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Everything posted by Nashetania

  1. How could I forget about it?! You fool!
  2. Happens to me all the time (especially during calls). But I'm not really flattered by that
  3. Too much of sweet for me But the art of the game looks really interesting!
  4. Just tell them to tell you that whenever they ask you for anything . If they don't ask you to do anything for you, then you are a 0/10 big brother unworthy of being called onii-chan. Yeah, mine only calls me onii-sama :/ 0/10 brother well mine calls me aniue :/ 0/10 brother They used to ask me for stuff. It's kind of hard now that they live in PA and NJ while I'm in FL. I guess abandoning them makes me a -2/10 big brother. do you want an incest route? Not at all. We're blood related. I don't see the problem
  5. Well, I have no sister at all, even though I wished for one my whole life Or if I at least was born as girl
  6. All the people with download speed faster than upload speed... And I am here like;
  7. Tell me that's not real... the last frame clearly has photoshop but yeah it's real Creepy...
  8. Today, I played Custom Maid 2 for my first time. I liked it. I don't know how exactly to say this... but let her know you're there. Let her know that you do still care about her and her worrying about you, but that's all you need to say. Tell her that currently you don't feel like you can talk easily with her, that you aren't ready to talk. Just let her know how you feel, if she truly cares about you she will respect that. Well I'm just going to say it After a lot of thoughts I figured why I avoid her so much, she kinda wants to start something with me and I don't think it's a good idea (in fact is a terrible idea) in the end she is going to get hurt so i want her to forget about me, get mad or whatever but to stop thinking about me and carry on with her life. I know it sounds mean and maybe the way I'm handling the whole situation is not the best one but I don't see any other way. I'm similar to himeko in narcissu so it's better for her to stay away from me now JUST DO IT!
  9. You have two ways to go about this (since I assume you want to keep seeing her) a) You pretend nothing happened or b) You sit down and talk to her. Now, I would recommend option b since it would only strengthen your relationship in my eyes. You guys are really close so I can assume she would be accepting of most things you told her anyways. Now on how to go about this: I would agree with Funya. The best way to present this issue is writing down how it made you feel in concise points at first (this is just for yourself, so you can structure the entire thing beforehand). Tell her about your experiences as a guy, how you felt forced into continuing something you didn't want to do, how you felt like shit after it. It's important to communicate your emotions towards each other, but more importantly is how you present it. As long as your starting point is your own feelings, it should be fine. If you approach the issue any other way, you might risk making her feel bad about it (I'm sure she had good intentions about all this) which would probably only worsen the situation. If she's really as close a friend as you say she is, she'll appreciate you even more for telling her about this. Also, please PM me if you feel the need to talk to someone about this in private. I was trained for this kind of stuff after all. PS: Thank you for sharing this story with us, Ren. I can't even imagine how hard this must be for you. I think you're a very brave and wonderful person and I'm sure everyone here agrees, please don't forget that. If he felt awful about it then he has all the right to complain. Don't be a bully. Having different opinion ≠ Bully If someone is being bully right now, it's you.
  10. They say "revenge is sweet" but I'm not sure if this was the best option.
  11. Complaining about "rape". It's just you and me again then, Nash O-oh... I see
  12. I'll say this again, yes. Hidden Content yep E-Eeeeh...? I'm sure there is at least one gamer out there excluding me that's like: "Fallout 4? Fuck that shit!" ....Right?
  13. Am I the only one who doesn't really want to play Fallout 4?
  14. Hello and welcome! I hope you enjoy your stay!
  15. "What is your age?" Under 18 or 19-25... TFW no 18 option.
  16. Meaning of life is to enjoy it (the life) to the fullest !
  17. That shit has 6 episodes already? That shit already finished airing.
  18. It's all fun and games until you get to 6th episode of Gakkou Gurashi
  19. Hello and welcome! I hope you enjoy your time Also the only oddball on this site is Kawasumi
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