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Root Double- Before Crime * After Days - Kickstarter launched!


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Don't get me wrong, I do think this is a good vn (not "best" in my list, but should be somewhere around 8/10), but imo, I just think that they are doing a pretty bad job with KS and reward tiers on this one. That may be one of the reason why this KS is struggling so much, even though it should have been funded, like, in the first two weeks, optimistically speaking. That's why I don't really want to back it.

There is also another reason, since I just backed Libra, and I will be moving to another city soon, and the shipping fees for my mountain of anime goods are killing me, so I have to restrain myself from using money recklessly <_< 

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I don't think you can judge it to be "somewhere around 8/10" for you when you only know background information about the story, but okay...

Regarding tiers, I don't think it's all SP's fault; I mean, what they have to work with is what they have to work with, so yeah. 

PR/marketing though, yeah that's probably more of SP's problem. 



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5 minutes ago, Satsuki said:

Nah, I played about, 1/3, or 1/2, I don't know, of the common route, so I can kind of tell how good the game is. Don't know about heroine routes though.

Wait what, there is no "common route" in Root Double... and no heroine routes either. 

If you mean you just played 1/3 or 1/2 of Root A, then I don't think that's nearly enough to judge the overall quality. 

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Don't ask me, I haven't done with the game yet, so I have no idea if there is a route or not. I stalled it half-way because of...reason.

I can't judge the overall quality, of course, but from what I have read, it seems to be a good game, that's it. I rated a lot of other games base on the trial too.

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13 minutes ago, WinterfuryZX said:

I think the problem here is not the PRs but SP overall reputation. I keep reading of people that won't fund it specificAlly because it's a SP project, like..."dovac is a dick", "they have to learn to finish their ongoing projects before starting new ones" , and such... 

Did people decide that just now for Root Double? This is the worst possible time for people to give up on SP... save it for some run-of-the-mill VN, not Root Double... gahhh.

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Vita version confirmed: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/sekaiproject/root-double-before-crime-after-days-xtend-edition/posts/1473372

> programming will be handled by Regista, will take at least a year to release due to multiple factors.

That's not great, but at least it's something? 

edit: Oh, I almost missed it:

> the PSVita port is exclusive to the $225 tier and up.

So yeah, if you were waiting for the Vita port, maybe keep on waiting until it releases on PSN some time in 2017. Unless you are just that dedicated, I guess.

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I'm not sure how to feel about this update honestly... the gameplay video looks amazing, but...

$225 and above for the Vita, along with taking at least a year to release... that's pretty rough. I'd feel much better if the Vita were in the $150 tier.

I was expecting tier updates to be more than just Vita + name addition to the True Ending credits...


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The whole can't be physical copy because the VN is too big is complete bullshit. They could easily spit the game into two discs (or whatever it is the vita uses) like they used to do for games in the past.

This kickstarter has been one mistake after the other and honestly I've yet to back it because of it. Every time I get a slight inclination to maybe back at the 30 dollar tier they do something else to make me think this is just a mess. The fact they plan to get it out by March (unless I misread and they meant next year) means that it's quite obvious that the game is already complete or close to completion as far as translation goes. I am not quite sure why they are bothering with a kickstarter they could of sold the game normally and likely would have made over their goal by simply doing it that way.

Sekai Project simply needs to learn to not announce a game as releasing with the "If the Kickstarter is successful". Japanese companies are trying to take advantage of Kickstarter. I backed the Libra Project primarily because of the fact it was a new game and by a studio trying to push into the market...they also had an extremely successful kickstarter both in tiers, feedback, reaching out to the community, etc... This has been the complete opposite. I would love to play Root Double but I am not going to be kickstarting it. If it makes Kickstarter then I'll pick the game up for 30 to 40 dollars upon successful release on PC. I have a theory that if (big if) the game has already had so much work done for it that they won't simply ignore trying to make back some of those funds and we'll see the game again with either a better kickstarter or as a normal release...that's assuming they've put any work into it. The only difference is they might release the game without voices to try and recuperate expected loss. 

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