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Fuwanovel Confessions


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Confession: politics is 2 hard 4 me :michiru: 

Politics sucks anyway. All it does is make you angry and sad and feeling powerless and dreaming of the apocalyptic end we'll reach in a few decades. And that comes from an optimistic person who trusts the good-hearted nature of human beings.

"Those who don't study history are doomed to repeat it.
Yet those who do study history are doomed to stand by helplessly while everyone else repeats it."

If Trump is voted into office, I'm just gonna stop caring, sit back, and wait for the world to end in WW3.

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 If Trump is voted into office, I'm just gonna stop caring, sit back, and wait for the world to end in WW3.

[Conspiracy theory] The CIA would assassinate him like they assassinated JFK when they were scared he was going to disband them. [/conspiracy theory]

Interestingly enough, of the many conspiracy theories surrounding JFK's death, the idea that the CIA carried it out is pretty much the only one which can't be debunked.

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Confession: So many mistakes were made in my life. This is possibly, though I'm not 100% sure, one of them:

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*cough* waste of money *cough*

Your life is a waste of money. I'm sorry, that was mean. I love you. Merry Christmas.

Lol damn



confession: I actually do believe this is true

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Confession: I am the worst friend ever.  I just supported my friend buying computer parts on sale with the justification that he can return it within 15 days, and that tomorrow we can talk about the decisions we just made tonight.

He asked me to talk him out of it, and all I could come up with was "how much do you really want it?".  The parts in question were a motherboard and the i7 4790k, which is the best upgrade he can get for his computer at the moment without buying entirely new parts.  Knowing this, I couldn't come up with a good reason for him not to buy it when it is on sale.

Moral of the story: only ask me to talk you out of something if I actually am against it, otherwise I'm more liable to support you instead.

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I think the american republican party is also an excellent example of a party that is far right on many different fronts: they have a libertarian idea of what an economy looks like, they want the government to do as little as possible (which we would call classic liberalism) and they believe that the foundations of the country are rooted in core Christian values (so they're conservative).

I don't think either party can reasonably lay any claim to being fiscally conservative. My favorite example of bizarre economics in the US is corn subsidies, as brought to you by the corn lobby, which exerts its force through owning plenty of politicians in both parties. Corn subsidies come in various forms, notably:

- price fixing (even if everybody produces a ton of it, the government ensures the farmer gets a certain fixed amount)
- corn ethanol subsidies (otherwise, corn ethanol wouldn't be economically viable as a fuel source - it's a total screwball idea, and actually counterproductive to meaningful energy research)
- direct payments (you grow corn? have some cash!)
- massive import tariffs on goods that compete with corn-based products (sugar is so heavily tariffed that all soft drinks in the US use high fructose corn syrup instead of cane sugar; Brazilian ethanol, not being made from ridiculously inefficient corn, would otherwise be cheaper than US-made corn ethanol, so it gets tariffed heavily as well)

This is one (big) example, and it's trivial to find other big and small examples of politicians in both parties throwing vast amounts of money at various pet projects. Neither party is actually fiscally conservative.


And... enough politics, confession time!

Confession: Just got back from a week-long family vacation, where I spent probably 20% of my time holed up in my room playing Clannad. The irony is delicious.

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Confession: "Here at Fuwanovel" v2 will be delayed because I'm writing a kind-of blog post about random things I think about Fuwa and stuff, some good shit right there, trust me. It'll be just like my blog post about Japan but I'll make it a thread instead of blog post cuz I'm sure I'll get more replies and people to read it this way, and you can also expect it to be written in a terribly bad way just like this post was. Should be up tomorrow if I stop being lazy. :P

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Confession: In a shit mood, yesterday was the end of a big break and I couldn't finish either big assignment I had. Yesterday I think I started to work around 10pm. Couldn't finish (worked on a single one). Still couldn't finish. Fuck, I need to get myself back on track, quick. This is embarrassing. 

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Confession: I was sad that nobody responded to my lame Tweet about this not being THAT type of "Cyber" Monday.

The world needs more lewdness.


But only when I'm actually feeling lewd.  Because when I'm not I'm probably trying to write and then I feel guilty because I feel like I should be interested but I'm not.

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Confession 1: Yesterday, I started writing H-scene in school. I regret my decision :sachi:

Confession 2: (Also yesterday) I cut my finger once more while shaving (though it happened actually before shaving when I was removing the cover/protector from the razor. As always, I question my shaving skills :Teeku: 

Confession: I kinda want to do a postcard swap with people here. Is that like, really old fashioned lame, or old fashioned comebacks are cool?

I'll go with cool.

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Confession: VNs have drastically changed my daily way of thinking. Now I often think of entering the route of somebody and then speculating on how my life with that person would be shaped. 

It's fun, kind of like writing headcanon for your own life. 

Doesn't seem like a good way of thinking about things imo

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Confession: VNs have drastically changed my daily way of thinking. Now I often think of entering the route of somebody and then speculating on how my life with that person would be shaped. 

It's fun, kind of like writing headcanon for your own life. 

Doesn't seem like a good way of thinking about things imo

It's a momentary thing, I don't spend much time on it- usually a few seconds. Happens somewhat often though, I guess. 

Doesn't make me feel anything negative. 

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