving me a bad vibe. She's seriosuly leading MC on while trying to open the school in hopes of meeting her first love. Well, little does she know that MC is that person, but that is completely besides the point. Writers probably didn't think that part through though. I mean, how trashy wouldn't she seem at this point if it was someone else and she jumped ship just like that.


Hoping for a satisfactory reunion-ish scene when it's revealed. That part of the story has been very interesting! Hope after the realization that it's not anticlimactic.

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