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Fuwanovel Confessions


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Confession: I've been steadily going out with a younger girl than I usually do (23) for the past week. She's really into me. She's just one of those people you feel really relaxed to be around, and you're able to talk about anything. But honestly, I don't know if it's just because she's an easy catch or that I like to chase a little harder for my food, but I'm just more into her as a really awesome friend. I'm never happy. 


Confession: I've been eying a cute girl at the smoke shop near my work. I think she looks like a heroine addict, and a bit of a wild girl too. But her smile is so alluring. 

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Confession: I've been steadily going out with a younger girl than I usually do (23) for the past week. She's really into me. She's just one of those people you feel really relaxed to be around, and you're able to talk about anything. But honestly, I don't know if it's just because she's an easy catch or that I like to chase a little harder for my food, but I'm just more into her as a really awesome friend. I'm never happy. 

So many grills and you're never happy :vinty:

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So many grills and you're never happy :vinty:


Its not as easy as it sounds. 


But a few days ago I pulled a tarot card that puts life in perspective. 




Temperance asks you to be patient so that you can act with timing and precision. Patience and moderation will result in good management of all things. Do not feel that you need to rush, just let the situation evolve at its natural pace



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I mean once you have a girl, the frustrations and challenges aren't over. You're just in a whole new level of trouble. You'll understand it someday when you're older. 

Confession: that doesn't sound fun at all >.>

I think I'll just sit at home for another decade or two.

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Confession: that doesn't sound fun at all >.>

I think I'll just sit at home for another decade or two.


Oh no, don't let me scare you. It's a lot of fun. But 2D girls are fun to fantasize about too.




Confession2: I did a tarot card quiz for fun after seeing yours  :P

I got~


I got the same card again from when I took a different quiz someone got me to try xD...weird.


The Moon can be interpreted with the feeling of uncertainty, where the past still haunts, unsure of a journey but still going ahead with it, feeling watched and because it is commonly associated with dreams, fantasies and mysteries this card can also be interpreted with surreal feelings and situations in your waking life.


Hmmm... sounds romantic  :P .


Confession: I feel I have some connection with the spiritual world. I started having dreams of an angel guiding me when I was 22. The same angel held me the night after my sister passed away. 

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Confession: I feel I have some connection with the spiritual world. I started having dreams of an angel guiding me when I was 22. The same angel held me the night after my sister passed away. 

That sounds nice.. and sorry about your sister :(...


Confession: In the past, there have been times I've imagined a guardian angel watching over me. It made me feel less alone and helped give me courage to do things, like an inner support xD (sometimes I saw them as a close person that passed away, and other times I thought of them resembling an anime/game character that I liked, lol). I don't know if I really believe in that kind of stuff though, but it's still nice to imagine sometimes if it helps me. If I did have a personal guardian angel, that'd be kinda awesome~

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Confession: I have always thought that Flutterz was some 25-year old guy hooked to his computer.

Guess he's a bit younger.

Confession: when people hide their ages, I get the urge to compulsively guess them from their posts in multiple different threads to date them.


Confession 2: The current thread in the Ongoing projects named "Next Gen VN looking for writer" makes me cringe and sigh every time I see it with the thought "You're missing the main component! It's not even about recruiting at this point!"

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Confession: I've been steadily going out with a younger girl than I usually do (23) for the past week. She's really into me. She's just one of those people you feel really relaxed to be around, and you're able to talk about anything. But honestly, I don't know if it's just because she's an easy catch or that I like to chase a little harder for my food, but I'm just more into her as a really awesome friend. I'm never happy. 


Confession: I've been eying a cute girl at the smoke shop near my work. I think she looks like a heroine addict, and a bit of a wild girl too. But her smile is so alluring. 



Please be honest about your feelings towards girl 1 before she gets seriously hurt :(


confession :also, I like easy catches so if you could give me her number that would be ace


Confession 2: I am extremely envious of taco, it has been years since a girl has shown any kind of interest in me  <_<

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Pls guess my age

Highschool, maybe middle years. You don't seem to have any stories about college, and fun romance experience.  Slightly obnoxious in the Hentai thread means you are clearly sexually aware, and earlier in this thread you seemed desperate. Everything about you screams 16-17, so maybe 16 with a birthday in July-August.


Also, the post count in such a short time makes me think that you are hyperactive, rather than just active x.x 


Confession: I like profiling people even if I'm bad at it.  It makes me reflect on how poorly I acted or how I perceive others.  It will be fun when I get older and look back, so I can laugh.

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Mfw I don't know if that's bad or not.

I just like talking, yeah.


A-And I don't know what you mean by obnoxious.


Confession: I'm actually not rushing anything in relation to romantic stuff or relationships. I'd like to take my time in these things. Getting laid is something I'm not against though lol. Don't worry, I'll be in college in the next academic year, which is in August.


Confession 2: My birthday's actually on May 20.

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Highschool, maybe middle years. You don't seem to have any stories about college, and fun romance experience.  Slightly obnoxious in the Hentai thread means you are clearly sexually aware, and earlier in this thread you seemed desperate. Everything about you screams 16-17, so maybe 16 with a birthday in July-August.


Also, the post count in such a short time makes me think that you are hyperactive, rather than just active x.x 


Confession: I like profiling people even if I'm bad at it.  It makes me reflect on how poorly I acted or how I perceive others.  It will be fun when I get older and look back, so I can laugh.

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