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Allow Me To Introduce Myself


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Hey, everyone. I made an account here some time ago (I actually can't remember when, to be honest) but promptly forgot about it and never posted anything. Upon revisiting these forums, however, I realized that I want to be a part of this community in at least some small way. I thought I'd introduce myself.


I've been playing VNs since February of this year. If you count the Ace Attorney series as VNs, then I've been playing since a few years after Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney came out on the DS in America. I guess my love for that series is a small part of what introduced me to the existence of the Visual Novel genre in the first place, though I didn't try one for the longest time.


I finally cracked and played one last February. It was (I know it's typical, but hear me out) Katawa Shoujo. I have only played one route of that game, and I will probably never play any of the others. The reason being that the route I played was Hanako's route, and I... happen to be a burn victim, actually. I'm lucky in that my scarring is entirely restricted to my legs, but it's still severe enough that I get weird looks when it's not covered up. I was also recovering from a pretty nasty breakup at the time, so Hanako's route in Katawa Shoujo hit me in just about every emotional weak point I had. I bawled my eyes out at parts of that route. I can't go back to that game because of how hard it hit me. I think it's incredible, and not overrated in the least. 


After that, I realized that this genre obviously had something to offer, and I've delved in a little deeper. I've since played Ever 17, Shuffle, Hoshizora no Memoria, Shinikiss, G Senjou no Maou, Grisaia no Kajitsu, Fate/Stay Night, Majikoi (well, all of what's translated, at least), and others that I can't seem to remember at the moment. Oh, speaking of remembering, I did just finish Remember 11, which was extremely dissatisfying.


I also really love music, and play the guitar. I have a real wanting to learn Japanese, but there are no courses near where I live and I have no idea where to start when it comes to learning online.


I also play a number of other genres of games. I play anything from Call of Duty to Tales of Xillia to Rogue's Legacy. I really do like video games. I just finished Dishonored (Games with Gold, am I right?) which was pretty awesome.


Anyways, that's me. I hope I can actually be a part of this community!

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Osu!Osu! welcome n have fun

enjoy a pun and a pic

I thought I saw an eye doctor on an Alaskan island but it turned out to be an optical Aleutian.


Do you like traps? If you do, you are one step closer to paradise on earth.
Read Sharin no kuni~~~ its my fav vn, and i hope you will like it too.
P.S since u said u like games. Is there any chance that u are Ar Tonelico fan?
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Welcome to the forums! Hope you enjoy your stay!

What's your favourite VN?

Hmmm... I think it's either Katawa Shoujo (for the reason I discussed above) or Ever 17.


Welcome to FuwaForums !

Enjoy your stay !

Please read G-Senjou no Maou and Grisaia no kajitsu !

I already have, no worries there!



Osu!Osu! welcome n have fun

enjoy a pun and a pic

I thought I saw an eye doctor on an Alaskan island but it turned out to be an optical Aleutian.


Do you like traps? If you do, you are one step closer to paradise on earth.
Read Sharin no kuni~~~ its my fav vn, and i hope you will like it too.
P.S since u said u like games. Is there any chance that u are Ar Tonelico fan?


I'm actually not quite sure what a trap is, honestly 0.o

Oh, and I actually just started Sharin no Kuni!

And I've never heard of Ar Teonelico, but I will give it a try sometime.


Welcome to fuwa :)


Would you like a signature ?

Sure, I'd love one!

If you need a character to base it on, I really adore Miyako from Majikoi <3

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Welcome to Fuwa, A.K.A. Promised Loli Land! Have a loli:



You should add Umineko no Naku Koro ni to your "to read" list, just don't be fooled by the Official Theory. :ph34r:

I'm also learning japanese, online, and I wish you good luck. To help, you can see this thread for useful resources.


Hope you have fun and I'll see you around.

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Welcome to Fuwa, A.K.A. Promised Loli Land! Have a loli:



You should add Umineko no Naku Koro ni to your "to read" list, just don't be fooled by the Official Theory. :ph34r:

I'm also learning japanese, online, and I wish you good luck. To help, you can see this thread for useful resources.


Hope you have fun and I'll see you around.

Thank you for pointing me to that thread!


Welcome to the forums fellow Fuwan. I hope you enjoy your stay. If you haven't already play Sharin, it's from the devs of G-senjou.

I'm actually playing it right now! I'm not very far yet, though.

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