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Anime Openings: Good or Bad?


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I just recently posted a similar question in the visual novel thread and decided that it could be interesting to see how they compare to anime openings. Do people like anime openings? Do you watch the openings or do you skip them? Do you feel as if the anime openings are unnecessary or too spoilery? Do you believe an opening can enhance a series and how people feel about the series as a whole? How does the opening affect how you go into a show and what you think? Has there ever been a an anime opening that has purposely mislead you? 


Do you prefer anime openings that show scenes or characters from the show that haven't appeared yet, do you prefer an ambiguous opening where stuff is happening but you don't understand it until it actually happens, or do you prefer completely wacky unrelated openings. Do you like anime openings or do you think they are bad or unnecessary? Feel free to explain.


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Openings with spoilers are terrible and studios should do their best not to allow such a thing. They can be indeed misleading as sometimes the anime can't live up to the hype it brings and even the other way around. Honestly, I don't have any preference aside from spoiler free, since I tend to judge the work as a whole, instead of piece of by piece (art, animation, song, etc). For the final question, I do like them.

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Anime openings are like the cover of a book, they give you a brief intro and glimpse on what the story is going to be about.

I do feel like after the first couple episodes, intros are pretty unecessary because you already know what it's about, however that might not be the case to new viewers so there's some point in it.

After the first episodes though I often skip anime openings because there's no point in rewatching the same thing over and over (unless it's a good song)


Also it kind of becomes a trademark when an anime has a catchy opening so it also serves for advertisement purposes.

I mean, when someone thinks Log Horizon the first thing that comes to your mind is "Databatase database just living in the database wowowow"


I have to say I hate openings that provide full glimpses of the later parts of the story, that's kind of a joy killer for me.


Overall though, I think they're good, they're useful for entertainment, advertisement and a short intro to whatever you're about to watch.

And it might provide good music.


(Also you need some place to put the names of the people who worked on it :Kappa:)

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I'll usually watch them once unless I really like the music(Serial Experiments Lain, Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, Last Exile, and most recently, Akatsuki no Yona).  Then I skip them every time afterward.  The one exception to this is when I'm making someone watch Madoka Magica for the first time.  I swear, whoever thought to do the OP that way is a genius.  Watching it grow further and further out of sync with the actual content of the show just forces me to include it as a mandatory part of the experience.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I personally love them myself as long as they don't spoil anything for me. I love the music and almost never ever skip an intro unless it is something I find unbearable. Anime openings were how I originally got into J-Music after all, so I like having them as they sometimes introduce me to new artists I may have never heard of before.


A big plus if the animation is really good. 
Nothing like some eye candy before watching a show.

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As long as the accompanying song is good I watch the opening every episode. If not, then skip.

I usually don't watch the ending on finished airing series(probably because I want to see the next episode as fast as possible :P ).

There's nothing worse than an opening spoiling the series. But usually I do not notice that it was spoilers in it before I rewatch.

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I really enjoyed to OPs to Spice and Wolf and Baccano. I watched those everytime mainly because I enjoyed the music. Same goes for Steins;Gate.

Typically I do like watching the OPs because they set a standard for the show; music and a feeling of what to expect and something that becomes relateable to the series, adding to the experience.

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Over in the VN Openings thread I talked about how I thought they were beneficial for hype and that I didn't mind spoilers 

But interestingly enough I just skip anime openings/endings cuz spoilers  :sachi: 


Is it possibly because the VN openings give away some things but the VN itself is so long, it isn't really giving away much?

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I'm also fairly confident in the writer's or whoever's ability to not give away their own story.

Well the writer doesn't usually make it... In the case of an anime, it is usually the actual anime company that makes it into an anime that ends up making it up... So you know, I don't quite trusts them.
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Well the writer doesn't usually make it... In the case of an anime, it is usually the actual anime company that makes it into an anime that ends up making it up... So you know, I don't quite trusts them.


I see where that can be troublesome at times. I still find they add to the overall experience. Have you come across a bad apple that gave something away in the intro?

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I see where that can be troublesome at times. I still find they add to the overall experience. Have you come across a bad apple that gave something away in the intro?

Quite a lot but if you ask me to tell you one then I won't have any at the top of my head. Because I cram so much anime into my brain, I'm still trying to find the exit rather than sort it out.
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