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So I guess another rule, no l33t speak on forums either (tied in to using proper grammar)


The reason for this isn't because people are irritated by slang, but because "Leet" speak is a form of frikken encryption. And if you want to post shit that requires people to use their valuable time, effort, and energy to decrypt your god-awful amateurish mess, it better be god-damn important or you can go to hell... and I mean that in the nicest possible way.


PS: There goes rule 5.

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I personally have been using correct forms of "you're" and such since I started using the internet, I hate "ur", it's one of my pet peeves :P


So I guess another rule, no l33t speak on forums either (tied in to using proper grammar)

ur just je@lous that l33t sp3@kers g3t to typ3 0.0001 s3c0nd$ faster cuz of ur needless need to type prop3r

i just rolled a ur on LL


btw ur cool Ceris


The reason for this isn't because people are irritated by slang, but because "Leet" speak is a form of frikken encryption. And if you want to post shit that requires people to use their valuable time, effort, and energy to decrypt your god-awful amateurish mess, it better be god-damn important or you can go to hell... and I mean that in the nicest possible way.


PS: There goes rule 5.

@|\||) IF I I)()|\|T?

\/\/|-|@T VV||_|_ |3E(0|V|E 0F |V|E?

l33t sp3@|< RU|_E$ G0|V|L

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@|\||) IF I I)()|\|T?

\/\/|-|@T VV||_|_ |3E(0|V|E 0F |V|E?

l33t sp3@|< RU|_E$ G0|V|L


What. Are you an alien or something?

I can't even imagine how much time and effort you put into typing that.

Is it a talent or something?


Teach me.


That's because of just what you said about the teaching. I can't vouch for the country, but I can't recall a single class that focused on Grammar and Spelling since early elementary. Since we know the spoken language, and live in it, we tend to pick up the slang and not focus as much on the written side. Meanwhile, someone learning the language second hand is probably learning it written and spoken at the same time, so they are focusing on the grammar as well. What we take for granted as contractions, others have to learn.


Or maybe because the things we enjoy are actually in English, given the colonial mentality other countries possess because of America's goodies. At least, that's what I think happened to me. Though we do have classes that focus primarily on English and how to learn it, the learning of what's correct and what's not is still primarily taught to us by reading different stuff in English. It's something you pick up, so to say. In this case, I just picked up something in my ear that tells me if it sounds nice or not. Though it may not work in some cases, it works most of the time. Because of that, I'm very particular with sentence structures. It also pains me that I possess more knowledge of the English language than that of the Filipino language.


Jk. It doesn't pain me. It is, as you've said, a problem of native speakers. And another problem, which would be how the Filipino language has a lot of words that I cannot fathom the meaning. Or because there are a lot of dialects that make up the Filipino language.

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I prefer proper grammar, and if you are a native-speaker, there is no excuse for not using it for the most part ('I'm illiterate' isn't an excuse, incidentally).  However, the degree to which grammar is an issue is dependent on the forum, for the most part...

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I prefer proper grammar, and if you are a native-speaker, there is no excuse for not using it for the most part ('I'm illiterate' isn't an excuse, incidentally). 


I'm trying to figure out how somebody who is illiterate would be able to use a forum in the first place. ;p  

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I still don't get why you'd assume that lol.

Though a lot of people do, considering how often I play as a girl.

I'd never been to a forum where people chose the opposite gender avatar, or at least I never inquired or learned their real genders, so I just assumed that their gender was the same as their avatar's, and let that be my perception of them.  Then I joined Fuwanovel, and I was like, "Wow, I must be one of the only dudes on this site."  Seriously, most of the forums I'd been to before encouraged people to hide their real identities, and would actually frown upon revealing stuff in non-PM posts.  That's part of the reason why I don't like to pry into people's real lives.

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A mod joined!

This is automatically relevant.

What am I, chopped liver?  T-T  I'm a (Board) mod...


Wow. Even facebook has people consistently wearing a mask of a cute girl as their avatar.

Not the people I knew.  Probably also helped that I knew every single one of my Facebook friends in real life, so it was kinda impossible for me to picture them as anything but their real life appearance.

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What am I, chopped liver?  T-T  I'm a (Board) mod...


I completely forgot that you were one.

The mod thing isn't part of my impression of you.


Not the people I knew.  Probably also helped that I knew every single one of my Facebook friends in real life, so it was kinda impossible for me to picture them as anything but their real life appearance.


You should add more people with anime girls as their picture!

I mean, really!

It helps promote social life.  :sachi:

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I completely forgot that you were one.

The mod thing isn't part of my impression of you.



You should add more people with anime girls as their picture!

I mean, really!

It helps promote social life.  :sachi:

I have a purple board mod badge and everything...   :vinty:


Kinda getting off-topic now...my fault.  But yeah, that's why I assumed everyone with a female avatar was female.  NEVER AGAIN.

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Rule 1: There are no females on the internet


Rule 2: Trolling is fun.


Rule 3: Never post your naked pictures on internet.


Rule 4: If you see someone who violates "Rule 3", its your duty to spread it.


Rule 5: Chaos is great. Create Chaos whenever the opportunity presents itself.


Rule 6: Discussing Religion and Politics are great. Because look at Rule 5.


Rule 7: Call HMN, Hymen


Rule 8: Kurisu is the true tsun tsun of Fuwanovel

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