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Koiiro Chu! Lips - A denwatls translation.

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And today the Translation is complete!


Link to the blog post.


The patch includes several additional fixes, such as reduced volume on the OP/EP (65%), ability to skip the OP/EP, and a much needed spellcheck across all the files.  Simply place the patch in the game directory or overwrite the current one there and enjoy!

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Thanks all!  A small note: a stray period found its way into one of Nagisa's MPC tags and broke her path; the patch has been corrected and updated on the blog (ran through the rest of the path and looked ok, but definitely mention something if any others come up).  It doesn't affect anyone but Nagisa's route.

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So I started reading this visual novel with one word in mind: stone pot. Then I read "my parents are archaeologists and are currently off in some foreign country." 

It may be because I've been re-reading all of Jojo's Bizzare Adventure during work meetings but man, let there be no option: "put hand in pot". I keep thinking random african vampires will show up XD

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Just wondering, which way did you translate this VN? There are lots of times that the texts are completely different from what the character actually saying ( though the meaning is still somewhat the same ), and some are different from the tone of the character too.


The TL wasn't intended to be literal, we were aiming for something that sounded natural to an English speaker in English rather than something which was very heavily Japanese with an 'English coating' (compare Grisaia to Fate). As Moogy and others have pointed out, this has had the unintended effect of coming across as 'completely wrong' because the core audience for something like Koiiro are the heavy VN-otaku who are already expecting that type of TL. For example, on Karen's path, when she goes to make a move on Shizuku-Sensei,


Which is, more literally, 'While I can assuredly say I have 0% confidence in her, if I said so she would mugi (become extremely angry)'

was shortened to "Yes"

To avoid repetition from 5 lines earlier and to keep comedic effect, as well as convey a sense of irritation that was showing in Haruka.


Similarly, when trying to hook him up with Nagisa, The original line is:


Which is, more literally; 'Hah...... don't mind those rules!'

But the TL chose:

"Ha! Rules. What rules?"

To make it more stylistically Karen, who tends to have a blatant disregard for fore-planning and can be fairly reckless.


Similarly for:


"Time to enact super modified ultra-strategy: Sure Kill Mk. 3"


There's also a line in Mirai's ending where PeasSoft legitimately forgot to include the voice file (but kept the text), so there's a long string of text accompanying a 'ごめん'.


You'd have to give some examples for a more definitive answer; some are the types of changes already mentioned, some are blending of surrounding lines so they aren't so choppy, some are stylization, and some are the TL being wrong. Pulling examples from the VNTS thread: the part about leaving out 'ghost members' was intentional; one could not walk up to an English-native highschool student, ask them what a 'ghost club member' was, and reasonably expect them to understand the question (in the part of the world where the TL lives, at any rate). The >お姉さまと呼ばせてください >え?そっちの方もいけるの was a reference to Maria-Sama which the TL confirmed they hadn't read and thus didn't catch (fitting in something similar). Then there are occasions when the TL was legitimately asleep at the wheel, such as Ikuya's offer for lunch and Aisa willingly leaving the room (considering how late at night some of those commits are I wouldn't be surprised if it was a more literal 'asleep').


Bear in mind that Denwatls still lacks a TLC, so the TL never had a sanity check and was too busy driving progress to go back and re-verify all the lines. If there are any TLC who would be interested in running through the game and making notes about things like was done in VNTS we'd be interested in talking with them. Sadly TLCs are even more scarce than TLs.


Thanks for the translation, denwatls!

Just curious, which file(s) in the .xp3 file has the script for Nagisa's additional (removed) ending? I'm curious to read them.

It's Nagisa Day14/Scene 10, 14/11, and 15/6.

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You'd have to give some examples for a more definitive answer; some are the types of changes already mentioned, some are blending of surrounding lines so they aren't so choppy, some are stylization, and some are the TL being wrong

Hmm, for example, when Ikuya try to make a move on Karen on her first day at school :


Text :

Karen: Oh, I'm glad that you're looking for friends!

Ikuya: No, don't dismiss our destiny as something so simple!!


What the character actually saying:

Karen: Your joke is so funny!

Ikuya: No, I'm not joking around, what I said earlier is the truth!


P/s: I'm asking simply out of curiousity, it's not like I'm complaining or anything, ok?  :P


Actually I do have a small "complain" with the excessive using of "heavy word", like f***, as***** or such in Karen's lines. She is a girl after all, so even when she snapped, I dont think those words are suitable.

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Hmm, for example, when Ikuya try to make a move on Karen on her first day at school :


Text :

Karen: Oh, I'm glad that you're looking for friends!

Ikuya: No, don't dismiss our destiny as something so simple!!


What the character actually saying:

Karen: Your joke is so funny!

Ikuya: No, I'm not joking around, what I said earlier is the truth!


P/s: I'm asking simply out of curiousity, it's not like I'm complaining or anything, ok?  :P


Actually I do have a small "complain" with the excessive using of "heavy word", like f***, as***** or such in Karen's lines. She is a girl after all, so even when she snapped, I dont think those words are suitable.


That one's stylization.  面白い冗談ね is a pretty standard way of 'writing someone off', which is what the English text was put as an equivalent for.  Saying it literally as 'oh what a funny joke' came across as more demeaning than the Japanese line in the TL's opinion, which is why they went for 'being friends' as a more neutral stock phrase representative of someone just transfering into a class.

Similarly, Ikuya is coming across as being an incredible creep with "やだなぁ、冗談じゃないって~。さっきも言ったけど俺……マジだから", which is why the TL went for something creep-like in English.


Don't worry, the comments aren't being taken as inflamitory; simply that an honest answer to an honest question tends to be lengthy.




Nice job. My only concern is that theres a lot of internet meme like lines inserted here ad there like lololololololol.



The TL has noted that they're toning down the stylization for the next release so it fits closer to the Japanese text.  Ideally that will help resolve some of the dissonance between the vocals and text.

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It's not an ending we removed; PeasSoft make a bad-end for Nagisa which they later cut out of the game (considering how arbitrary the decision is between the ends, I can understand why they did).  We considered adding it back in, but decided on leaving the game as it was release.  The files are still there if you'd like to read them (get them from thr original data.xp3, they aren't in the patch), they're the day/scenes mentioned earlier.

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