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Fuwanovel Confessions


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So... here is something.

Confession: I just got a text from that girl I had coffee with a while back, if anybody here remembers that. Well... she just texted me asking if we could ever be more than friends.



......... Fuck.


I was doing really well over the last few weeks trying to keep all of my old feelings down... but that pretty much ruined me. I'm not even sure if I want a relationship. This has thrown me straight out of the nice place I was in where I could just pretend like nobody really noticed me. For those who don't remember, she is my ex. She is the girl who I basically spent half of my high school life with, and we broke up because I had to move.

This has to be one of the more nerve-wracking feelings I have experienced in quite a bit.


Confession 2: I have no idea why I am posting about this here.

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@ Lino's Fession 1: Well, if you broke up solely 'cos you had to move and not cuz of ill feelings and whatnot I say why not :sachi:. How long ago was that anyway?



It was about two years ago... however we stayed in contact and talked a lot as friends. I came back in the summer after I moved away... and we talked about me staying (which was an option at the time) but in the end I went back to pursue more studying. For a pretty decent amount of time, we kind of went our own ways... but that is hardly what one would call getting over someone. At the very least, I was able to push all of those feelings to the back of mind... as long as nothing reminded me of her (which was pretty easy since I was living over 5000 kilometers away xD).


In the end, I ended up coming back, and we started talking again. I am back "for good" now, so there isn't anything like that looming overhead. However, since so much time has passed... I feel like we should hangout a bit more and try and see if we are on the same page. I don't want someone to get needlessly hurt by negligence. She is still somebody I care for deeply, and I don't mean that in a romantic way, but rather somebody who I genuinely want the best for, regardless of feelings. I can say this about any close friends of mine.


My issue is that it has been so long, so I just think we should hangout some more and make sure we want the same things.



Ugh... I have complicated relationships with people. xD

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What are Funyions?



It was about two years ago... however we stayed in contact and talked a lot as friends. I came back in the summer after I moved away... and we talked about me staying (which was an option at the time) but in the end I went back to pursue more studying. For a pretty decent amount of time, we kind of went our own ways... but that is hardly what one would call getting over someone. At the very least, I was able to push all of those feelings to the back of mind... as long as nothing reminded me of her (which was pretty easy since I was living over 5000 kilometers away xD).


In the end, I ended up coming back, and we started talking again. I am back "for good" now, so there isn't anything like that looming overhead. However, since so much time has passed... I feel like we should hangout a bit more and try and see if we are on the same page. I don't want someone to get needlessly hurt by negligence. She is still somebody I care for deeply, and I don't mean that in a romantic way, but rather somebody who I genuinely want the best for, regardless of feelings. I can say this about any close friends of mine.


My issue is that it has been so long, so I just think we should hangout some more and make sure we want the same things.



Ugh... I have complicated relationships with people. xD

This honestly doesn't have to be complicated. You just need to catch up with her, that's all. And from there, you decide what to do.


Confession: I would just say "fuck it" and do whatever the hell I want. Thinking is for plebs. 

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Confession: both my first and last name are misspelled/pronounced about 80% of the time. I've had teachers go entire semesters spelling my name wrong when it's right in front of them.

Confession: People laughed and often teased me about my real name growing up. It's a lot better now, since no one cares to pay attention to small details like that anymore, since more mature/older I guess.  But it happened most in elementary & gradeschool years, lol.  Every time my full name got called for attendance or an award, I heard people snickering and some made jokes about my name. xD


My issue is that it has been so long, so I just think we should hangout some more and make sure we want the same things.


Ugh... I have complicated relationships with people. xD

Why not just simply tell her that then?  And then catch up :)

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So... here is something.

Confession: I just got a text from that girl I had coffee with a while back, if anybody here remembers that. Well... she just texted me asking if we could ever be more than friends.

What, like best friends?  :huh:


Seriously: Follow your heart, head or hips. Whatever you do, just don't keep the situation hanging in the maybe state, solve it one way or another.

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Why not just simply tell her that then?  And then catch up :)


Actually, in the time between me posting the original thing and now... I did tell her that. She was quite receptive of it, and agreed entirely. :)


So basically, we are going out for tea again and she is going to bring me over next time she is having a campfire (as we both really enjoy a good campfire). ^^ That is the current agenda. :P


What, like best friends?  :huh:


Seriously: Follow your heart, head or hips. Whatever you do, just don't keep the situation hanging in the maybe state, solve it one way or another.


Basically the plan now. The maybe state is a place I REALLY don't want to be in. xD

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Actually, in the time between me posting the original thing and now... I did tell her that. She was quite receptive of it, and agreed entirely. :)


So basically, we are going out for tea again and she is going to bring me over next time she is having a campfire (as we both really enjoy a good campfire). ^^ That is the current agenda. :P

Yaaay, congrats! I really hope things go well for the two of you.  :lol:  -cheers you on-

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Now it's my turn: I pondered really hard on whether or not to turn one of these into a signature. In the end, I decided against it because they are a little too lewd for my preference. 


Not safe for work, I guess. No pr0n, but don't open these in school or whatever.



Confession: I like the first one more than the second one  ^_^

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Confession: I once created a chatroom (ICQ, maybe?) with the stated purpose of "changing the name of Canada to Canadia", with some extremely flimsy argument for why it should be done. I was shocked when a lot of very sincere, very upset Canadians joined the chatroom and started complaining at me.


I am so totally outraged and offended right now. Totally. Totally. xD


Confession: I am glad I'm not the only person who has thought of changing Canada's name to that.


Guess you could say it sounds much...







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As long as you crop above the waist your lewd concerns should be nonexistent. But eww cropping


Gogo Vanilla~

Cropping these pics is impossible, I just love dem legz too much. Blasphemy!


Out of the two, I probably prefer Chocola. I like her type of character and amber is my favorite eyecolor after dark green.

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Confession: I like the first one more than the second one  ^_^

Confession: I like Vanilla better than Chocola.


Confession: I once created a chatroom (ICQ, maybe?) with the stated purpose of "changing the name of Canada to Canadia", with some extremely flimsy argument for why it should be done. I was shocked when a lot of very sincere, very upset Canadians joined the chatroom and started complaining at me.

Were you serious or was that just bait?  Because either one is absolutely hilarious  xD

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Confession: Last night I was trying to do something with a friend but we wanted to take naps first. So I took a nap at like 7 in the evening hoping to wake up at 10. I woke up at like past 2 in the morning, wondering why my alarm didn't wake me up...


It was set at 10:00 AM...


I'm a genius~ whoops..

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Confession: I was wondering, what if all the Fuwa Member's genders were swapped. All the females became males, and all the males became females.  However, you are the exception and your gender doesn't change.  Who would you want to date if you could?  :P

Flutterz, he seems sadistic enough that we would find common joy in torturing others.  Otherwise Lino because he is apparently masochist.  Tyrael's title might be "Master Masochist", but he doesn't display any of the traits openly.



Confession - Another child custody battle:


So after longs talk with agreement with my ex that we'd move out of the state together to raise our child, she comes up with another crazy idea. After she tells her current husband that it's not his kid, she wants to leave ahead of me with the child. She says she wants 1 month alone with time to think. She'll be staying at her friends house. It sounds really fishy and she won't give me any other details besides, "I want alone time to think." The problem is, the legal father isn't me yet. I've had a DNA test on the child stating it's mind, but it's not an official court DNA test. I can't trust her anymore. I've given her too many chances.


I could file for a court DNA test now before she leaves and not agree to allow the child to leave the current state we live in (California.) If I do that, the whole family on the Husband's side will know. Who knows what will happen to their family? Maybe, the husband would commit suicide from shame and the wife will follow. Maybe she'll be forced to move into a housing arrangements with some roommates to make the minimum in order to pay child support. My income is higher than hers and I live with a well off family who could take turns taking care of her. Besides her husbands family here, she has no one on her family's side.


It's completely evil. But in principle, I won't be giving up my daughter. 


Woe is me. Should I just let them peacefully carry on their lives and pretend that my daughter doesn't exist? I don't want my daughter to live the rest of her life under a custody battle either.


This is karma 100% punishing me. 

If you think that you are the better parent for the child, destroy them without hesitation.  That's just my opinion.



Party at Flutterz' next week!


Do you have a sister that has pink hair because she cosplayed as Sakura?

I approve of this comment.  You let me know that I am welcome here  :yumiko:

So my internet has been down for 3 days, yay!  Finally got fixed two days ago.  The box that converted our fiber into useful things a la internet and phone line got fried when we had a power outage due to wind. So these are my replies to the past events of the past 7 pages.
Confession: I would have came back sooner, but Disgaea is really too addicting for me.  I had luckily enough downloaded PPSSPP and stocked up on games the day my internet died, so I was prepared  :holo: .  I started playing it and immediately realized similarities to Bunny Black, so Eclipsed became my mage because Louise avatar, Flutterz became a warrior because he is a troll and that logic still stands, Ren became a cleric because I couldn't think of how to spell someone else's name in under 5 seconds, and Marie became a succubus because reasons... I really don't know, probably the combination of the female name and the blonde avatar she had when I first joined.  Anyway, around level 50 Flutterz became useless because we was originally a good-for-nothing, and Eclipsed got sidelined around act 4 because I made her kill 7 of the level 75 bosses you fight, bumper her from 29 to 63, when the rest of my party was level 23.  Ren got stuck at level 18 in a level 40 zone because he couldn't kill anything by being a cleric, and now marie is stuck at level 46 at the endgame levels of ~60 because she doesn't have any AoE to grind with.
TL;DR: Disgaea is addicting, and you guys seriously suck.  You're terrible, I'm never naming characters after you again.
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