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Thank you Zakamutt~ Many comments were certainly unkind but I'll try not to get too upset because for all I know it might be children behind those monitors.

Thanks Nayleen! No, Unhack isn't really going to get on Greenlight XD. Far, far too hard. It does however provide great experience and feedback if you're willing to put up with the flaming.

Shcboomer, yes indeed~

Thank you everyone m(_ _)m.

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Hey everyone. Just wanted to share with you Weedy's new look by Hybridmink:


He's our artist for Unhack's next version. Please feel free to share your thoughts! Personally I think it's on the right path but I'm always up for some opinions. Thank you smile.gif!

Looks great, Interested in seeing how it roles out further.

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Thank you schboomer! It makes me happy to hear you take my drawings to heart.

Thanks Kendjin :)!

Thanks Tay XD~

To secure funds for new art as well as voice acting, I've just launched an Indiegogo campaign:



It would be great if you could consider contributing. Also, please share it with your friends, too. Thank you so much m(_ _)m!

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Hello all~ Just checking in to share with you the new illustration of Miss Debug:


Hope you guys like her! I'm about to start sorting through voice actress entries this weekend so please look forward to more updates.

Please also remember to consider contributing to my crowdfunding campaign. It's feeling more and more necessary as this project develops. It's stressing me out a bit, to be truthful. Here it is m(_ _)m:


Thank you m(_ _)m!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Here's a greeting video of Unhack's voice actresses! Thank you for your support m(_ _)m:

I also wanted to mention that I'll be demoing Unhack's new build, as well as a new game, at EB Expo Sydney next month! If there are any local folks who are attending, I'd love to meet you there :D.

And remember to please consider contributing to the game's funding campaign:


Thank you heaps!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everyone :)~ Just wanted to drop in and share Unhack's situation.


Unfortunately, because of some personal financial complications, I won't be able to get all of the updated artworks and voice acting done in one batch. This means the work will have to be stretched out into around six months or so. The delay is unfortunate but I really can't folk out the money right now.


I have an indiegogo campaign here:




There are 11 days to go so any help will be hugely appreciated. Funds will ensure I can complete this project successfully.


Stressful talk aside, I'll be heading down to Freeplay in Melbourne this weekend. Next weekend, I'll be at EB Expo demoing a couple of games. Feel free to drop by if you're going to either of those events. It should be heaps of fun :D.


Once the EB Expo is over, I reckon I'll upload a demo build of Unhack's new version. More like a teaser build because there will be just one episode. Regardless, please look forward to it. Thank you m(_ _)m!

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Looking at what you've got so far and the reactions from everyone on the site, i'm very interested in giving Unhack a go. The new art looks really good and voice acting will just make it that much better.


I've donated a little to the project and i'm going to post a notice about it on my blog (though i'm not sure I will be able to drum up much interest >.<).


Good luck!


Edit: Post here, in case you would like for me to change anything.

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Hey guys, thank you heaps for contributing m(_ _)m~ It's very much appreciated. And big thanks Silvachief for taking the time to post about it (>-<)! Every contribution means we can get the illustrations done that much faster. Thank you everyone m(_ _)m.

Anytime, just wish I could have contributed more.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everyone! The EB Expo is over and I've shown Unhack (as well as Bermuda, my new project) to plenty of people. Made a lot of friends and got some nice contacts, too. Thank you everyone here for your support as well :).


Episode one of Unhack's new version is now up! Please visit the Play section of the site to download it: http://unhack.invertmouse.com It's available on PC and Mac so far. This new version has updated illustrations as well as a revised interface. Weedy is now voiced by Xanthe Huynh, so please be sure to check out her wonderful performance.


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Ooh, i've been looking forward to giving this a try! I've played through the first episode.


I really like the new art, though in my opinion A2's costume looks quite bare compared to the others.


The voice acting is clear and the BGM fits the feel of the game.


I really enjoyed some of the dialogue you can get by exploring.


Someone on twitter mentioned the full-screen scaling not working. I think it was fine; the black lines weren't nearly as bad as some other VNs and I didn't mind them at all. A windowed mode option probably wouldn't go amiss, though.


I realize the episodes are short but I think a save feature would be nice.


It would also be nice if you could click anywhere to advance the text rather than just the 'next' button.


I enjoyed my first taste of the new game =)

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