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Fuwanovel Confessions


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Confession: Today was the last club meeting for this semester, I still couldn't bring myself to talk to anyone, and next semester I have classes at that time :vinty:

How can you even not talk/communicate with someone? That's amazing. I always have to talk/communicate with someone otherwise I'd go insane. I think what you have is a talent. :makina:

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*has never watched Samurai Jack before*

Same. I'd rather see Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends come back.

 How can you even not talk/communicate with someone? That's amazing. I always have to talk/communicate with someone otherwise I'd go insane. I think what you have is a talent. :makina:

If "having no one ever talk to me" is a talent, then I'm the most talented person in the world!

It's your noble phantasm. But you did email me.

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Confession: In a few short hours, I'll be buying a house. It's by far the most stressful thing I've ever done in my life. I always see these articles wondering why more Millennials aren't buying houses. Spoiler: This is why. It's awful. It's terrifying. It's like reading euphoria in Smell-o-vision™.

It's also insanely expensive, especially here around NYC. Right now in my bag, I have several bank checks large enough to have their own small moons orbiting them. And you know what? Those checks aren't even for the house; they're to cover closing and legal costs.

In short, why is it that drinking before noon is so frowned upon?

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Confession: In a few short hours, I'll be buying a house. It's by far the most stressful thing I've ever done in my life. I always see these articles wondering why more Millennials aren't buying houses. Spoiler: This is why. It's awful. It's terrifying. It's like reading euphoria in Smell-o-vision™.

It's also insanely expensive, especially here around NYC. Right now in my bag, I have several bank checks large enough to have their own small moons orbiting them. And you know what? Those checks aren't even for the house; they're to cover closing and legal costs.

In short, why is it that drinking before noon is so frowned upon?

There are houses in NYC? Clearly you mean the burbs, right?

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There are houses in NYC? Clearly you mean the burbs, right?

Yup, smack dab in the burbs. We considered buying in the city, but it's pretty much impossible to get anything in a good neighborhood these days unless you're a Russian/Chinese millionaire.

We, as it turns out, are not.

Figured as much, still have friends in the area who pay out the nose for a cramped studio apartment in the city. If you were buying a house in NYC proper, I'd have to accuse you of being a drug lord or Donald Trump. Not sure which would be worse, though...

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Confession: In a few short hours, I'll be buying a house. It's by far the most stressful thing I've ever done in my life. I always see these articles wondering why more Millennials aren't buying houses. Spoiler: This is why. It's awful. It's terrifying. It's like reading euphoria in Smell-o-vision™.

It's also insanely expensive, especially here around NYC. Right now in my bag, I have several bank checks large enough to have their own small moons orbiting them. And you know what? Those checks aren't even for the house; they're to cover closing and legal costs.

In short, why is it that drinking before noon is so frowned upon?

I can empathize; I bought a condo years back. Closing was not a pleasant experience, although honestly I found the looking around more stressful than the actual closing. It's also expensive as hell here in Seattle...

The best news is, selling your new home will be even more stressful than buying it was! After 4.5 years in my condo, suffering through a mostly clueless HOA that refused to hire a management company, and stressing out personally over the state of my unit and the building itself, I was done with home ownership. I've been happily renting a very nice apartment in a downtown high-rise ever since. Not sure what move I'll make if/when marriage and kids come around, but for the time being, this is the right call for my sanity.

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