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Something Not Eye-Opening. Gomen, I just had to choose a title other than the video's title.


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It is a bit of trouble giving change around here in my country. Instead once I bought a burguer for the guy, because if I gave him money he could have used it to buy alcohol or drugs, much more effective that way.

This, tons of people basically earn a living begging for money, and others will spend it on booze instead of food or something.

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when i was homeless i noticed two big things 1) look at the homeless mans shoes if they aren't screwed up or dirty hes panhandling not cuzz hes homeless but because he don't wanna work, and two homeless people with funny signs haven't been homeless long 

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Wasn't this to be expected, though? It's just people taking care of themselves- seeing a "fuck the poor" sign on the street makes them feel bad, so they go against it, giving money to poor people is too troublesome so they don't do it. I wouldn't really call it "eye-opening", since that's how most people act.


Giving money to the poor and going against that "fuck the poor" sign is the exact same thing- people do it because it makes them feel better afterwards, be it because they're removing something they don't want to see off their sight or because they feel like they're some sort of "hero", going against the prejudice and helping the masses! Or any other reason.


Giving the money doesn't make people feel that good, though- be it because you don't know how that person is going to spend the money, because it's just insignificant change you couldn't care less about, so you don't feel like you're actually helping or because you were going to use that money for something else, all of them aren't going to give you the same satisfaction you would have at going against the first sign- that's why the difference is there.  Seems like a natural result to me.

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The truth is all people are hypocrites, the whole todays society is built on hypocrisy. If people help someone it is either because they are gaining something from it or because helping others makes them feel good and have a better picture of themselves they don't really care for the one they are helping.


And this video only shows that people like to judge others. It's not eye opening it is an obvious thing.

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I don't think the solution to this is charity. I believe the only solution to help the poor is increased employment. Charity is only temporary, and we can't really trust the people who will hold the money.


There will always be poor as long as there isn't full employment, and full employment is a bad idea with the way our economy works. 

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The truth is all people are hypocrites, the whole todays society is built on hypocrisy.





If people help someone it is either because they are gaining something from it or because helping others makes them feel good and have a better picture of themselves they don't really care for the one they are helping.


No. I think that if you help somebody you don't know out of charity, you probably in some way, if even for a split second care about them or their situation.

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I don't see how "eye-opening" is that video. And I don't mean any edgy "humans are all trash" stuff by this.


First situation i unusual and shocking, so people react, it goes against your moral instinct.


Second situation you've morally dealt with since forever. Since you were a kid and you asked your mom "why can't we give money to that poor guy on the street". Because you can't give money to everyone who beg for it. Maybe one day every month you'll give some change to a homeless person or make a donation to charity. Unless you want to dedicate your life to eradicate poverty, you will obviously do that and I don't think it's morally wrong to do so.

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The truth is all people are hypocrites, the whole todays society is built on hypocrisy. If people help someone it is either because they are gaining something from it or because helping others makes them feel good and have a better picture of themselves they don't really care for the one they are helping.


And this video only shows that people like to judge others. It's not eye opening it is an obvious thing.

I think the video is definitely interesting, if only because it confirms some beliefs we may have held, and I don't know why people feel the need to throw their "oh I'm so cool I totally knew what was going to happen" at this thread. kinda bothers me to see so many people throw it away. So, yes, you can be as 'cool' as you want and say that you were super smart for 'knowing' that people are only selfish creatures, or whatever crap you want, but at a certain point it's just you being a cynical jerk. People are people, and the reasons behind why they give to the poor and in what ways they donate themselves to your definition of a 'greater cause' shouldn't be torn apart in such an uncaring and casual way. Yes, people like feeling good about themselves when they donate. No, the world isnt a filthy den of hypocrisy upon which civilization was founded. Yes, I'm hot and bothered. but mostly hot, the weather's been pretty crazy up here. It would suck to be homeless in Minnesota.


//ugh mostly just me being angsty at all the ultra-downers in this thread. I do agree that giving money does not correspond perfectly with caring. In the end, if you choose to "care about the poor", you'll end up having to arbitrarily limit the scope of your efforts or die trying... or just end up giving something that you can afford to give to everyone (say, for example, the heart to do something about some random asshole who's saying "**** the poor").


also, Krill's comment was really interesting.

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I think the video is definitely interesting, if only because it confirms some beliefs we may have held, and I don't know why people feel the need to throw their "oh I'm so cool I totally knew what was going to happen" at this thread. kinda bothers me to see so many people throw it away. So, yes, you can be as 'cool' as you want and say that you were super smart for 'knowing' that people are only selfish creatures, or whatever crap you want, but at a certain point it's just you being a cynical jerk. People are people, and the reasons behind why they give to the poor and in what ways they donate themselves to your definition of a 'greater cause' shouldn't be torn apart in such an uncaring and casual way. Yes, people like feeling good about themselves when they donate. No, the world isnt a filthy den of hypocrisy upon which civilization was founded. Yes, I'm hot and bothered. but mostly hot, the weather's been pretty crazy up here. It would suck to be homeless in Minnesota.


//ugh mostly just me being angsty at all the ultra-downers in this thread. I do agree that giving money does not correspond perfectly with caring. In the end, if you choose to "care about the poor", you'll end up having to arbitrarily limit the scope of your efforts or die trying... or just end up giving something that you can afford to give to everyone (say, for example, the heart to do something about some random asshole who's saying "**** the poor").


I think the question that ought to be asked is, what is this video trying to show us? Because obviously it aims to be a social experiment, so it must have a purpose, something to demonstrate.

And the issue is precisely that I don't think it demonstrates any point.

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