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Completed Aiyoku no Eustia, I enjoyed it very much. High pace, great art and loads of music tracks. I have some complains about the game though, but I can put that to the side considering how much I enjoyed it overall. Really great game. (Spoiler for those who have read the game)

Basically what annoyed me was the overblown drama at times. I most just laughed at those so no bigge. Most annoying was the side routes that really aren't more than sex scenes, they are like... spotting the true route of the game. Why they did it like that I have no idea. They should have made it so they everyone would die or something at the end of each side route. Much more fitting.

Also the ending was friggin utsuge man, saaad. Jesus. Also consdering the appendix story where Caim is in his cabin dreaming so sad. Comparing that to the side routes it's like the devs are flipping the bird straight in our faces. Never the less I enjoyed it overall, so I will give it a high score.


Now I'll be reading Kono Oozora ni, Tsubasa wo Hirogete, I'll maybe add something to the side as well. Some of the VN's I have laid on the side for a while. Ruitomo or DDC maybe. Or something new, I am not sure.


I think it's kind of funny how much of a middle finger the side routes are, honestly. When you think about it, Caim screwing around with his fancy new waifu basically means he never finds out the secrets of Novus Aether, leading to the city inevitably crashing into the dirt. Even Licia's, Tia wouldn't have caim to stop her from sending the city to the ground when Lucius ties her up. So, it's kinda hilarious to think about all the mini sideroutes being a cluster of badends.

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I think it's kind of funny how much of a middle finger the side routes are, honestly. When you think about it, Caim screwing around with his fancy new waifu basically means he never finds out the secrets of Novus Aether, leading to the city inevitably crashing into the dirt. Even Licia's, Tia wouldn't have caim to stop her from sending the city to the ground when Lucius ties her up. So, it's kinda hilarious to think about all the mini sideroutes being a cluster of badends.


At first I thought the same as well. But I wonder, does the city really fall in the side routes? I would guess they do because the angel is lacking power to hold it up. But in some of the routes around 6 months pass or even more considering Eris pregnancy and the quakes stop. Lucius continues his research with Tia, but Caim doesn't know what happens there. Which imo can only mean one thing, he manages to keep the city floating with Tia.


You might guess that the if Tia tries to replace the angel, Tia will go crazy. Leading to the city crashing down and everyone dying. I am guessing Tia doesn't go crazy because she doesn't love Caim as much as in the Main route. The trigger that made her mind break and fall into hating mankind was because she couldn't bear the thought of Caim loving another woman. If Caim doesn't show affection to her as he did in the 5th chapter, it seems like her mind never breaks.


Thus this makes Tia become the next angel to hold up the city. This is frankly ridiculous.

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At first I thought the same as well. But I wonder, does the city really fall in the side routes? I would guess they do because the angel is lacking power to hold it up. But in some of the routes around 6 months pass or even more considering Eris pregnancy and the quakes stop. Lucius continues his research with Tia, but Caim doesn't know what happens there. Which imo can only mean one thing, he manages to keep the city floating with Tia.


You might guess that the if Tia tries to replace the angel, Tia will go crazy. Leading to the city crashing down and everyone dying. I am guessing Tia doesn't go crazy because she doesn't love Caim as much as in the Main route. The trigger that made her mind break and fall into hating mankind was because she couldn't bear the thought of Caim loving another woman. If Caim doesn't show affection to her as he did in the 5th chapter, it seems like her mind never breaks.


Thus this makes Tia become the next angel to hold up the city. This is frankly ridiculous.


Try to think of it this way:

really simplified model, but enough to get my point across: each time you make a desicion, the world branches in two separate parallel worlds - one where you made decision A and another one where you made decision B. So when you go for a side-route, in that separate world chain of events, different circumstances and "random" factors result in a different outcome altogether. You know, something like butterfly effect. So the city never falls, or even the uprising never happens, or even Melt is alive... this makes perfect sense imo. Well, I believe (major G-sen spoiler next)

the protag of G-sen was Mao himself in all routes except Haru's

- so I never have any problems with alternative developments.

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Try to think of it this way:

really simplified model, but enough to get my point across: each time you make a desicion, the world branches in two separate parallel worlds - one where you made decision A and another one where you made decision B. So when you go for a side-route, in that separate world chain of events, different circumstances and "random" factors result in a different outcome altogether. You know, something like butterfly effect. So the city never falls, or even the uprising never happens, or even Melt is alive... this makes perfect sense imo. Well, I believe (major G-sen spoiler next)

the protag of G-sen was Mao himself in all routes except Haru's

- so I never have any problems with alternative developments.


Good example. I can see why you like the structure. I can say that it improves the quality of the main story at the cost of the side routes. The side routes become more "less" complete because of big change in events (That's what I feel anyway). I suppose what I disliked with it was that In Eustia. The protag's lack of reason of living is destorying the city and its people 1 chapter at a time. When he might as well just chosen some heroine at the start and be happy >_>


The Mao thing was really problematic part of the game, he might have been. I have no idea. haha. Anyway I remember I didn't like the similar story structure as in G-senjou. Don't get me wrong though, it is good. But It just feels like they left something aside. Opinions, Opinions haha.

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I suppose what I disliked with it was that In Eustia. The protag's lack of reason of living is destorying the city and its people 1 chapter at a time. When he might as well just chosen some heroine at the start and be happy >_>

I can see your point, and according to "my" theory he actually did it - there're countless parallel worlds with countless combinations of events and outcomes. And we were, like, shown only the most interesting of them. Tia's route wouldn't be interesting at all if Caim made a move on her from the very strart, and the princess would be out of reach if there were no uprising, etc.

And I even have a friend who dropped the game after the princess' route, saying he didn't like Tia and that the city will surely be okay under the new queen. So I don't think side routes are lacking - it's just the main story is so damn epic :)

Ah, it feels so good to be able to chat about my favorite VNs... :rolleyes:

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I can see your point, and according to "my" theory he actually did it - there're countless parallel worlds with countless combinations of events and outcomes. And we were, like, shown only the most interesting of them. Tia's route wouldn't be interesting at all if Caim made a move on her from the very strart, and the princess would be out of reach if there were no uprising, etc.

And I even have a friend who dropped the game after the princess' route, saying he didn't like Tia and that the city will surely be okay under the new queen. So I don't think side routes are lacking - it's just the main story is so damn epic :)

Ah, it feels so good to be able to chat about my favorite VNs... :rolleyes:


Haha, so true. I think that's an interesting way to look at it. I pretty much just thought about it outcomes connected to the choices in the game. If he did something different such as liking Tia early on, the game would be a lot different yeah haha. Fun to think about.

I can understand your friend view, argubly Lucia's end was one of the happier & interesting ones. I really didn't like Tia before the 4th chapter tbh. She was quite annoying before that. After that I really liked her.

The main story was massive haha, long and awesome.

My opinion is always right! xD


Edit: btw, I should prbly mention it's because of you I played Eusita. I looked through your Vndb account and saw it had 10/10 score ^^

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Aya is the most boring of all heroines, don't force yourself to read her route (and devs knew this too, that's why she doesn't have a route in the second game) ;)

Really? I always try to read all the routes so I can give the VN an appropriate rating - Muv Luv was the only VN so far where I couldn't push myself to do that, just because the characters were mostly unlikeable to me. But since Aya seems reasonably cute so far and I like her seiyuu, I think I should be able to manage. If it gets really bad, I'll follow your advice and skip. :) I'll do hers first after all, just so I leave the better ones for last.


Also, you and Bolverk are getting me really hyped for Eustia... I'll probably have to read that after the second AkaGoei. :o

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Too bad you didn't like the structure of this game - I think it's the best for plot-driven VNs.

You have your story that escalates with each loop of the main plot spiral, and you have your moe-moe with heroines to relax in between. Well, I didn't read Seijo's and her servan't routes because they weren't my type, and it didn't make the game less enjoyable - it's a great thing that you can go for a moe-branch or continue with story-trunk righ away.

By the way, Eustia and Akagoei-2 are the only two VNs I rated 10/10 :)


By game structure, do you mean the way the routes are build in? Or the system they use to get you to read the routes?


I've been thinking about reading this game for a long time, but I always put it aside. I'm really curious though; it sounds like the story is good and what I hear from everyone here the pace is great too. 

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Edit: btw, I should prbly mention it's because of you I played Eusita. I looked through your Vndb account and saw it had 10/10 score ^^

Wow, I must've done something to get such attention :) Well, you enjoyed the game and that's what matters the most.


By game structure, do you mean the way the routes are build in? Or the system they use to get you to read the routes?

I don't really see any difference between the two, but anyway it's G-sen type.

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Wow, I must've done something to get such attention :) Well, you enjoyed the game and that's what matters the most.

I have this stalker hobby that I look at other peoples vndb's. What triggered that I looked at yours, was that you also loved Akagoei-2. :brofist: :D


Reading Drapeko! Right now, also got it from your list, downloaded it like 2 weeks ago. Got to playing it today ^^

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I don't really see any difference between the two, but anyway it's G-sen type.


Hmm, thats ok, you gave me the answer I wanted. ^^ I wondered what you thought was a good structure for plot driven VNs. I agree G-senjou style is a nice way to present a good story. 


Based on this; Eustia on #1 in my plan to read list now after I finish I/O.

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I have this stalker hobby that I look at other peoples vndb's. What triggered that I looked at yours, was that you also loved Akagoei-2. :brofist: :D

Yeah, I've added you to my friendlist after we fist talked about Akagoei ^_^ And now I've looked at your vndb and it seems I've read most of your high-rated VNs (I just don't vote for TLed games to keep track how much I read in moonspeak). Well, I'd probably go for Eden sooner or later.


Reading Drapeko! Right now, also got it from your list, downloaded it like 2 weeks ago. Got to playing it today ^^

And now I'm envious again, though this one is not a liked-by-everyone type. Just don't die from dehydration, if you know what I mean B)


Based on this; Eustia on #1 in my plan to read list now after I finish I/O.

You can read moonspeak? You vndb votes seem to be only on TLed titles, and Eustia is not fully TLed.

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You can read moonspeak? You vndb votes seem to be only on TLed titles, and Eustia is not fully TLed.


Oh.. right. Yea I remember, it only has a partial patch. :mellow: I was planning to read it in the future because I'm learning moonspeak atm, but I only tried to read simple things and I really need a dictionary. So, this might be a big challenge; it might take really long to read it without expanding my vocabulary first.


Are you fluent in moonspeak or still learning too?

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Yeah, I've added you to my friendlist after we fist talked about Akagoei ^_^ And now I've looked at your vndb and it seems I've read most of your high-rated VNs (I just don't vote for TLed games to keep track how much I read in moonspeak). Well, I'd probably go for Eden sooner or later.


The vn's I've read in moonspeak I have added to owning a game in releases*. Aka green 1/1. Pretty much my way of categorizing them.

I enjoyed Eden* Though the way Minori makes drama kinda rubs me the wrong way. Same as with Ef* they made. Other than that, a great VN.


And now I'm envious again, though this one is not a liked-by-everyone type. Just don't die from dehydration, if you know what I mean B)

nyahahah, I am laughing a lot so far through the novel. Lol that joke was multifolded consdering this game haha xD

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One should never stop learning, but by the time I was reading Eustia I managed to understand ~98% of it.


That's so nice... I'm a bit jealous  :lol: There are so many VNs I want to read that are not TLed, but I'm working my butt off for it so I should be able to read everything I want in the near future!  ^_^ I hope

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