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Holiday Pictures


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Hi everybody,


I'm responding to this, but know that Nayleen was the one to hear your cries, took pity on you, and made your case to me by email (so give him the credit  ;)).  We're willing to up the allowed avatar file size.  Also, why not bundle in the max allowed PMs?  We can up that, too!


But you have to earn these changes!


Before we'll increase the file size allowance for each avatar, and the PM limit (currently 75, will up it to 100), you as a community must prove that you are worthy by posting a cute, holiday image.


Once 10 separate members post holiday-themed pictures using VN characters, we will increase both the avatar size limit, and the PM limit for all members.


Here's an example (not included in the 10 images):


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Well, thread is now successfully derailed. Did you want these pictures for a blog entry, Tay? You sneaky person :P

...guess a mod is going to have to use the mass move function... if there is one


I hope the Santa Mare is used if that is the case xD

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Did you want these pictures for a blog entry, Tay? You sneaky person :P

*Shifty Eyes*  Uh, what? No... Surely not...  *Shifty Eyes* 


Great pictures, everyone! Congrats on earning those upgrades!

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